Bitcoin BLASTING To $20k? (Gemini CRUSHED By Regulators)

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Foreign All right I got to get in on that intro I got to be like Heidi can we Photoshop Me in one of the windows you know and uh Maybe uh one of the ones in the Bahamas Uh maybe you can Photoshop me inside of Sbf's apartment and I'm like banging as Uh you know Ben's walking or at least Like maybe I'm the cameraman for Alex I Got to get in on that I got we've been Uh where's Bennett Oh Ben wait a minute you're not TJ who Are you I'm Drew I'm Drew Uh Ben's out in Kentucky checking out Some property with TJ all right all Right uh you know it's not moonshine or Nothing like that they're not making a You know whiskey Stills they might be Coming back with some birds for me Though so okay okay some foul yes all Right some peace Have you ever had turducken I have not But I've heard good things all right Well I'm sorry mhma7 I'm gonna try to Bring the fire uh thank you ctz for Deleting it but you know what I don't Mind uh I don't mind a little bit of uh Pain a little Pain's good helps Everybody Welcome to the morning stream This is going to be the best morning Stream you've ever seen you don't even Want to know what's inside my cup but Whatever's inside there is gonna got me Bringing the hot takes the hottest takes

Anywhere on the blockchain welcome we're Talking about market watch we're talking About Bitcoin Tesla Gemini FTX board Abe Yacht Club xrp and some quick hits for You and maybe even some time for some Questions let us know let's get right Into it make sure you are sub 2 around The blockchain though this is uh where We have moved ATB if you're wondering Hey I don't see uh you know the goofy Guy with the ball cap uh you know at 5 PM anymore it is because we have moved We are now over 10K Subs 12.7 uh Yesterday's episode was really really Good really hot takes Cowboy ended up Winning it there he's uh man he was on One wasn't he Cowboy always comes with This chaotic metaphor that ends up Making sense if you really think about It five minutes later yeah yeah he uh he Leans heavily on fart metaphors I don't Know what's going on with his diet maybe It's high protein uh that does track he Is a cowboy so it's a lot of beef and Chili yeah so he's just consuming Nothing but legumes and meat so of Course he's a little gassy but you know What he's still bringing uh it's not all Hot air uh he also has some good takes Too I want to share something with Everybody though there is something that We're working on uh that I'm a part of The promotional team the marketing team And that is vumio if you want to go to the URL is cut off It's a new nft Marketplace really really Cool video with the claymate with uh Some Solana nft the Degen ape Academy Also the mutant ape there's a coda Flying around but what I want to share Is you can get early access to the beta I'm gonna tell you there's gonna be some Good deals on the beta uh you know just To get some listing started we might put Some really cheap floor listings out There so if you want to get in on that Uh go ahead try to claim a nickname Enter your email in for that early beta Access and make sure you're following us I think you just have to click a thing Prove you're not a robot and then you'll Get your emails let you know so Sign up go to go there right Now all right make sure you follow me on Twitter 39.2 000 39 000 feels pretty good but I Wonder what 40 000 would feel like I bet Pretty good did I just see you step by Step uh thing there what nfts are you Looking at this weekend I will buy at Least two uh those who follow my Twitter No I come through I am going to buy two And it's not gonna be uh 70 Cent nfts on Wax although if you show me a good wax Nft I might buy it I might buy it but no Probably uh gonna be buying some on eth Maybe some on cardano maybe even someone Al Gran maybe even some on xrp so uh

Show me what you're trying to pump and I'll look into it and I'll I'll buy a Couple here all right also around the Blockchain we have ATB daily uh Great Clips coming out there my favorite part About ATV daily is the uh that we use This AI thing to to make some cool Graphics and sometimes it works great Sometimes they make metallic look like [Music] Look at Charles Look of italic uh this is just so Hilarious so you gotta check it out look At this O'Leary uh yeah if if you want To follow for any reason uh follow just For some good laughs uh we just passed 3 000 followers so make sure you go there All right let's get uh oh wait a minute The book tour band is gonna be up on a Book tour uh it's coming up a little It's about a week and a half from now uh If you don't have that book what are you Doing you can make sure uh Hey if you Live nearby go to one of the book tours And then make them read it uh make them Have to sign a copy it's a great gift All right Let's see oh I'm the uh oh oh okay okay Thank you uh K coin coin 25 there Um yeah I don't I think you know Spreading the crypto gospel is a good Thing you want to say that's Shilling You know if you want to say educating People on blockchain is Shilling I'm

Gonna chill till the day I die why Because the bankers the central banks Your government they're stealing your Wealth and if me educating people and so They can maybe avoid the biggest wealth Transfer in history where the Haves and The have-nots are just going to be even More powerful sure that's fine be part Of that system me I'm going to be part Of the system that fights that you know There's Robin Hood there's the Mary the Mary thieves and then there's King Nottingham or whatever if you want to Support the Sheriff of Nottingham Support Sheriff of Nottingham that's Fine you can do whatever you want I know I'm with the Mary uh gang of Thieves There uh which you have some children I Think that's okay to say I'm not going To say their names or their ages or Their weights or anything but uh are you Put them on to the old cartoon movies Oh so yeah Um well we're starting with the Simpsons Starting with the Simpsons okay they're All infants wow interesting choice there But uh yeah The Simpsons that we're Gonna start with I'm not afraid to like Show them you know I I don't want to shelter them too much You know what I mean they have to be Exposed to I'm letting them watch Disney Even though Disney's doing what it's Doing now the old Disney's good I like

The Little Mermaid so I'm okay I'm okay With Disney it's not it's not a big deal To me hey someone lives in Nottingham uh A fun fact about uh you know Robin Hood Robin Hood didn't steal from the rich And gave to the poor he stole from the State and gave to the citizens see Robin Hood stole from the government and gave To the people because the government was Too evil too corrupt too onerous and we Celebrate them for that Um and you know just something to think About there all right uh back to the Book tour though San Francisco LA Las Vegas Phoenix Miami Denver Austin Chicago Minneapolis Boston Washington DC GA go to Atlanta uh Philadelphia and New York uh and then you can check the dates There so yeah if you live by uh go Definitely check it out um all right Let's talk about this crypto thing this Scam some call it this Freedom tool Others call it market cap is now getting Closer and closer to a billion where Over 900 million 915 million there uh 24 Hour volume 50 billion 52 billion Bitcoin dominance above 40 percent eth Dominance still below 20 at 19 Gas 45 gray I move some ether I move Some tether cost me like 11 and I say Whoa It's the bull market back on what Is going on but then I went back hours Later it was only like a dollar 76 or so Maybe it was like 2.91 but uh yeah I got

