Chico Crypto is back with his 1st live stream in months revealing his top “undervalued” altcoins for 2023!! These altcoin picks are going to explode this year when the bulls come back in full force. The crypto markets are smelling “bullish” so now is the time to position yourself into the undervalued coins. What cryptocurrencies did we pick? You gotta tune in to find out…
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See yep it looks like it's going Yo what's up everybody glad to be back Live streaming Chad GPT knows who I am that is crazy When it comes to business insurance Crazy crazy what's up crypto in Mexico How's it going everybody glad to be back Live streaming with you all What's up man Glad to see you everybody it's been a While yeah last live stream was all the Way back in April it's been over six Months Um I'm back does that mean bull run you Know huh Bull Run Bull Run Well things are looking pretty bullish Bitcoins pushing back up towards 20K Right now Um all coins across the board are doing Pretty well some are up pretty Significantly especially over seven days You got some going like 70. Um Yeah the markets are smelling bullish People want a bull market [Music] Um Um and it's very possible this year we Do have one I mean Based on previous Cycles I mean I've Been part of two of them Um yeah bitcoin's about to turn bullish I mean beginning stages of the bull run
It's not like things are just gonna go Bananas you know right away but yeah We're gonna start moving up slowly and Surely up that doesn't mean there's not Going to be some fake outs down Um in the time especially this first Year The markets are going to make you try to Think it's bullish and then oh shoot no We're going back down even though the Trend is gonna be up See what's everyone's saying what's up Everybody Chicago bullish yeah so yeah I got a Great stream for you guys today Um my 2023 undervalued altcoins Um earlier in the week I covered a Couple cryptocurrencies Um Maple did extremely well after my Video I think people realized you know What they're building is going to be Freaking huge in the Bull Run Um and you know The reason it went down so significantly Because they're ties to Alameda well There wasn't much exposure on the loan Side with Maple to Alameda as I showed In that video and then eluvium of course Alluvium is one of the first AAA web3 Play to earn games once the full launch Comes this year it's gonna freaking do Extremely well But looking at that Bitcoin chart it's Like a complete you over the past month
I mean Just a freaking Mew but I've been Actually doing pretty well in the Markets um Calling what was gonna happen But the first thing I want to talk about You guys is Chico crypto Twitter is back I'm sure many of my subscribers Um since this thing was booted I've Grown I think from like 60 000 followers to You know where I'm at right now 320 000. So I have a lot of followers who don't Follow Chico crypto on Twitter Um follow Chico crypto on Twitter Because I got it back I was actually Unfairly booted all the way back in 2020 Yeah 2020. this video March 11th because I used a gif Um from Tropic Thunder you never go full [ __ ] when someone was being stupid And they booted me for that but I'm back You guys Um next thing I want to talk about is GMX so yeah GMX has been one of my bear Market picks and it's done extremely Well Um it's Been a big piece of saving my portfolio Um throughout the spare and I'm one of The first YouTubers to cover it find it All the way back at the end of last Bull Run November Um but yeah so I found an indicator
Which has been working actually pretty Dang well for me Um so GMX you know they have the stats They have the total volume of long Positions and the total volume of short Positions on you know their exchange or Their protocol because It's a blockchain and everything's 100 Transparent So I look at so GMX is a D5 tool you Know most whales in the crypto industry They don't use some do but most use like Binance you know the large exchanges They can put in 100 million dollar Trades you couldn't do that with GMX so Um DMX is a retail trading tool which Means It really tells you what retails you Know Feelings are about the markets you know Where they think they're gonna go and as We can see retail's way bullish there's 113 million dollar Longs compared to 42 Million dollar shorts so pretty much It's over double you know and whenever I See a big discrepancy like that in GMX It makes me want to uh do the opposite You know if the majority of people are Going long I'm thinking about going Short because whales you know where do Whales make their money they make it From bum freaking retail Traders So this tool has been working out pretty Well for me
