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Here on this Daryl from daily Competition has come to you live I'm From Vietnam Mary Merry Christmas so This is a Christmas day here in Vietnam Guys so it's a great time to be live and Uh it's pretty sunny today it's 25 Degrees Celsius and uh it's a good time To be live but just at the beach with The wife and kids it's a late afternoon Now so we're just going for a strolling Woolly wall so let's talk about uh let's Talk about crypto let's talk about Everything related to crypto so Basically as I said in this morning's Video basically crypto is just going Sideways sidey sideways and nothing is Really going to happen and nothing is Happening right now and uh you know but This gives me a little bit of uh you Know a huge huge uh you know warning Sign out there because typically when Crypto just goes in this long huge Accumulation phase often what happens is Something happens and you know right now We don't really know if it's going to be To the downside or the upside uh you Know the the good news is this wave is About to uh attack me now so I'm moving Over so the good news is that you know The SPF thing is coming to a close in Terms of you know he's been arrested He's been extradited he's now in uh Uh you know he's bossy bear and he's Done all those things so that's kind of
That's kind of like washing out of the Whole uh news cycle right now the other Thing to keep in mind on keep in mind on Right now is that the finance fund is Already washed out the news cycle is Also that's completed so you know the Fun about binance is very much dying Down but let's get back to crypto we've Seen a huge huge accumulation uh not Only for for Bitcoin ethereum we've seen A huge accumulation as well for Dogecoin Most of crypto out there so a lot of People are predicting that we're not Going to get a Santa rally You know typically typically you know From Christmas to New Year most of the Markets in terms of crypto do do Actually pump up uh but I don't think We're going to see that this year Hopefully hopefully I'm wrong out there And we will see uh crypto go up that Would be fantastic that would be great But I'm not expecting too much out there But we can and should expect that crypto Is going to make a move we just can't Keep going sideways for a very long time And from my perspective if we keep going Sideways for a very long time and the Broader markets are you know going down More than they're going up we can Probably expect that crypto is probably Going to have a a huge move to the Downside so that's what I'm thinking and Uh you know we're not going to see much
Economic data coming out of the U.S so That's really not going to affect the Markets uh you know I think that we're Going to be having a huge accumulation Probably to the third or third or fifth Of January out there and uh and then After that once we get some kind of you Know information I've had then we could Uh then we could see crypto move to the Downside so you know what am I doing Right now like I said in my other Previous videos I'm doing absolutely not A not a thing right now uh I'm not even Dollar cost a dollar cost averaging I'm Really waiting for you know things to Get back to normal and we're not going To see things get back to normal until Probably the third to or the fifth of January so I'm expecting that we could Be seeing more accumulation happening uh We should get some kind of indication Which direction Market is going to be Going probably after the first week of January but I'm I'm unfortunately going To tell you that most of it is going to Be downside correction you could see a Lot of downside Corrections so that's What I'm thinking we're still waiting For Elon Musk to go on a Twitter spaces And he's supposed to be talking about Dogecoin something related to Dogecoin But that that didn't happen that's not Happening so that's a little bit Disappointing out there I was really
Expecting that uh you know we hear Something from him he may say something Later let's see what happens with that So you know right now we're seeing that You know Dogecoin is basically trading Uh below eight cents out there guys There's there's a there's a there's a Water gun so you know Dogecoin is Trading around about eight cents right Now that's what's going on with that and We're seeing that that Bitcoin is just Under 17 000 ethereum as well is uh just Going sideways but there was uh you know Printing a nice bull flag uh formation Out there so we could get a break to the Upside pretty soon so that that is that Could be cool guys that could actually Be cool out there so it's a glorious day Guys just just take a look at where we Are look take a look guys we got the Beach over here The mountains over there and we got all Of you out there at YouTube land so yeah It's a it's just a you know laid-back Kind of Christmas day here uh in Vietnam In the next city and the weather is fine Guys thank goodness the weather is fine Because I could be putting a real huge Debbie Downer on things if things are Not fine so that's that's kind of what I'm thinking uh so guys expect to expect A pretty big move to the downside soon Uh and uh you know I think that we're Probably gonna get the the fat is