A little excited I was like okay okay Maybe uh maybe it was FTX trying to uh You know move all those altcoins all Right Bitcoin up 5.6 19 148 20K is just right around the corner will We get rejected will we uh go to it it's Going to be interesting to see we're Gonna talk to who do we have on today is It Frankie oh you better have some Things in your bullets we're going to Bring you up in a few uh ethereum 1400 Here up uh two percent but the story of The day is Bitcoin taking all the Dominant so you can see uh the proof is In the pudding we're above 40 percent uh We keep scrolling down we have xrp Nominal gain cardano Nano gain let's Actually look at the top winners for 24 Hours The pamp is back folks the pamp is back As to quote Ivan on Tech Aptos up 35 Optimism up 22 Phantom up 15 Mana sand look at that uh we have some Some metaverse projects on the pump what Are your thoughts on the metaverse Projects pumping I mean it makes sense Do they have pumpernal pump of mentals Um it's kind of funny to see Decentraland rising from the dead they Have a lot of built-in you know kind of Large uh what do you call Media like

Walking Deads interested we have a lot Of large companies interested it's going To be a long term we're probably five Years early but there's a lot of money To be made because of that so yeah Someone bringing up Robin Hood you know I still use I fun fact yeah anything About Robinhood the app you know Stealing from the rich give to the poor Kind of reminds me of the AMC and the GameStop meme stocks where Robin Hood is Like wait wait not like that not like That no no no let's go ahead and halt Freezing uh freeze all trading there uh So yeah yeah when uh Robin Hood became Like Robin Hood they're like we're Actually the sheriff all right let's see We keep moving helium up 10 uh Cava Lido Dao Crow Crow having a okay week here Let's actually look at the week because That 90 percent for Aptos is just so Juicy right there Gala if you're in Gala You more than doubled your coins from a Week ago so those people that were Buying in that two cent range we had People on here telling you to buy you Know I know I know Wendy you know she Wendy's a little more careful she's not Gonna look at you and say bye but she's Saying it's an attractive Target you Know looks like there's some upside uh I'm trying to think Joe Paris you know Another one hey that's why you got to Watch around the blockchain you know we

Bring all these different perspectives And hey if you're following some of our Trades we never recommend you know just Yellowing in and following trades but if You are hey it's this week is good at Least you know who knows what will be Like next week uh you know what we got The good news let's get the end with the Yang here Oh wow look at that nothing's really in The red uh Monero um I know somewhere Mind your Biz he's not mine in your Biz He's looking at monero's Price he's Wondering why why is it so few satoshi's Uh then yeah so we don't really have too Much on the way down if we look at the Top Losers of the seven day again it's Just been such a green week everybody's Feeling bullish maybe Frank's gonna come In and he's going to dash your hopes Dash your dreams rain on your parade Piss in your corn flakes or I'm gonna open along because he made me Bullish it's going to be one of those Two things though all right Frank Your corn flakes are safe guys your corn Flakes are safe don't worry uh Jessica Shout out to Jessica in the chat I see You Um but guys Uh obviously getting some exciting price Action on bitcoin and I actually want to Go over a few things here uh because There were a couple of things that we

Were looking at that uh kind of was Indicating that this move was on the way Uh we were talking about it on my live Stream yesterday And uh you guys will remember if you Watch this show often and you saw the Last time we were up here uh you will Know that when we were back down here I Guess this was Um I guess on the 11th uh we were back Down here and I was talking about how This was actually an exciting place to Be uh an exciting level of resistance to Be tapping because it was knocking on The door of this massive volume Gap Right here you can see you have a spike In volume here and then a massive high Volume node right here with basically Nothing in between so we were talking About how if we were able to tap and Crack this level of resistance flip it To support we could see things get Pretty exciting very very quickly Because we would be entering this low Volume Gap and it would likely make a Quick move up to the next high volume Node which if you look we are sticking To almost perfectly it's the level that We're tapping right now uh and that Level is about nineteen one seventy Nineteen one sixty Um and this is a really important level That we were talking about because not Only is this a massive high volume node

It is also the point of control of this Previous range that we were trading in And this is a major level that we were Looking to flip now if now we actually Are pretty good news uh actually holding Above the value area high of the Previous range which is sitting right Here Boom uh sitting at about 18 888. so uh The fact that we are if we can maintain Support Above This value area low guys Uh and crack our way past this point of Control and flip this point and control To support this does make room for some More upside and we could potentially Push up close to this higher volume node At about between about twenty thousand And twenty thousand two hundred uh this Would be the next major level of Resistance I would be looking at if we Do push a little bit higher Um and then if you come down and take a Look at some of the indicators you can See here on our uh two and three hour Two hour is printing a Green Dot here uh And that three hour is starting to roll Up with that v-wop looking to print a Green Dot there as well uh and not only That you also have the v-wop on your Four hour now slightly slightly getting Rejected uh as we are hitting an Important level of resistance Um but it does look like if this two Hour Green Dot does give us a push to

The upside I would be cautious of a Quick move up and the reason that is is Because if we crack this high volume Node and we crack I would say if we Could crack about 19 5 19 6 we could Shoot up through this Gap and hit this Next high volume node at about twenty Thousand seven hundred this is a major Major level that I'm watching this is The level I've been putting in the Discords Um if we crack this next level and we're Able to hold above that value area low And this point of control sitting at About nineteen thousand one hundred and Sixty dollars uh that it does open up The door for uh to make a move up to About 20.7 K so things do look like we Could potentially get another push up The Scout shorts are not really giving Us too much juice uh where it was able To catch a few little Scout shorts uh You know and basically how I treat those Guys is you know when you come up to a Level of resistance if you're getting Some bearish confirmations you could Jump into that scalp trade uh treat it As a scalp lock in profits early move Your stop loss into profit and then if It actually winds up dropping more you Could wind up hitting that grand slam But if you get uh you know stopped out You'll at least get stopped out in a Little bit of profit rather than losing

Money Um so uh just for anybody out there That's interested in trading or learning Technical analysis the one thing that I Would tell you guys is please learn About volume profiles because I talked About this on my stream last night it's It's unbelievably powerful it's why we Were able to uh you know get on this Stream and talk about why this level of Resistance at about 17 3 17 4 was so Important and why we were able to expect A fast move up if we cracked that level And it all has to do with the volume Gaps and You can see here typically with price Action guys if you get a really fast Move down it is likely that you will Create one of these volume gaps and you Can expect a quick move up so even if You weren't looking at the volume you Could actually just look at the price Action and look for these quick moves Down where these gaps might be but with A tool like the visible range volume Profile uh it makes it very very easy You can see that last little Spike was Right here between 17 3 and 17-4 as soon As we cracked that 17-4 uh if we come Down to a lower time frame and there Were a ton of signals letting us know That it was going to pop that level we Did have a somewhat of bullish Consolidation on even lower time frames

Here you crack that level and then boom You're absolutely Off to the Races Flying through those low volume gaps and Coming right up to that next Target Which is very the other thing I like About the volume profiles is that it's Easily you can visualize it very very Easily you could see even if I hide our TA here You can see that massive high volume Node is likely something that you're Going to bump your head on and then that Little Peak was the last thing before This massive Gap so if you're learning How to trade or you want to uh you know Learn about ta I highly highly recommend Learning the volume profile it's Something that I wish I knew way before Uh before I actually learned about it it Would have saved me a ton of money would Have saved me a ton of time Um but on top of that guys you know if If we do get that move up those are the Levels that I'm watching uh to the Upside uh and then if we go ahead and uh Come over to the monthly this is Actually a pretty bullish sign guys uh We actually do have now this is I think On regular candles it's been popping up Uh we do have a monthly Green Dot Popping up uh which is extremely Extremely rare now I know a lot of People are kind of seeing this thinking That this is a hundred percent marking