Um I just closed one of my shorts here Recently and went long because the Majority of people were going short and Yeah I'm up I only put in like one Eighth but I'm up pretty significantly Two thousand dollars right now But people are trying to take my Indicator for their own oh Rand nooner He has said he in a video he said Chico Crypto is one that found this but he Still you should put Thanks Chico at every Because Ran's using my indicator now Oh you guys are tipping already thank You so much Appreciate that On those Chico have you heard it can you speak on It hey Ray Meister Jr Um I take all coin questions at the end Of the video Um so we have a special section called Altcoin questions and I'll take those At the end What up everybody Great to see you I know lives are back I'm excited to be doing them Um but GMX like I said is one of my Picks you guys Um it's been a bear Market Savior and There's good stuff still coming for GMX Um Within the next month or two month and a Half
Um GMX synthetics are coming out which is Basically GMX is going to be able to Trade you know have on their exchange Anything you know any altcoin any asset Out there Um that's what synthetics are they're Synthetic versions of assets so we're Going to be seeing some crazy stuff Going down especially in a bull market You know people are going to want to let Be able to leverage trade Um all these all coins you know there's Not too many places you can do it Um And GMX is going to be providing that And it looks like it's coming February Jonesy GMX Communications coordinator said February is most likely as it stands so I would say right now it's a good you Know GMX hasn't been like exploding Exploding in this Um run-up If you look at the price over the past 14 days it's not that big compared to Other you know coins So I would think GMX kind of a buy Um another one though uh I want to talk About regarding being able to leverage You know these altcoins Um people are going to want to do this In the bull market I'm not telling you Guys to leverage trade at all I'm just
Telling you this is going to be a Narrative in the bowl people are going To want to be able to speculate and Speculate hard you know on these altcoin Assets especially in the bull market so 8X is actually building that as well They're a lot lower rank they're 867. But it's a multi-chain permissionless Trading uh for the decentralized Derivative markets so yeah they're Building basically a similar thing is GMX but more of a You know Um Finance type looking Um centralized exchange looking Interface even though it's decentralized So yeah they are building that as well Now another coin you know of course you Should be picking up before the bowl is A theory Um Um ethereum of course has some big Upgrades coming up Shanghai which is Going to allow withdraws from staking Contracts people are like whoa won't That be a supply shock no it's actually Going to be like A supply shock out into the market for People to dump because they can now get Their ethereum out now people did that Because they want to stay a majority of People are going to hold it and the Ability to withdraw is going to just Open the door to people who've been
Hesitant to stake I think it's going to Be more validator nodes are going to pop Up than be withdrawn personally Um But yeah ethereum is by of course They're gonna scale And freaking Benjamin Cohen I don't Understand why people like this guy he's Not even that good of a technical Analysis he's actually pretty terrible And Um yeah and I just don't understand it But let's listen to what he said about Ethereum here lately But I don't really think right now is that Time and I I think ethereum is heading Home sooner rather than later 700 or not although it would be nice but I do think the lower regression band Will eventually be hit and and once We're down there I think we can start Talking about a future bull market for Ethereum thank you guys for tuning in Make sure you He's terrible and Technical and Technical analysis my Tyler analysis Kicked Benjamin Cohen's technical Analysis his butt Jesus Hey my crypto space UK you made it show Them teeth Yeah there's way better ta people out There I'm not saying ta is bad because
There is use for it but man he is not Even good What's up yeah I like Caspa I do Gunny what's up brother Happy to see you I'm here man What's up everybody yo yo David eakins You're full of yourself No I'm just calling it a Spades fade Benjamin he doesn't really know what He's talking about Um so another reason ethereum is a buy Is restaking Um I put out a tweet the other day it Was um Riri that um it's part of the Moon Sama ecosystem I put her picture of Her face -3 plus a picture of a steak It's restaking you know this is going to Be massive you guys I'm freaking stoked Because my ethereum nodes are going to Be able to make more APR by providing Services to other you know blockchains It's basically turning ethereum into the Polka dot like structure So so yeah I'm extremely excited about Each and Lair I made a video Um about how you can possibly get set up For their airdrop but um if you're gonna Stake you guys you better be solo Staking do not stick with the Centralized entity please please please Please please Um if you're gonna stake I recommend Iavado it's a plug and play staking Device hardware and