Probably going to be easing their rates Probably after uh q1 is finished I said In my previous videos so you know don't Expect that I think I think we're not Going to see too much more crypto Contagion happening I think we're going To see that you know it seems that Crypto is settling down now we could be Seeing that the feds soon the fatty fat Fat out there he's going to pull back on The raids and they're going to do Quantitative seasoning looks like there Could be some stimulus checks coming out As well so that can help crypto because Most people are going to take their Stimulus checks and buy crypto I mean I Hope they do I actually hope they do but You know something that's kind of Concerning to me is that the Gensler in The house you know who he is he's uh he Uh you know may want to be and start Cracking down on crypto he could be Cracking locking locking like crazy out There so that could be that could be Happening I mean I'm I'm okay with Regulation what do you guys think about Regulation I think some regulation is Good uh and if you guys if you guys you Know want to be careful out there you Know just invest in the top projects Guys you know diversification is always Key get some Bitcoin happening get some With hearing happening uh stay in the Top 10 projects pick up some Dojo uh I I
Don't think that we're going to see Those going past 10 cents by year end I Don't think I don't see see that Happening I know a lot of you are kind Of hating on me for for saying that here Comes a ways again look I might get my Shoes right so I know that a lot of you Are going to be hating hating on the OG For saying that but you know I'm not Gonna I'm not gonna you know say Something that's a complete lie out There I want to you know just keep it Real keep it honest uh with you guys so That's what I'm doing that's what you Should be doing out there is uh you know Don't plan on Dogecoin going past 10 Cents I mean if it does I mean if it if It does that'll be great I'll I'll be Happy about that uh what do I expect for 2023 I'm not expecting too much of 2023 As well for Dogecoin I think a Dogecoin Could probably see uh you know 50 50 Cents maximum but if uh if Elon Musk Does does tell us that uh you know Dogecoin is going to be the Cryptocurrency of Twitter and all that We get the Dogecoin keeping shot maybe You could see maybe Dogecoin coming in Much higher that would be great I also Don't forget we got the Dogecoin X Submission to the Moon that's supposed To be coming when that's going to come I Don't know we're still waiting on that One to happen uh it's supposed to be
Happening sometime in q1 so that that's Going to help uh send those going up Guys so you know once again Dogecoin is About a community Dogecoin is about you It's about me out there and Dogecoin is A great great entry Gateway crypto that Kind of just opens a whole world of Crypto out there so that is that is Really good and and keep in mind that You know Doge has been in the top eight Spot for very very long time out there So that is good guys that's absolutely Good and I think doors is going to Continue to be strong it will be even Stronger 2023 and it all depends on you Guys you guys absolutely need to have Diamond hands Diamond hands keep focused Uh buy the dips guys be buying buy the Dips that is really cool and just how Definitely by 2025 we could be seeing That Dogecoin could be worth a tiny ton Ton uh we can see Dogecoin I think we Could see Village Point at least two or Three x from here are or even four Actually even 10x in 2025 we can see we Get that dollar and we can see those Point definitely uh going up at least 10x from here so you know 10x is definitely possible so you know Get ready for that and uh you just have To be patient wait for life changing Well that's all you have to do that's All you need to do guys so that's going To bring this quickie beach video to an
End guys so be well be blessed go down There lick the likes and don't forget to Check out all the linky winkies guys we Got the we got the Dogecoin temperature We've got the Discord guys be part of The food conversation if you're not Getting notifications from our friends Your friends at YouTube then definitely Uh check out uh the Discord group and Get the merch guys I appreciate it so I'll see you all Absolutely I'll see you All the next one guys I got my I got my Order at division policy oh next one be Well be blessed I'll see you next one Peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you foreign [Music]