The bottom of the bear Market this Doesn't necessarily Mark the absolute Bottom of the bear Market but something To take into consideration is the last Time the last three times that we've Ever gotten these on the monthly chart We've only gotten I believe we can come To the BLX We've only gotten three monthly Green Dots prior to this one and each one of Those green dots did pop up after the Bottom was in is that confirmed um no it It is printing so uh you okay yeah you Would want to wait for this three days Left uh we got that is a very good point Because you do want to wait for this to Confirm this could disappear it is Actually flashing so it's coming up it's Disappearing popping back up but it's Like my dad yeah Uh he never did bring the milk back Um but you can see here the uh it does Confirm in about 18 days So once that confirms that will be a Mega mega bullish signal in my opinion Um but again you want to be careful you Have to understand that we are in Completely different macroeconomic times Than any other bear Market uh but you Don't want to you know you want to take It into account just like the weekly Bullish Divergence Um I know we came up on this stream and We were looking at this weekly bull div

Saying hey very unlikely that this Doesn't give us a big move to the upside And uh you guys can see that right here This is still very much in play never Gotten validated you have your lower Lows on your price action with your Higher lows and your Green Dot confirmed On the weekly never got in uh Invalidated but it takes time to play Out I think it took like four weeks uh Or more to actually give us this big pop To the upside so you want to be careful About them because we're in a bear Market this could have easily gotten Invalidated but you want to take them Pretty seriously because it is very Likely that they play out and we are Starting to see that play out I know Everybody thought I was crazy because I'm saying weekly bulldiv and everyone's Like hey Frankie what about that Weekly Bulldiv really playing out there huh and Then sometimes you just gotta wait for Them to play out it does take a lot of Time on these higher time frames so a Lot of decently bullish signals here Um you know I we do have that fomc Meeting at the end of the month uh so Maybe we continue to pump into that um Either way I do think that meeting will Be the next uh will be the next real big Catalyst whether that's gonna you know We're gonna get good news out of that And it's gonna absolutely send us off

Into a serious serious bear Market Rally Or we're gonna rally into it and then uh It's just gonna get absolutely stepped On and we're gonna get sent back down uh To the bottom of the range and Potentially lower lows but we'll have to See we'll have to check out and Reanalyze the charts when we get there Um but there you go guys uh watch for That second push-up um but also be very Careful because we have come up very Very high nothing goes up in the Straight line uh you know some kind of Cool off will be likely at some point Um that's all I got back to dizzy Bing Bong all right uh yes Lucas we talked About on the basement can't talk about It here too small a cap uh Hey I want to Share something Frank I got into candles Recently uh me and the wifey she's got Me convinced that candles candles are Cool so shout out to cat she's I got Candles all over the place so every time I light them I think of you so just Wanna I wanna give you a shout out there So I am now officially in the candle Mafia time times two yeah I'm double Squared I'm squared and she also got me In liking dogs who am I I don't even Know who this person is her name's cat Ironically it's it's weird I don't know Let's move on here let's move on uh all Right let's talk a little Bitcoin But first what do you think about that

Monthly Green Dot if that validates man That is huge dude I've been buying this I've been raking the floor I felt like 17 in the 17 range is the bottom and I've been buying everything I could yeah And I've shared I started my DCA in I Don't know maybe two months ago at this Point so you know I'm not trying to Catch the exact bottom I just know I Have this uh range of buying you know Potentially 12 months maybe six months Depends on how things rip and uh you Know maybe I'll slow down if bitcoin's Double the price it is maybe too soon I Would slow down on uh DC hang but if It's double the price it is and we're a Full 15 months later I would be okay uh DCA then so a lot a lot of it uh you Know you just got to look at those daily Candles uh DZ are they red and green Candles uh yeah they're like ones that Smell all nice and stuff I mean Drew are You a candle person I am I like candles I do I'm bullish on not the candle Company the Yankee Candle Company yeah That's just chaos you're prepper crypto I figured you like burned the flags of Like Authority ontarium regimes or like Old American flags from like you know This is the flag of 1784 and it stands For this okay okay man I I don't know You know the lights might not always Work so it's good to know how to make Your own candles just in case uh funny

I'll say two months waiting for the bot Well I mean you don't know when the Bottom is just uh you know when things Are super low of course I never thought We were going to go below 29 at one Point I thought like yeah 28 29 we're Just gonna bounce off that you know Everything gets invalidated you got to Get new information you gotta pivot I Think you gotta adapt that's the only Way you're gonna make it in crypto all Right let's talk about Bitcoin here Bitcoin skyrockets to nine week high Nine week high as crypto market cap now Above 900 billion also most all coins Are in the green as well even Solana's Jumping and a light out nearing two Dollars once again uh you can just see Here you see that nice little pump uh we Haven't had action like this in a long Time similar to bitcoin most of them are Also up eth has jumped above 1400 once Again we have added 30 billion dollars In the last 24 hours and this is the First time we've seen above 900 billion In months look at that I mean the only Thing down I mean we have a XMR ton coin Okay so nothing nothing too crazy uh Monero of course all right so let's move On yeah things are good looking good People are feeling bullish all right Tesla turns the table on bitcoin is 23 Gains outpace the Bitcoin price comeback It is a game of cat and mouse for price

And Tesla stock this month but so far Tesla staging a stronger rebound also One of the few stocks I'm DCA into is Tesla despite this uh Elon Musk making History with his personal wealth losses Uh Tesla has so far recovered by almost 25 percent since January 6th uh let's See here I wish we could zoom out a Little just so we get a better idea of That price action at one point that Would be you know way off the screen way Up into uh the left there and you know Now it has been battered down local Highs of 9 nineteen thousand on bitstamp For Bitcoin marked a new year-to-date Returns of 16.8 percent a refreshing Change for hodlers but behind Tesla in Terms of lows to highs as of January 12th Uh here we're looking at Bitcoin USD Versus Tesla USD one week candle chart I'm trying to see which is which here Okay so the green line Looks like or not The green line but the candles here uh That is Bitcoin right and then yeah the Line the orange line is Tesla they Should have made the Orange Line Bitcoin They're trying to confuse me here uh all Right so yeah you can see a little bit More of a drawdown right here this looks Like this is percentage of USD value uh You know this is Break Even Now down 45 Bitcoin down 60 however uh but still you Know I don't mind buying Tesla once it's