Um yeah it's for the people who don't Want to get all technical use command Line and all that BS like me so I have An i7 probably gonna get an R9 soon R9 Just future proofs yourself but nice Oven will work for you know the next Five years But eventually you're probably going to Need to increase the storage Um yeah you can get one if you haven't And you want to solo steak at Shop slash CC Link for that also in the description But regarding staking you know an engine Layer just just adds another bonus to Rocket pool Um rocket pool has been a pick of mine For a long time it's been a bear Market Savior too it hasn't been as damaged as Others Um but yeah with when agent Lair comes Out Um there's already talk of immediate Rocket pulling engine layer integration So That's gonna rock it But then yeah you guys I also Um got a another airdrop correct and I Think this one's gonna be pretty big That's why I covered it um ipor just Released that they were doing the ipor Rewards Um and yeah they are doing an airdrop This is the same video I put made with
Egen layer How to get set up for each and layers so I'll throw this in the comments too Oh no problem David Elkins thank you for The tip man Puffs chain I like my name thank you for The live stream it's of course man Crypto culture what's up brother thanks For the tip Missed you too crypto bro thank you so Much man Oh I saw that with xor Xor is an under definitely undervalued Underrated Um polka dot ecosystem project John mcluth thank you so much man Yes I am looking for people to help get Blockchain leaks launched it's basically Ready Um Yeah I'm just waiting to for the perfect Time to launch it I guess you could say Appreciate the tips guys I bore oh yeah so yeah this video Covered ipor and agent layer Um but yeah posted December 1st and if We see the protocol snapshot for ipor Was taken January 9th yeah so Chico Army Who listened you know and watched that Video and took action they probably got Themselves set up for an airdrop And yeah the allocation is based on Specific community members economic Activities taking into account the
Amount of liquidity deposited and the Duration it remained in the pool both Time and volume waited for LPS P L and Open interest contributed will be Considered for Traders and then also if You became a citizen of ipor which I Covered in that video you also got bonus Rewards No A lot of you should be getting that Airdrop hopefully Another pick of mine of course is energy Web you guys are like oh again dialer Energy web is going to be massive you Guys uh markets are just taking some Time to catch on Um But when looking at this You understand So Rocky Mountain Institute launched Their VPP P They're vp3 With support from general motor Motors And Google nests so it's basically a Partnership between these guys to build Out the VPP ecosystem across the United States and Beyond So some big players in here But if you know who Rocky Mountain is You know it's energy web so energy web Foundation is a partnership between Rocky Mountain Institute and independent U.S based on profit and grid Singularity
A blockchain technology developer So yeah RMI is energy web so basically this is 100 gonna be built on ew Ewc And I actually covered this all the way Back Um October 2021 that yeah Google Nest Was going to integrate with energy web Now it's basically confirmed so That's super freaking exciting So now talking about Um something besides withdraws with Ethereum if you see Up above withdraws you know right here They have another thing that's basically Going to be ready it looks like almost Coinciding with it and that's the Distributed validators now Just like Some of the ethereum staking you know Projects Lido Um rocket pool all the different ones You know they're moved up to the top you Know they're on page one of coin gecko Well this is the first distributed Validator project I know of it's SSV Network I've already covered it Um but yeah this one in my opinion is Going to be big you know Their distributed validator Infrastructure for devs and they are on The um Shifu test net as of right now When arbitrum airdrop Chico
Soon I would say Let me look at Um Oh two beat It's I mean if I let me see It's when optimism starts threatening to Overturn them But they are gonna launch it in my Opinion They're gonna have to in my opinion Thoughts on file coin thanks lb crypto I Actually take um all coin questions at The very end of the stream Um Yeah I just don't want to be bogged down With um all coin questions during the a Lot of people they want to just see my Content you know not just me answering a Bunch of questions about altcoins So I do take them at the very end of This stream when will we see chip Chodler again Um probably not for a month Because I am going on a backpacking trip Kind of a long trip through South America I leave Monday So another one too Um that's top pick of mine it has been Is centrifuge real world assets are Going to be massive and after I posted My maple video it's like people caught On Maple and Center views are very close You know they're they're similar they're
