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There is a battle happening against Binance right now and in my opinion Kevin O'Leary is on the front end of That so what we're going to do in this Video is I have some huge cryptocurrency Updates to talk about in this video We're going to take a look at what Kevin O'Leary was actually saying in the USA Just recently about binance the crypto Exchange we're going to be talking about Some other crypto politicians who are Speaking a lot more sense than Kevin O'Leary in my opinion and I also want to Update you guys on some critical Information that you need to know in the Crypto Market from a macro point of view And also from a big picture point of View and then when I jump into the Crypto prices at the end so a high value Video for you guys today you're in for a Treat coming from crypto Zeus so guys if You enjoy it hit the thumbs up button Please it really helps out the channel And guys let's get straight into this Update I want to kick off with this Segment from Kevin O'Leary what he's Saying about binance and why I think There is a battle being waged against Binance right now so let's listen in to Exactly exactly what he says in the Crypto Market that FDX failed I have an Opinion I don't have the records here it Is these two behemoths that own the Unregulated market together and grow
These incredible businesses in terms of Growth we're at war with each other and One put the other out of business Intentionally now maybe there's nothing Wrong with that maybe there's nothing Wrong with Love and War but Finance is a Massive unregulated Global Monopoly now They put FTX out of business so I want To just pause right there and I have to Call out Kevin O'Leary right now so I'm Here to give you guys my honest opinion On exactly what's going on the crypto Market and something absolutely stinks With Kevin O'Leary right now and the Feedback over on Twitter is not good for Mr Wonderful so is he really wonderful Anymore I'm not sure because the truth Is we've analyzed the situation and the Only people who put FTX out of business Essentially was themselves so again if You take customer money you take crypto Deposit money and you you misappropriate That you miss you co-mingle those funds You are to blame for yourselves going Out of business nothing to do with Finance so I am a believer that there is An absolute conspiracy against binance Right now so I'm not a fan of what Kevin O'Leary is saying but I am a fan of what I think Cynthia lummus from the USA is Saying so let's have a listen into what She said she had some very valuable Insight right here so let's just uh sum It up and listen into what she has to
Say in the market today we're conflating Topics today uh digital assets are not On trial fraud And organizations Are on trial so let's separate Digital assets from corrupt Organizations FTX as I've been saying for the last few Weeks is good old-fashioned fraud and What they did is separate from digital Assets Now we've all heard that FTX lent its Executives hundreds of millions of Dollars in co-mingled customer funds for Personal use and customers who tried to Wire money to FTX were instead given Alameda's routing number That is fraud that's fraud whether it's Conducted in U.S dollars or Euros or Digital assets that is fraud so I'm an Absolutely massive fan of what Miss Lamas is saying right here in the market So I think Kevin O'Leary is trying to Create a narrative right now that Binance is to blame and it's so fishy What he is doing and uh you can see him Get called out live over on Twitter so People are not really happy with what Kevin O'Leary is saying right here so BS Is getting called on Kevin O'Leary right Now in the crypto market and you know is He up to tricks can we trust Kevin O'Leary I don't know if we can I don't Know if I do right now and you have to
Call a spade a spade in the crypto Market and we're not fans of Fraud and We're not fans of what happened on the FTX crypto exchange and what's happening Right now as you can see uh Sam bankman Freed he is in jail okay so he's in jail Right now in the Bahamas and he's going To be in jail until the February the 8th 2020 Threes that extradition to the USA most Likely going to happen and if we have a Look at some other massive macro Economic news you need to be aware of That does impact the crypto Market the FED has recently raised the interest Rates half a point to the highest levels In 15 years okay so the interest rate Rises they are continuing so the battle Against inflation it's continuing Interest rates are going up you can see The Swiss central banks have hiked Interest rates recently uh to curb Inflation so a lot of central banks out There are increasing interest rates to Counter inflation in the market if we do Have a look at bitcoin's price right now And you can see we did have a bit of a Rally yesterday in uh bitcoin's price so It was getting some really good news About the CPI data not being as bad as Expected and then recently after the Interest rate Rises have went through You can see a little bit of a dampener On the overall price of our Bitcoin
Right there so Bitcoin falling slightly In the last 24 hours a big sell-off Potentially right there from eighteen Thousand three hundred down to you know The seventeen thousand level right now And uh so what's happening right now is Binance is under a lot of pressure I Think there's a bit of a campaign Happening against binance right now Caesar himself is uh you know Communicating about trust wallet and Things like that over on Twitter but There is a lot of um a fud going around About binance there is a bit of an Impact on the BNB coin currently you can See it down around uh four percent in The last 24 hours but I'm staying Bullish on BNB I'm staying bullish on Binance and I don't think binance has Really done anything wrong in regards to FDX so I treat them completely as Separate exchanges and uh each exchange Is responsible for its own operations And I think some funny business is Getting played in cryptocurrency right Now and we also got that warning coming Out of Elon Musk just recently and he Said right here at the risk of stating Obvious be aware of debt in turbulent Macro economic conditions especially When the FED keeps raising rates so Watch out for the interest rate right Devices in the future and if we do take A look at the overall crypto prices
Today how are we tracking on multiple Cryptocurrencies out there in the market So Bitcoin down just slightly around one Percent in the last 24 hours after the FED raise of interest rates BNB down Four percent so BNB on the week is down Around seven percent overall but I'm Still bullish on binance I'm still Bullish on the BNB coin right there I'm Not getting flooded out of the market The other crypto is down slightly today So a little bit of a sell-off on the Crypto Market ship down slightly right There and uh how is Luna classic Tracking the market so Luna classic is Down slightly as well but that is a bit Of an overall big picture update of the Crypto market so some very interesting Things happening in the USA I would say It's a political battle happening right Now behind the scenes and uh we're gonna Stay up to date and I did like this post From Elon Musk and he says right here What we do in life and I think the end Of that quote is uh echoes in eternity So if you know Gladiator I'm a fan of That movie and uh some very exciting Things happening in the crypto Market But guys that's a big update I Appreciate you guys tuning into the Video hopefully you got some value out Of this video if you did hit the thumbs Up button and I'll see you guys in the Next one crypto Zeus signing out