Down you know cut in half here this Month Arc invest uh Asset Management Famous for its bullish stance on bitcoin Also added Tesla to its Holdings so we Got people turning bullish Kathy Woods Uh she's behind Arc Investments weird I Didn't even know this next article I was Going to talk about her for a second she Was the darling of investing two years Ago then she quickly turned it to the Villain uh you know six months ago seven Months ago but with her being so heavily Into volatile assets she's gonna have Bigger wins and she's going to have Bigger losses and I think over time Though the wins are going to outweigh The losses what are your thoughts on That I I think you're dead on with that Um she bought near the top on bitcoin Right was that what she bought she was Buying at the top she was buying the low But then she like just she just never Stopped buying yeah and who I mean I Didn't but a lot of people were buying Bitcoin all the way up 40 to 60k Um she's got more of a long-term Outlook And they play bigger game than we do on The middle class I'm shaking my head but I'm pretty sure I bought some like 42 000 Bitcoin after pullbacks from 50. I'm Pretty sure but like that was me I think I was supposed to speculate and sell and Uh you know didn't really sell too much There all right Kathy Wood sees wall of

Worry ignoring blockchain Tech digital Wallets and chat GPT uh CEO Kathy Woods At Equity markets plagued by a wall of Worry have largely ignored a Game-changing Innovation last year that Included blockchain Tech and digital Wallets in addition to the AI chat gbt Developed by open AI which was just Recently uh purchased uh by Microsoft 20 Billion dollars she also noted growth in The use of digital wallets and said They've overtaken cash as the top Transaction method for offline Commerce That is true and not true my my take on Anytime you see at least for the next Few years Bitcoin or crypto transactions Are exceeding Fiat transactions take That with a grain and salt because You're gonna have these weird Arbitrage Things that are really just pumping Money back and forth and you're gonna Counter and say hey what's what about The Forex Market you see the same thing But you don't see it at that large of a Scale because you have closed loop Systems uh you know you have the whole Thing with JPMorgan and I think maybe Even Morgan Stanley with their Blockchain Solutions where they're Trading things in the background so oh Yeah uh just just be careful when you See that metric of cryptos overtaken Fiat or you know Bitcoin passes Visa It's just a lot easier to game Visa

Isn't Buying and selling an ocean liner you Know 47 times per second to make some Arbitrage with this Japanese exchange You know but that does happen with Bitcoin then you look at the Bitcoin Volume like oh my God five billion Dollars in big coin volume for that five Minute candle it's it's not real uh in The sense of you know person a trading With person B for goods that are Exchanged yeah all right SEC Gemini Genesis Blended deposits ran a foul of Securities laws and these idiots didn't Even blend the deposits with my bank Account how dare they uh Mark Genesis And Gemini down I thought that was Someone's name for a second I was like Is that the founder Mark Genesis Mark Genesis and Gemini down as the latest Crypto companies accused and charged by The SEC of improperly handling customer Funds shuffled between the two firms Much of The Regulators complaint is Centered around allegations that both Companies cause significant damage to Retail customers with Genesis otherwise Engage in crypto asset transactions with Large institutional and other accredited Investors social media pushes undertaken By Genesis and Gemini fueled the Exposure and Amplified the pitfalls the SEC said so maybe they're putting out a Little bit of a too bullish narrative

You know knowing behind the scenes it Wasn't all roses the arrangement in Sec's estimation boils down to earn Customers coughing up crypto to Genesis With Gemini purportedly stepping in as An issuing agent Jim and I received Pulled deployed and paid interest on Investors assets the regulator said uh Gemini allegedly raked in about you know Not too much in this industry 2.7 Million dollars in fees accordingly Here the SEC says the main investment Play in question Gemini earned which was The yield earning protocol where you Have your ethereum on that wall it Doesn't do anything but then you put it In the Gemini urn that's when you're Going to get you know that couple Percentage points there constituted an Offer and sale of Securities under U.S Law and should have been registered with The regulator so we got them once again Trying to use enforcement uh through Judicial tactics instead of you know Legislative or just providing Clarity to These people like we had the BC vault Guy on and he's like I want Clarity they Don't tell us what to do and it must be Very frustrating for these Crypto Regulators I mean for these Crypto exchange operators it is I saw a Note well kind of a highlight in this Gemini SEC deal that they're able to SEC Is able to go after them because they

Were promissory notes exposing them to The crypto assets so it's the promissory Notes that the SEC is able to go to not Necessarily the crypto yet but we'll see Space Oddity kind of put it well Gemini's so lazy they couldn't even run Their own earned program Uh yeah it's just too many people kind Of Chase that uh what they know in their Heart probably is you know maybe a Little risky oh you know seven percent Risk-free they know it was risky they Knew it wasn't risk-free and you know Love them or hate them rich or Hart to Me said it best you don't play on Railroad tracks to pick up pennies so You just want to be careful you know I Got twenty thousand dollars in this Crypto asset let me just go ahead and Give all of it to somebody so at the end Of the year in the best case scenario Let's just say you know five percent That's that's pretty safe five percent Of that is going to be a thousand bucks Yeah you know so you end up risking 20 000 uh you know for for the end of what Being a small amount all right Winklevoss slams SEC charges against Gemini as super lame Hella lame and it's so sus super sus and Manufactured parking ticket Tyler hit Back at a charging Gemini calling to Action totally counterproductive and Like kind of lame in a series of tweets

Here in a series of tweets on the 12 he Shared his disappointment about the Charges from the SEC program claiming The regulator was optimizing for Political points wait a minute that's Another Gary ginsler I know uh yeah Here's his tweet here disappointing they Chose to file an action today as Gemini And other creditors are working hard Together to recover funds this action Does nothing to further our efforts and Help the users get their assets back This behavior is totally Counterproductive Urban program was Regulated and uh there we go Accidentally clicked on it by the New York DFS and we've been in discussions With the SEC about this program for more Than 17 months wow they never raised the Prospect of any enforcement action until After Genesis paused withdrawals on the 16th I'll say this I mean for the them That's kind of a nonsense statement by Tyler it's like how dare they discuss uh Enforcement you know after we froze Withdrawals or after they froze Withdrawals well yeah I mean once Withdrawals are frozen more things are Going to be put on the table and so for Him to say well you never said Enforcement until we didn't give people Their money back well gee I wonder why Tyler I wonder why maybe it's because You didn't let people pull their money

Back uh hey I did go to uh the Gemini Party uh Bitcoin last year Bitcoin 22. It's a heck of a shindig yeah I'll say That they throw a heck of a shindig is That where the money went oh my God I Did have one minimum vodka soda yes when You earned customer out there Um you see me at the next crypto Conference come up to me and say hey I Lost my money to earn you spent some of My money uh you know buy you a Gatorade I'll buy you a beverage whatever your Choice there it's not like Louis the 13th to drink minimum yeah yeah slow Down slow down I can't be Saucy on stage You know what I mean guys they always Make me host a show at 5 PM when I'm at These conferences I'm like my feet hurt My knees hurt my calves hurt my toes Hurt you know my back hurts I'm tired I'm sunburned you know I'm thirsty I'm Hungry and it's like all right go on Stage at 5 pm and go talk in front of a Thousand people I'm like yeah hey Welcome everybody you know I'll do it I'll do it I'm here I'm I'm your little Uh guy I'm the guy with the monkey on His head I'm not the monkey that'll Dance for you but I got one on my hat so You know it's close all right look it's A bite it's a bite I don't know what You're talking about as a bite you're Attacked by a werewolf it doesn't matter You know some mammal a mammal bit me I