Not exactly the same but they're similar And after I posted my uh Maple videos Centrifuge just went boom People caught on you know So coinmetrics Um actually put out a state of the Network you know the 2023 Outlook and of course rwas real world Assets are going to be a big narrative In the 2023 into 2024. Um But it's not only you know coin metrics It's vitalik buterin buterin just put Out a post last month December 5th and Yeah He believes one of the big things coming Are Dow governed rwa backed stable coins I die Well if you didn't know maker Dao and Centrifuge are backing die with rwas Right now 100 million dollar die vault They launched And then block tower credit maker down To find 220 million dollars of real World assets through centrifuge Um so they're just increasing it rwas Are starting to back Um Die Centrifuge is severely undervalued in my Opinion All right and now the next thing I want To cover is actually because it's almost
Sold out so the Chicco crypto cameraman Chase he actually launched his first nft It's a music nft in collaboration with An artist from the Moon Zombie ecosystem Um there's only less than 50 left 44. And yeah let me play a preview of the Song [Music] I'll do anything that you need cause I Don't want another Way Yeah so um that's out right now it's Only nine dollars it's on public Pressure the web three Um Music platform Um on polka dot and yeah it'd be great If you supported them one of the bonuses From this is I'm actually gonna be Posting some alpha videos once in a While in his Um Discord for the nft holders so it Does have a bonus of that and it's Really good music and Chase actually Wants to say what's up what's up Everybody thanks for the support yeah Cheers so stoked yeah I mean he's a Great artist you guys and he's coming Out with some cool features for the nft Hopefully get some good collaborations Going on with you know his community Hopefully they can contribute and you Know it turns into a decentralized Artist group that would be amazing
Oh and yeah here's some more on Centrifuge maker and the die back stable Coin Thanks yonito Chase Chase appreciates That Hey no problem Scotty P When satcom hopefully very soon it Sounds like quarter one thanks for the Tip Scotty Dang Chico why are you so bullish What do I think of meterion could it be Miranda's except are you talking about a Coin Again Los so that's a coin I take coin Tips at the very end or coin questions At the very end of the Stream Appreciate the tips either guys but I'm Do I offer online courses on how to Research the market no I don't Unfortunately Um Blockchain leaks hopefully we'll have a School section Is Chase Q Chase is super cute Oh do you want okay yeah I'll send nft Link yeah I should have done that in the Beginning It's in the description as well you guys Um oh yeah and you guys I want to thank Um our sponsors for this video I want to Thank Um router the Z protocol M-e-x-c and one inch um the D5 wallet Links for all of them are in the
Description I like pocket Johnny Knox it was gonna Be featured Um I just kind of ran out of room I didn't Want to make this first stream too long But regarding you know arbitrum arbitrum Is actually being used by the Norwegian Government they're listing um companies On the public blockchain Um so easily to share and update Companies shareholder information That's pretty freaking cool Come on launch a token you guys I thought this was pretty awesome this Is actually what I would eventually want To do On our Bitcoin miners that you know eat My house Heat my floors This is what this guy did Um I don't know if you guys saw this but Um El Salvador in this universe Went out and had a Bitcoin costume well I I don't know if you guys saw the Um intro For all the countries but let's just Watch now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Yeah
Oh my Lord let's play that one more time [Music] [Applause] Oh man Does Chase have a channel what content Does he do does it do no he has an Instagram and stuff like that Discord Um Oh he does have a YouTube What's your YouTube again Okay Appreciate the tip No Miss France rocks So um now we're to a new section of live Streams Um it's called dude I want that Um because it's actually products that I Find that are freaking cool and I kind Of want and I think you guys would be Cool think or you guys would think are Cool too So this is pretty dang cool the Hydronius it's a bong that has a cyclone In it spinning around So it extra cools your smack and it just Looks cool That's pretty freaking dope wouldn't you Say I want a hydronius Now this is actually very useful and I'm Sure many of you guys are going to be Searching for this after I post I mean It's kind of expensive but very useful So this is a foot pedal
For your toilet that lifts the toilet Seat for you So unfortunately 220 dollars But that's freaking amazing You just gotta Pink now this is pretty cool the mini Jumbotron I would love to have one of these for my Game room can we skip to the good part I don't want to get my freaking Video Taken down by advertisers Using their music That's freaking cool Yeah and here's where you can get those Mini Jumbo Tron company Now the final thing is actually a crypto Thing uh this is open ID it's basically Or open dime it's basically Bitcoin cash It's a Bitcoin credit stick It's a small USB stick that allows you To spend Bitcoin like a dollar bill pass It along multiple times connect to any USB to check balance unseal any time to Spend online trust no one So those are pretty cool But yeah that is the content for the Stream you guys Um now we're to some people's favorite Some people's unfavorite but um yeah It is uh question portion of the video What do I think about AI coins Um I don't think they're gonna be that
Big As big as people think Chico will you be live at the launch With Samuel Reed I hope I hope it's not Confirmed yet Hey Robbie D thanks for the tip man No problem man thank you guys for Supporting me Mask you looks all right I know what it Is Well polka dot ever reached its all-time High of 50 if Bitcoin goes on another Bull Run no doubt about it in my in my Mind Umar thank you so much for the tip man I'm great Been researching all since months come Out with three projects already invested In them Morpheus Network Union Dex D fit What do you think brother Um I don't know unidex or D fit but I do Like Morpheus Network it's one of the Better supply chain cryptocurrencies Chico what do I think about block green At on the bird backed by Coinbase Ventures okay Bitcoin at its core What are they trying to do Fluent in Bitcoin Hmm I'm gonna have to look deeper but it's Interesting Thanks for the tip and tip Benito Hi Chico what's your opinion on GRT and
Gala Um I talked about Gala I mean gala's not Bad but I think eluvium's gonna smoke Them GRT Oh the graph I like the graph too I own Some Not a super big bag but I I got some Graph Appreciate the tip man Salsa and Allegra Martinez thank you for The 10 tip man Toast Malone Just five bucks Let me read your awesome name C hey Chico do you think the Doge one Satellite launch is actually going to Happen or did that fill this out no it's Happening Still bullish on does uh I mean I'm not Like extremely bullish on Doge it's Going to do well because it has Elon And it's gonna be around you know But Do you know vxv it's the only AI crypto Using language models which is what chat GPT is based on oracles and Nvidia will Soon release PRS about them they will Present Alice that Jesse London this weekend I don't know about vxv I just know a lot of Um grifters Are going to be coming out trying to run
With their AI You know AI narrative because you know Jack chap B GPT It's Got The Whole World's Attention I mean that's not saying all AI projects Or grifters I'm just no a large majority Of them are going to be Because opportunists will take Opportunity Yeah I do still hold mist Plus chain Um I'm even more bullish on most right now Than I was like six months ago seven Months ago because um the ghost step has Less flashbots He should have left a long time ago Because they're they're a shady ass Organization Like Doing that to the Miss team and stuff so Yeah I'm glad the ghost step's gone and He's focusing on mist Joelle what's up brother Back in the Saddle Again just want to Give a shout out to pocket still holding Strong poyos crew what's up boyo screw I'm still holding pocket too Have you looked at xprt I keep trying to Look at a more detail but bad service at Times keep trying to like it but also Keep getting that feeling so I Is that persistence I think that's
Persist I haven't I mean I've seen it around I just don't get it Liquid staking I mean Yeah I don't know I'm gonna have to look Deeper Tender mint so Cosmos not the biggest Fan of Cosmos Have you been keeping up with Luxo Brother Um as much as I can Fabian had a pool About reducing Supply and also mainna Around there is an announcement on the 21st Yeah no luck so I've been fabian's a Very bright mother freaker Been looking pretty nice too lately Down from five almost ten It's almost doubled in the past month What do I think about nfy laugh out loud I well I can't be a hundred percent Correct on everything you guys If you are looking for that you're Looking for impossible Chico can you check kabushu Inu no You guys I'm not looking at anything Inu Come on I appreciate the tip but I'm not Not about that Foreign Probably like what the [ __ ] is he doing Oh Nickelodeon I don't even know how to spell Nickelback Wait