Don't know what you want me to do I'm Out here in the forest fighting off Foxes and bears and lions okay I'm Hiding my ledger wallet in the woods and That happened okay an eagle came at me I Think it was Charles falconing it I Don't know what happened but look I got Bit that's all I'm gonna say things that Cat bite unbelievable that's clever all Right SEC Crackdown on Gemini late to The game Congressman Tom emmer once Again late to the game arguing that the After the effect enforcement actions Against Gemini and its earned product Aren't in users best interests I mean he is definitely correct there Went on to say it protects no one and Then their approach of uh political Regulation through enforcement hurts Every day Americans uh in a statement Ginzer said the set of changes looks to Make clear to the marketplace and Investing public that crypto lending Platforms and other intermediaries need To comply with the time-tested Securities laws yeah test it for orange Groves 90 years ago but these are time Tested principles okay For things that are in you know Grapes Of Wrath novel but it's still time Tested all right that's that's the Important thing there uh but I will say Tom emmer he is one of the people Fighting for uh the people you have any

Opinion on Tom emmer you're a little More Politically uh you know present than I Am when it comes to these individual Members of Congress dude I'm stoked Tom Emmer I'm majorly stoked on Tom emmer And I think that uh another good one Yeah that's another good one Raul that Was a good one roll yeah there's some Missing uh parts of gensler's schedule That I'm hoping that emmer holds on to And uh kind of goes after because Um the transparency side of gensler's Meetings with FTX hasn't fully come out And he's really pulling and and pulling At those strings he's going to be able To find some things out so he's one of The ones that I have faith in so yeah Yeah there's a few uh you know still Working for their constituents I know There's such a a crazy thing to think About but yeah there's still people some People in there uh you know they're Fighting for the people so we love it uh DZ fosheezy thank you radio face that's Right I will be here 5 p.m Um all right but I won't be here next Friday I might take next Friday off uh Go visit Wilmington I saw some Wilmington peeps in the chat I see you Guys pop up every now and then so shout Out to the Wilmington crew I'm going to Be out in North Carolina you know maybe I'll put out a little something on my

Twitter follow me on Twitter you come We'll we'll meet up downtown Wilmington Maybe hey we'll do a little uh Hey if You got a junkie again I'll buy a junkie Meetup junk maybe maybe all right all Right FTX Allowed by bankruptcy judge to Sell Ledger X and other assets Uh Ledger X the stock clearing platform In bed and it's regional arms FTX Japan And FTX Europe uh Delaware Bank Street Court has approved the sale of these Four key units of FTX Um you know just name them there embed Ledger X Japan and Europe let's see here The embattled crypto exchange has Reportedly covered recovered about five Billion dollars in cash and crypto According to the FTX lawyer Andy Diederich uh the FTX attorney said that While the exchange has recovered some Funds the platform is still in the Process of working to rebuild its Transaction history history in addition The customer shortfall's total amount Remains unclear rebuild the transaction History it's almost if only there's this Way for technology to have this Immutable Ledger of our transactions That would just solve that issue Entirely it's really weird we kid we kid Uh the issue is there are going to be Some things that aren't in on the Blockchain uh Robin Hood sale uh Purchase for instance this real estate

Stuff so we're joking here but uh yeah It looks like they're maybe trying to Hide some of the other non-crypto Transactions and you know if I had a Guess probably some of the crypto Transactions as well I've heard a lot of Things about the FTX guy Kobe was Tweeting about it uh how inept they were At interacting with ethereum blockchain Apparently like they left some they had To like close some Ave account that they Could easily collateralized and closed And they're spending more in gas and to Like retrieve the tokens themselves and Just a pretty funny you know maybe uh Maybe some articles pop up on that well We'll have some good jokes at their Expense here sad hiding more under the Sweater come on now no maybe I don't Know uh late night I don't well one no Um like I said you don't know what's in The cup you don't know what's in the cup It's right it's Waters water with Bubbles there's nothing uh are you Scared of bubbles Me scared of bubbles yeah do you like uh Are you a flat guy no no no no no no no No I only drink Sparkling Water that's The only thing I'll touch absolutely not Oh and then you know I've filtered water Heavily same for Big D's same same for Me here all right reveal secret Signatures on spf's quarter billion

Dollar Bond media lawyers of course They're referring to the two unknown Individuals who signed the bond and People are saying this is of important Public interest says media lawyers uh They're recalling for the release of These two names four people were Required to co-sign the bond including One person external to the family uh two Signatures made by his parents but the Identities of these other two people Have not been disclosed uh it does say Including one person external to the Family so maybe that's suggesting one Person is internal to the family I would Guess his brother I don't know obvious Speculation I would if I I don't know His family tree like that but I would Guess uh his brother his brother was the Recipient of 100 million dollars for Covet funding or pandemic In our next pandemic planning is kind of What I like to think it is they'll Probably tell us when they release the Epstein books you know it's no big deal Hey hey Elaine she was arrested for Trafficking humans to nobody yeah I mean There's no one else involved so yeah no No one else involved none to look there Don't look into who her father is either The disgrace crypto Mogul has relied on A prior case I swear to God I didn't Know they're going to say that against Elaine Maxwell the convicted sex

Offender as she was allowed to redact Information on her bail guarantors due To privacy and safety concerns I didn't Really understand both sides of the Argument here of course there is do you Think that there's safety concerns if These two names are released I mean if the names are released they They're in the public like let them be In public of what they they're doing Like what maybe you create a society Where Drew refuses to answer the Question you guys heard it here maybe They should make this aside for the Question that's not so uh upheaval about The elected leaders Um gaslighting them and you know making Them non-essential maybe they should Have done that instead I'll say this Though you know just to play both sides Of the argument I'm just trying to you Know Steel Man both sides here uh if you Can afford a quarter billion dollar Bond You could probably afford to go hide in The woods somewhere not hide in the Woods but you know what I mean like go Get your little cabin by the lake and Just hang out or go you know go to the Bahamas or you know hang out on your Yacht or whatever you're doing I'm sure There's options for the type of people That can afford a quarter billion dollar Bond I do think it's in the Public's Interest to know who these two people

Are but I can also agree that it could Be a safety concern for those two Individuals so I understand both sides And that's where I would say I'm not a Lawyer just leave it to the people who You know spend a lot of money and waste Eight years of life learning about these Things although I do like some lawyers It's not all lawyers are bad the lawyers That are good are the ones who quit Practicing law it's so true they're long Gone yeah I love David sacks for Instance he's probably my favorite Bestie on the all-in you know he's a Former lawyer all right board ape Collections pump ahead of upcoming sewer Pass nft meant I'm super excited about This I gotta pass because I have a Mutant upcoming mint is free to Holders Of board apes or mutant Apes pushing Both collections to the top spot of open C let's see here also uh the board ape Kennel collection is going to be uh you Know recipient of some of this boosted Volume they've jumped to the top spots On openc following the announcements of Upcoming free meant for the board ape Nft holders uh there's going to be four Levels it's a game called All right buckle up it's called dookie Dash all right it's called dookie Dash All right you could make your joke about Taco Bell make your joke uh dz's lactose Intolerant that's him every time he has

A milkshake sure it's called dookie Dash Though it can be played an infinite Number of times by the sewer pass Holders until gameplay ends on the 15th Meaning the sewer pass holders or be Able to be traded on the secondary Market allowing those outside of the Board ape ecosystem to participate I'll Give you guys some extra Alpha here There's uh four levels I am going to be Privy to the worst crappiest level the Crappiest level is if you just have a Mute nape the next level up if you have A mutinate plus the kennel the next Level is if you have only a board ape And then the top top tippy top tier you Have a board ape plus a kennel companion And so I'm on the bottom I'm on the Bottom of the totem pole I'm at the Bottom of the dookie Dash all right You've seen Human Centipede I'm the last Guy it's not great or I'm the oh God It's terrible it's terrible Um and I'm just walking out I just need To get a white but that's okay because I Still think there's going to be Something here I think that they are Gonna also this isn't financial advice There is a utility associated with Apecoin Um I think the ape pump maybe has Already happened I'm not the guy to say Go try to fomo this but you'll be able To buy power-ups with two ape and it's

Like you know normal video game power up Like Double XP for 15 minutes uh those Type of things so I expect a lot of the Whales to look at Apes price five bucks Two coins ten dollars I get to maybe get A nft that's potentially worth a Thousand dollars more yeah I think People are going to be doing that math I I could see a lot of ape being spent but Be careful because a lot of these people Are giant whales I received 2008. if I Were to use 100 ape in a video game it's Not affecting my balance and so I'm not Going to be out there Market buying so I'm not going to say it's going to lead To Market buying pressure but I I do Think it's kind of cool that they're Doing some with apecoin uh I think the Pumps already happened though probably People smart you know did the did the Math and said you know what ape is Actually I think the first aid pump came From speculation yeah probably gonna Have an ape coin component it pumped got Released that there was an ape coin Component did some people have some Inside info I don't know probably did They act on that info I don't know maybe Uh you know greed is real but the pump Might have already happened so just be Careful trying to fomo in in fact maybe Even shorted I don't know look at TA I'm Not the guy go go ask Frankie and his uh Yeah later bang Frankie's door down get

The sauce on ape all right A lot of People uh strong opinions on David sacks Let me know do you like David sacks do You like all in uh do you hate chamoth Um do you like jamoff um do you like Jason Shadow I do like Jason and Friedberg's also cool all right let's Talk about some nft here you can now buy These nfts for less than 25 dollars to Get that Zoom call with Donald Trump the Limited edition nfts that offer a group Zoom call have traded for less than 25 Dollars over the last few days Is that inflation I thought I thought The floor was still up I actually am Going to I'm just going to look I'm just Going to look let's actually uh look it Up this is uh breaking news as this is Live TV folks live TV all right oh my God that's almost risque there uh let's See I think it's just Trump collection Right That's family friendly Trump digital Trading cards they launch for 100 Fiat What are they talking about it's up it Said some Trader for 25 it's fake news Fake news it's like 2.5 x yeah so Probably what happened is maybe there's Some transactions on the blockchain that Equal 25 yeah uh let's uh maybe keep Reading here because you know I could Just be saying they're idiots too early Here uh buyers of the nfts each Zoom Yeah it's just idiots yeah no no they're

Up they're up uh and uh it's weird Because this is the second fud article I've seen about these Donald Trump nfts And I don't understand why I get it Maybe you don't like Trump so you're Trying to make a fun article but it's It's false narratives the other fun Article I saw was volume down 99 As Trump nft fails yeah and yeah volume Sound 99 from mint day because they Raised 4.5 million dollars immediately And then very quickly had a lot more Secondary volume I think six seven eight Ten million dollars in sales and so yeah It's down 99 from mint day anybody who's In the nft space understands uh that is A metric that is gamed all the time we Just saw it with nft Market is down 99 Yeah and they compared it to the other Deeds mint and they're like look and so They compared the day of the hottest Mint an nft history and they said we're Down 99 from that day that's like Looking at NBC and looking at their 3 P.M programming and saying they're down 99 from the Super Bowl this show is Failing it's it's apples and oranges It's fud I don't get it I didn't buy any Trump nfts I did say you know the day They launched like it's probably Opportunity here and if you listen to me You could have walked away with a 5x you Could have walked away as 7x you still Haven't sold you still walk away with a

2.5 x so I led you to the water some People are drinking and I don't know why They're trying to say the the water's Dry well it's just great it's empty this Is just like what you were saying in the Beginning of the show how you massage Certain data to fit certain narratives You know and someone said it's called Democrat that was funny Okay I'm not I'm not like hey I voted For Obama and Trump okay so that was Funny that was a good one that was a Good one but yeah it's just weird that They're lying like that just doesn't Make any sense we have to clean clean up On aisle three uh DZ spit bubbles all Over the desk that's right all right Let's talk about ethereum here all right Validated eth hits the 500 000 validator Milestone Uh the number of validators points to Increasing confidence positive sentiment And conviction in the eth ecosystem as a Whole uh validator must deposit 32 East To run a dedicated staking node on The Blockchain Today stake funds are locked In the network while they accrue rewards From the inflation validators are unable To access the funds until after the Shanghai upgrade expected to happen in March which will allow withdrawals of Staked ether for the first time not all At once it will be tiered I don't know How they're they're being pretty uh

Mysterious about it so far recently saw Its total value stake reached 16 million Eth over 22 billion implying that would Be extremely difficult and costly to Attack the consensus uh you know yeah no One's no one's can uh attacking eth like That just from Game Theory standpoint we Don't got to get into it Basically uh just a one sentence Explanation you're not going to spend 23 Billion to then make your 23 billion Dollars worthless exactly so yeah it's Just it doesn't make any sense so it'll Just never happen just like a Bitcoin Miner will never vote to increase the Number past 21 million exactly maybe I Don't know what the the landscape is Going to look like in 2140 but you know Today no one no one would ever do that Because it doesn't make sense uh GTO Standpoint there all right so yeah 32e I Remember I was good that was like my Dream in 2018 you know just wasn't by 32 Each yeah I was just DCA eth and other Random coinbase coins and I wasn't Really into crypto like that and then I Really got into it uh you know kind of Talked about on the basement when I First started interacting with a wallet And once I put eth from coinbase onto This newfangled thing I downloaded Called metamask and I interacted with This website and I bought some nfts and That quickly led to me interacting with