Did you download I came up I'm gonna ask You some questions and the only thing You have to do to win ten thousand Dollars is get one correct Jupiter okay let's have 30 seconds on The clock please all right ready What's my opinion on Jupiter Um [Music] It looks like Military-grade encryption Yeah see that I don't even have their Full website working I hate when Projects do this yeah [Music] Jeepney Sent you a PM regarding my last tip on Telegram all right man I'll check it out Appreciate it Benito Unidex is like GMX but more powerful Don't try to hit on It throws shade on one of my projects to Like your project I'm not gonna Yeah right unidex is more powerful and GMX It's just an aggregator It's not even its own Exchange Is the Sora card like binance card or What's up Um I don't know I've never looked at Binance card so I don't know Appreciate the tip But I've never looking at binance card Chico check out this AI project bit
Tensor now it's on coin gecko but you Can only buy OTC Oh it doesn't really explain much on the Website Peer-to-peer intelligence Market I mean I'm not going to read that right Now But Um I mean if they're only coming out Right now they got a long way to go I'll Tell you what I would be more focusing on the AI Projects I've been out for a while Um I think even though it's a finance Freaking crap coin fat Ji Uh Uh a few others We make a review for Casper Um I don't plan my content whatsoever You guys I seriously don't I wake up in The morning and I just decide whatever Looks interesting for that day I'm gonna Cover Never plan my content I'm a big fan of ocean What do I think about ewe dropping Mistaking multipliers What do you mean dropping them I mean I might I I like Caspa Eth ER thank you for the tip man Um check out tap Global ticker Xtp
Foreign Crypto all on one card Interesting I mean it looks all right Looks like they're traded on a stock Exchange As well Am I going to speak on avax and Amazon Nah Sir Chewbacca what's up man Um welcome back to the live streams the People welcome you thank you man Appreciate that hi Chico people are Forgetting about the gnosis chain Ecosystem I'm not I'm staking Next I merged I had a bunch of X die I'm mistaken Thanks through the tub General Collins Hey Chico can you please say hi to my Girlfriend Kennedy what's up girlfriend Kennedy what's your thoughts on state DOT link sdl all right I am still a fan Of Susan Sarandon Big fan great actress Stay clean Oh she is one that's a way down here Because it's just like a Chain link staking pool I don't know I have to look into this I'm glad you remembered all that though Puff's chain you just proved you are an OG
Check Zeus Enterprise D Storage enhanced Nfts partner with fat ocean and Hanson Ft private sharing much more Thiago I think I'm gonna be out and find this My friend I'm not finding it my friend Appreciate your tip Whoa Justin Baker thank you so much for The 50 tip man Yes I do believe in the story ecosystem I'm holding it all Don't seem to see much love Um just because I don't talk about a Cryptocurrency for a while doesn't mean I don't hold it and I don't like it Still I cover thing I'm an investigative Journalist I hate covering no news like Yeah we're covering something that's Already news it's like what what's the Point you know so I need to research it Find it you know and not break some news I like to break the news Um I just haven't found anything that it Can break Oh and I really appreciate the tip man It's very generous of you thank you Toast Malone What do I think of statera Whoa this is even lower two three four Six Way too big of a supply It looks like it's just one of those
Run-of-the-mill deflationary tokens A bunch of those came out yeah I would if I was holding it I'd Re-allocate yeah I'm still holding Climidow I'm holding both half my own Uh man all my climbing down What I meant is sore card better than Centralia ones Like centralized card Um I don't know I haven't used it I really want to use it Whoa Manuel capillary thank you for the 49 MX Paul C whoa 100 bucks just throwing a Hundred bucks at me I feel like a freaking Stripper Thank you so much falsy That's very very generous of you Any thoughts on Kai Guardia chain Um Not a big fan of their partners Nasty partners Neo and And they have the magical old logo they Need to update their website But I'm not a big fan of Neo or ontology What do I think a true bit I'm a fan of True bit and I hold it Radix DLT xrd is my biggest bag D apps Go live in the next six months with Native Mobile Wallet D5 go and Mainstream xrd's top hundred I've
Covered Radix I'm probably one of the First YouTubers to cover it Radix four years ago Wow So yeah I know I know Radix You found but did not click oh zcn okay Thank you for the tip I'm sorry This This Cloud project I'd like to see a main net do you know When Maine Net's coming I mean it could be a good play you know Once main net comes Have I checked out squid grow by ship Toshi the biggest Shiba Inu wallet I'm Not a big fan of Shiba Inu I mean There's money to be made with these meme Coins but I'm more if you watch my Channel I'm a fundamentalist I like Fundamental project something that's not Just Meme Chico is still concentrating CTR Oops Oh yeah they've grown a lot 54 million locked up Three market cap They need to get their circulating Supply updated At concentrators Bouncing hard Guys sold it actually Diego arcade thank you so much man I Appreciate that