D5 and I'm staking and I'm earning yield And I'm reinvesting my yield and yeah so That's what really got me into crypto um And then by then eth was like 32 of them I know Um but you know hey who knows who knows You know I'll uh I'll try to Yellow Trade there uh my way you know one Bonk Token at a time can't get lucky if you Ain't at the fair dizzy you know what I'm saying uh luck is earned I don't Believe in luck you gotta you gotta show Up you gotta walk to the fair you got to Be there you got to wait for the time Yeah yeah look look that's a whole Nother conversation luck isn't real luck Isn't real you can make your own luck uh You know maybe next time in the basement You're watching it ask me how you make Your own luck I'll I'll explain it step By step basis how luck is not a real Concept nor is fair but you know just Just good mental models all right crypto Traders are already placing bets on eats Hard Fork here last year turn to a focus A frenzy speculation in the markets now They're starting to handicap various Market scenarios ahead of the next big Milestone I was already trading 12 up And uh several tokens including Lido Dow Jumping 50 in the past seven days and 92 Percent in the past 30 days uh coindes Spoke with some random Traders and Analyst and compiled their key thoughts

Here let's see Lucas saying that each Withdrawals will be processed through a Queue with a maximum of approximately 43 000 staked eth allowed to exit per day Based on this it would take over a year For the almost 16 million stake to be Withdrawn preventing any kind of mass Withdrawals and mitigating any kind of Selling pressure the fact that people Staking may now be able to withdraw even If they have to form part of a queue Could in turn exchange cause more people To follow just quick back of the napkin Math that means uh of all the staked eat That you have right now roughly you're Looking at one third of one percent Being dropped every day so 0.3 percent Is going to be dropped that's not that Bad when you look at token releases if You kind of know about Um smaller coins it's going to be Interesting to see this dynamic in a Multi-multi TENS of billion dollar Market cap what will this point three Percent daily emission do I'd have to Look at the math of what's the point Daily inflation rate of then you know Maybe look at the difference there then Then you can maybe form a basis of price Ranges let me warn you folks though There's something you need to think About Do you remember what happened last time Eth had a major upgrade

It went on a record number of daily Green candles right you remember that Right oh my God we're at the record one Day away there's hope it's gonna turn Red we hit the record definitely Tomorrow's read up we broke the record Definitely tomorrow's right oh my God We're smashing the record definitely Tomorrow's right day after day after day After day after day after day it turned Green Now what does that mean for the next Time I don't expect it to exceed those Days In fact I expect it to be much shorter And so I expect people to look at the Price action of the previous upgrade and Then say I'm gonna get out before the Music stops playing and then everybody At the party is also thinking the same Thought except for retail Jimmy he's Like still Dancing Yeah wondering like Where everybody went all sudden he turns Around And the room's empty and he's like why Is my Bitcoin worth sixteen thousand Dollars you know except for that guy uh I think a lot of people are going to be Looking at the previous price action Maybe uh exiting earlier just my two Cents all right so uh be careful in any Kind of uh mimicry of the previous Upgrade there all right let's talk a Little polygon here polygon plans

January 17th hard Fork to reduce gas Fees it's not going to go from two cents To one cent I don't know it is pretty Cheap though uh designed to reduce these Gas spikes by changing the base fee Change denominator from to 16 from eight Dropping Base gas fees to 6.25 from 12.5 Looks like it's going to get cut in half So uh it seems like a good thing Would not affect how users interact with It uh node operators have to upgrade Before the 17th I'm glad I see this because I knew that Even at five cents even at two cents Even at three cents that might be too Expensive for a Starbucks Customer Loyalty program and if we can get into Fractions of a penny then we're kind of Talking then you're kind of just looking At like the cost of electricity and so If we get that lower there's going to be More adoption for these type of things Where you need each transaction to be a Fraction of a penny three cents and your Entire business model collapses uh you Know if you ever looked in like how visa And MasterCard operate these things Really start to add up on the small Micro transaction levels and so I'm it Makes me more bullish for polygon and it Makes me want to double down on what I Was saying earlier on the basement when People brought up V chain In this weird scenario I can almost see

You know if there were to be a logistic Solution blockchain I almost think a Competing L2 or L1 is better poised to Beat a v chain Um as crazy as it sounds but I'm not Trying to FUD V chain I'm sure V chain Is going to have great price action uh Loves those price targets like you know 25 cents and loves that 25 cent range I Don't know where it's at now I could Definitely see it hitting 25. but I Could see a polygon just being better Able to I'd go the you know Walmart kids Toy section I pull some random fortnite Figure on the back of the fortnite There's a QR code and it says You Know Download for your free nft I don't see V chain I don't see a v Chain on a phone but what I do see is Polygon app and to me it just seems a Little bit more likely that polygon Might be that legit because you know I Want to see where the toy came from and You know where every part was sourced And you know blah blah blah it's just my Two cents there and again I'm not trying To FUD uh V chain I just see polygon I'm Just becoming more and more bullish it Was actually It was my last DCA Careful about An apology Is betaine really two cents Is it oh my God I remember thinking five

Cents was a steal Oh that is scary here we can go to the Chart here we can go to the screen here I pulled it up oh my God all right so 25 Cents and now I said it loves 25 cents Let's kind of look at what I'm talking About here uh it's I mean it's this Basically is a point of a past all-time High so when I say 25 cents I was kind Of like hey you know Bitcoin isn't a Scam uh you know November pomp uh 25 Cents was what a lot of people are Saying you know like don't it really Expected to go past 25 cents also looks Like it loves 15 cents something about V Chain it loves uh round numbers uh the Five cent range always has a lot of Volume profile and the 25 cent range of Course all-time high can it 12 and a Half X AKA hit 25 cents again I think it Certainly can uh will it be the end-all Be-all winner of logistics I find that Much less likely and again doesn't mean That it won't have good price action I'm Not trying to uh I'm not trying to freak You out here if you have a big bag of The vet Say you're muted These things are going to be there's not Going to be just one winner man like V Chain has a potential to be utilized by You know Hong Kong for their Logistics Need and U.S could go with polygon just Because it's more cooked into our

Infrastructure there's not going to be Just one that does it polygons grabbed a Ton of the market last year so they're Going to be doing stuff all right uh and If you are an engineer for hire that's a Great name audio frequently I love it All right let's talk about Ripple who is Ripple in the chat hit that like button Hit that like button if you ever bought It it was my first coin you know I've Been open about it open coinbase to buy Some cheap Bitcoin cheap at the time That's how cheap Ripple was yeah clearly That's where the pump is all right Ripple X announces recipients of 2.6 Million dollar xrpl Grant here are the Details uh let's see as stated 25 Projects uh and they're representing the Themes of sustainability and diversity Equity and inclusion makes me bearish as Well as general technical projects Received two and a half million in the Wave 4 financing from these grants Let's See we have e-commerce sectors such as Wallets Payment Systems event ticketing Shopify related apps pet ownership that Uses nfts for identification love it ID Verification fraud protection Health Wellness projects involving athletic Performance data and nfts and others are Among the additionally funded projects In the way for range if I didn't know Better I would say that uh that xrp Community just won't give up and just