Chico what are your thoughts on carbon Credit kryptos most have been trapped Still waiting for Vera decision uh I'm Still very bullish on that [Music] I mean if you see where the world's Moving carbon credits are going to be a Massive Market S become irrational especially the Crypto markets but Rest Rationality uh Um Really shows itself in the beginning Stages of a bull market Diego I haven't checked out kma Calamari I'm not a big fan of calamari Personally Oh it's privacy hub for kasama I like Sama so y'all know this is interesting Thanks for the tip I'll keep it on my Radar Diego Unibrite Um Amora Brava some stuff went down Between unibry and provide Um I'm still trying to figure out what Happened But yeah I don't know they're a blow up Basically happened between the Baseline Protocol Teams fighting blah blah blah blah Um So I'm still trying to figure out that
Blacklist Universe bro I've been Watching you for five years I've out Loud squid grow isn't just a meme coin It's building a decks BNB eth Bridge nft Exchange he's building utilities out the Wazoo if you would not if you've watched Me for five years Blacklist Universe I Appreciate your tip but I'm just being Honest you would know I don't give a Flying crap about a BNB East Bridge Finance sucks my nut sack Um So yeah I don't know it might look it Might be cool you know I'm not saying It's just I don't care about Shiba Inu Lead wallet What do I think about Leo X wallet Or the Galileo protocol Some preview [Music] Sounds interesting I've been waiting for Tokenization of actual real physical Goods Sounds interesting I'll keep it on my Radar P n f T's to the Moon sounds interesting EC thank you for the Tip my man Thoughts on Kento I like the website old school Yeah it's nicely designed And it's like it sounds like it's its Own layer though which Yeah that's competitive right now I'm
Not saying they can't compete but Very competitive Hey Chico what are your thoughts on the Maidavers have you have not talked about It much What I talk about the metaverse Uh I mean I'm bullish on Eluvium Uh do you know bit country on kusama I've heard about it Haven't looked deep Interesting I'm gonna have to look Deeper into a bit country Apt Rising hard post SPF era amazing ux And gross Aptos yeah I mean I think SBS has a ton of tote Aptos to dump that's the only thing I'd Be worried about Connected one thank you for the tip man Balling 85 hey Chico can you show Arthur Hayes wallet again Um I don't know at the top of my head I'd have to go back in some of my video That's gonna take a while balling Um I'm sure you can just search in Twitter Arthur Hayes wallet Yeah there's yeah just do that There's people showing it He is he's bullish on GMX Pretty tip Ballin buttered fingered the First Super Chat no problem Paul meant
To ask you if you had the opportunity to Check out what mask AI have done in beta Right now no VCS all Community Driven I've looked into it and I I I used it For a little bit on my Twitter Mask is nice and private there's no Doubt about it Mask might be on I mean privacy is going To be massive privacy is going to be the Most valuable thing coming here soon To Goshi yo what do I think of the new Lyra Finance Newport update I haven't Looked into it actually so I can't Comment but I hold Lyra and I'm bullish On Lyra Clover Finance clv wallet appreciate Your tip to go sheet too but Lyra is Good I haven't looked in the Newport I Will Um clv Use another privacy Again like I said privacy is going to be Very valuable And the projects you excel in it are Going to be a very valuable Blacklist just saying it's a utility Token using meme marketing I know you Hate binance squid grows on eth2 I'm the Artist for their nfts so I am a little Biased Oh look I mean I'll look at it if it's On point Gekko But yeah super large Supply binance [Music]
Yeah it's got good design so your good You know artists But not my cup of tea Um I know ikomi it's an nft one Um got chilled big time last Bull Run It's kind of falling They migrated off Off go chain to ethereum which was smart Check that the East Bridge hasn't Launched yet okay okay Ilv has a super high inflation don't you Think No not necessarily you need ilv In the ecosystem so Can Stark net and ZK sync the Competitors yeah oh definitely Diego no Doubt about it they're competitors Appreciate the tip Diego thoughts about gear Well-known investors oh Gearbox or bitgear Probably or year Or maybe gear or Starbucks gear Well I don't know what one Composable leverage protocol defy native Prime broker Ninjas I like that they call Those fat side ninjas 105 million tvl was Mark cat 9 million that's very nice dvl the Market cap ratio Could be undervalued If it tensor Dao has been in the works For over five years I believe it's on