Continuously builds they just quit isn't In their name yeah all right let's talk About the court case a little here Lawyers predict no settlement until After the decision by the judge yeah I Mean that that's this that's not going To settle this ain't settle and this is Going all the way uh they're not going To settle I mean this is they're Fighting to the end it was my opinion Here do you think the same pretty much Like this this is a big decision and It's probably like I'm hoping for 24 uh That it ends but man I mean this could Go on all the way into 22 25 with the Decisions on what's a security what's a Commodity within digital assets that's a Huge choice to make so it takes some Measure twice cut once and uh getting Back into that hey two under two cents I Mean it seems like pretty good uh pretty Good upside to me yeah I mean it Definitely I'm gonna say guaranteed to hit five Cents again right I mean obviously I'm Just off I'm guaranteed I'm putting my Entire reputation on it it will hit five Cents at least so I mean you're looking At a two and a half X people kill for Those type of returns in normal markets Right uh so don't get mad that's our Problem with crypto I say you know I'm Generalizing here but myself included I You know I shared that I bought bunk

Early I shared that I was selling uh I Sold well you know you know pretty much Sold the top and I was telling you to Sell if you list again if you listen to Me you probably did okay but I sold Enough and I was in profit I had gained Solana I know how much Salon I put in And I pulled out I'm in plus I'm in Surplus Solana you know what I did with The rest of that bunk I wrote it down 70 Why because I became complacent because I was already in profit I kind of quit Looking at the chart I kind of quit Looking at the TA and you don't want to Get complacent in these markets and uh V Chain is is one I've been complacent on And so I'm going to look at the chain Because that does seem like a pretty Attractive uh price Target yeah again That being said though I just don't see It you know being the Google of Logistics seven years from now uh 100K Bitcoin tonight or what Next Tuesday Uh one more uh let's see what do we have For the quick hits PayPal Zoom that's Another uh right partner with Visa all Right that's pretty good uh let's see we Have Bitcoin SV plunges against BTC Against uh after delisting guys we've Been telling you to trade all your bch And bsv into BTC we've been telling you That for years so uh nothing surprising Here but you know it's great to look at

The BTC bsv chart and the btcbch chart And then you could trade those but don't Look at the I'm saying B too much don't Look at the bsv bch USD charts because Those will lead you to the Slaughterhouse but you can definitely Trade off the satoshi's a little bit More successfully there uh nexo seeing a 158 million in withdrawals after the Raid in Bulgaria uh man what is up with All these uh countries ending in IA they Will come after you and uh 800 victims Of massive bit connect fraud hey they're Going to receive 17 million dollars so Uh but thousands more were impacted by The 2.4 billion dollar fraudulent scheme Uh ouch ouch ouch yeah I still have my Half a link Um people have asked me in the basement And here how come I don't talk about Link anymore Link's been flat Link's been flat you Know if I would have been telling you to Buy it three months ago you've missed a Lot of the pumps and so I've been trying To share where I think there's going to Be opportunities for you to make some Life-changing money that's what I want To do for myself that's what I want you To do and so I don't want to lead you to A coin that's just going to be flat for Four months that being said I still love Chain link I'll probably buy another I Was going to joke and say everybody know

The two I'll probably buy another 10 uh Some Friday in the near future because Once the staking goes live I want a fat Bag I know during staking price will Probably go down and I'm probably better Off selling every link I have at the Beginning of staking saving it in a usdc Or usdt and then after staking's over Putting it all back into link and you Know what statistically or history's in The indication I'll probably have more Chain link that way yeah but me I get Anxiety selling my forever holds and so To me I don't try to chase the price Action pumps or oh no I have 10 of this Coin and I'm a day trade my way and sell The top and buy a bottom then I turn my 10 into 12. it's too much stress it's Too much worry you might end up uh you Know turning your 10 into eight and then You feel like a bozo I don't want to Feel like a bozo so I'm probably just Going to stake my link like a boring Idiot uh it'll probably go down but in The long run I think I'll be happy that I bought more chain link and that's my Thesis statement for the day that's all We got for the day uh bit Squad you're Wonderful make sure you hit that like Button make sure you're hitting uh you Know sub if you're not and I'll see you At 5 pm on ATB daily Worse

Top Crypto News Sources – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem

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Top Crypto News Sources – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem

If you’re a crypto enthusiast, you want to keep up with the latest news and developments in the space. There are a number of good sources for reliable information. While it is important to find a trustworthy source, it is equally important to choose a source that won’t be promoting fraudulent schemes. Here are five of the best sources of unbiased crypto news.

Cointelegraph was founded in 2013. The site focuses on blockchain and decentralized applications. Its articles offer expert opinion as well as in-depth analysis. They also publish podcasts and newsletters. Aside from covering the latest news, the team also features guides and resources for new users.

CryptoAnalyst covers a wide variety of topics in the digital currency and blockchain space. Their articles offer comprehensive ICO reviews and technical perspectives on the blockchain and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, their editorials are a great resource for educational material on cryptocurrencies.

Coinspeaker is one of the fastest-growing crypto news sites. In addition to covering major cryptocurrencies, the team also offers in-depth coverage of altcoin markets, ICOs, and other related topics. Since late 2014, the team has grown to become the leading online news provider in the space.

Altcoin Today bills itself as a daily crypto news provider. This news source focuses on the most prominent figures in the space and is a good resource for catching up on market events.

The Trace Mayer show is a weekly podcast that discusses important issues in the crypto space. Each episode features interviews with notable people in the field. However, the show can be sporadic, which is a disadvantage to those looking for consistent updates.

The Bitcoin News started out reporting on Bitcoin, but now covers a wider range of cryptocurrencies. Some of the topics that the site covers include breaking news, start-up ICOs, and the whole Blockchain Ecosystem.

Another news source for a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies is Kitco News. Their reporters cover the financial, socio-political, and technology sectors of the space. They often bring in experts from a wide range of fields. Unlike other outlets, the site does not promote ‘pump and dump’ schemes.

While there are a lot of crypto news websites, there are several that are worth checking out. You can also use Twitter to find breaking stories in the crypto space. Many popular crypto personalities use Twitter to spread their message. As with any other outlet, it’s important to check to see if a specific crypto outlet has been involved in scams in the past.

Another excellent source of unbiased crypto news is The Coin Report. The team believes in the power of the cryptocurrency industry and provides objective and reliable information to the public.

In addition to their blog, the team produces podcasts and newsletters to keep their readers up to date with the latest in the world of cryptocurrencies. With their focus on in-depth investigative journalism, they are dedicated to serious journalistic standards in the crypto world.

Finally, the Coin Spectator is a real-time news aggregator that keeps users up to date on the latest happenings in the cryptosphere. Using data gathered from hundreds of different sources, the platform allows you to follow project milestones and monitor volatility. It also helps you develop market indicators and act on trends.

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