Pocata and we'll be launching on Exchange soon this is 8k well I'm gonna look into towel Here soon Hi Chico for the next Bull Run I have Managed to gather one BTC 10e for Thousand leak 100K Gala and 100K GRT do You think this portfolio will tell you Well Ah that's pretty good man I mean You got your Bitcoin you got your I mean I would try to move up to 32 weeks Personally Um so you can solo steak But other than that it looks great to me Privacy death row that oh Hey man you training yeah I've been Training MMA BJJ um I haven't for the Last couple months Um just so I want to take some time off I have volume No EOS is not making a comeback I'm feeling great mcfallen I'm been as you guys have probably seen I'm posting a lot less lately I was Letting the um Channel dominate me for The longest time you know I was just Working my ass off And yeah letting my job just take over My life and I finally said nope I am going to do I only post when I feel like it and That's yeah been a very good decision All right guys well I think I'm gonna Head out
Um this was you know the first live Stream back I appreciate all you guys Tuning in sticking around with me Through the bear Um and into the bowl so yeah you guys Are all awesome for tipping I appreciate It so much and again I want to thank my Sponsors for this live stream router Protocol one inch defy wallet Z protocol Oh I can I think of the last one an mexc Global again you guys links for all the Sponsors are below support them because They support me and yeah I will see you Guys Um Next week I don't know when I'm gonna be Posting first next week Because I am traveling Um but I'm gonna stick around and create the Best content in the world Cheers guys I'll see you next time I don't know how do you insert ads Jesus Tremony all right peace guys
Top Crypto News Sources – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem
Top Crypto News Sources – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem
In today’s world of cryptocurrencies and ICOs, it’s important to keep up with the latest developments. There are many sites that offer up crypto news. Some of the best ones cover the newest trends, while others provide unbiased analysis. Read on to find out more about some of the top crypto news sources out there.
CryptoAnalyst is a great resource for those looking for in-depth, reliable information on cryptocurrencies. The site provides editorials on key topics and comprehensive ICO reviews. They also have articles that examine the impact of blockchain technology on the economy.
If you are more into a traditional news platform, the Wall Street Journal carries a CoinDesk BPI chart. This is the most widely sourced Bitcoin Price Index, and is useful for keeping up with crypto prices. It has millions of monthly views and is integrated into their reporting.
Another way to stay on top of the newest cryptocurrencies is with the Token Economy newsletter. The site curates a weekly email with stories from leading thought leaders in the crypto community. While they’re not as popular as some of the larger sites, they are a great way to keep up with the hottest cryptocurrencies. They also pull heavily from Medium blogs.
If you’re looking for a more entertaining and humorous look at the hottest cryptocurrencies, check out Bitesize Bitcoin. The show features interviews with the people behind some of the newest cryptocurrencies. You can even subscribe to a newsletter so that you’ll get a daily dose of the funniest, most interesting news in the space.
Another source for crypto news is Brave New Coin. Their data-engine taps into every crypto exchange on the planet, so you’ll always be informed of the latest developments. Plus, they publish technical analysis and research that has been used by key decision makers.
There are other sources for unbiased news, including The Coin Report. Although the team doesn’t post regularly, the articles are thorough and enlightening. The site covers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, from Bitcoin to Litecoin to Ethereum. Its articles focus on the power of cryptocurrencies to the emerging markets and development frontiers of the industry.
Lastly, there is a community centered around the SliceFeeds website. It’s a blockchain-like social network that gives you an easy way to vet rumors and make connections in the cryptospace. With a cap algorithm to control the growth of the network, it’s an excellent place to learn about new developments and gain access to the latest crypto news.
All of these sites are great for staying on top of the latest developments in the cryptospace. Some of them are specifically designed for beginners, while others are more advanced. Choose the one that suits you the most. One of the main advantages of using these sites is the fact that they provide you with the resources to get started.
A third way to get the latest news on the cryptospace is with the Coin Spectator website. This is a real-time crypto news aggregator that helps you track upcoming ICOs, projects, and milestones. Users can filter by cryptocurrencies, project type, or a variety of other options. Besides providing an in-depth ICO listing, they have a comprehensive project volatility metric to help you determine whether a certain project is worth investing in.