Dogecoin- Binance More Trouble Ahead?
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Whoo hey everyone this is Daryl from Daily crypto trade signals coming to you Live live from Vietnam guys a great time To be live and we're going to be talking About what is going on with crypto what Is going on with the dues your Woos You're out there and how Lou can we go Guys so let's get into the content Without any further delay and remember Remember guys and gals ladies and Gentlemen this ain't Financial advice It's just the OG in the house especially My opinion and I'm not a licensed Financial advisor so you already knew That guys so what is going on right now With the crypto markets we can see right Now the crypto markets if take a look at The heated heat map right now we can see That the heat map everything is down Like crazy guys we're going to be Talking about why is that happening so Right now we're seeing that a theorem is Down almost 7.28 we're seeing a Bitcoin Is getting hammered out there and a lot Of it has to do with all this flood Surrounding a binance and also recession Fear so that is what's going on that is One of the reasons why crypto is Capitulating that is one of the reasons Why we're seeing that Dogecoin is down Almost 10 right down and you know I'm Going to tell you that you know perhaps This could be the bottom perhaps this Could be the bar or we could be going
Down more and more so you're going to Watch this video to the end to find out Exactly what the heck is going on out There so it looks like a must says he Will restore recently uh suspended Journalists Twitter accounts so earlier Today we did report that uh musk had Suspended a whole bunch of journalist Accounts and in the EU they fought back And they said no if you do that we're Going to we're going to put sanctions And we're going to sue your butt so uh Elon Musk basically said look hands up White flag and I am going to restore the Snowflake journalists out there and they Include New York Times CNN and some Other uh Schmo out there so looks like They've been uh they've been uh they've Been uh been returned an unsuspended out There also guys it looks like The Dow closes more than 200 points Lower falls for the second straight week As recession fears grow so as you guys Know that we did have the interest rates Did did come in lower than expected but That did not have much of an impact uh On on the markets we did see that the Markets did pump and then after that we Had a retest and everything went down Fear and greed a fear and greed is Unchanged from my previous video and We're still seeing it we're at 28 and Most of the market is fearful most of The peeps out there is fearful and
Everybody is fearful it is a wicked Wicked time to be alive let's take a Look at the total Market what's going on Out there so right now we're seeing that Let me give this a minute to refresh out There so it's good to be back in Vietnam However it's raining like crazy out There so we're seeing the total market Right now is down about 5.33 percent And that's 860 806 billion to be exact So that is not looking good out there What is coming in what else is coming in Looks like CZ uh just tweeted this Remember maximum greed happens at the Top and maximum fear happens at the Bottom so not Financial advice just a Fact so what do you guys think do you Think that you think that um you know Bitcoin is at the bottom you think Dogecoin is at the bottom we're going to Be talking about that and also too we Did see that you know a huge auditing Firm out there did pull the plug up Binance uh okx and kucoin out there and That is sending a lot of fears we're Seeing that BNB is actually going down Down it's down almost about 13 right now And a lot of people are fearful but Still still we are seeing that the Binance is still coming out and saying That they're still one-to-one out there In terms of uh their crypto Holdings in Terms of their Reserve so that is Positive but there's no way to really
Know that because the audit firm that Did the audit they said you know we're Not going to audit because we're afraid Afraid of retaliation from the Authorities out there and we're still Seeing that the binance total net worth Right now is about 55.1 billion that's Down 10 billion we are seeing a lot of People are panicking out there and if You are panicking ladies and gentlemen Get yourself a nano Ledger Hardware Wallet the link is down there guys so That's what's going on don't panic I Mean myself personally I still think That we have a lot of I still don't Think that binance is going to collapse Guys so let's talk about Kevin O'Leary On FDX on fraud and it's easy I and Let's listen to what Kevin O'Leary had To say about that and remember anything That comes out of Kevin O'Leary when it Comes to FDX he's a paid mouthpiece out There so let's let's let's jump into it Guys let's actually jump in as an act as A you're a principal in this in this Drama you are an actor in this drama and And you had a front row seat to Sam Bankman freed literally up until the Very end given what you know about him Personally and given what you now know About the numbers and what has happened In there as you said you're trying to Get money back uh for creditors What do you think happened do you
Believe this was a fraud I don't have the facts John Ray doesn't Have them yet he's going to get them I'm Looking for my records I'm willing to Find a forensic audit of our accounts I'd like to know what happened obviously There's a lot of bad things that have Been alleged here no question about it And some of them are going to be true Likely because there's no money there Somewhere the cash is gone right and so This is the beginning of its Journey You're right I I I did speak with him Prior to him going to jail because I'm Just after the facts of where the cash Was now let me address something before Uh go any further yesterday on the air CZ called me a liar All right so basically you know typical You know Kevin O'Leary Kevin O'Leary Style he doesn't say anything he just Kind of circumvents the whole question So you know he won't even admit that he Thinks there was a fraud out there he is Just dancing in circles thanks Kevin Paid mouthpiece thanks for saying Absolutely nothing guys guys I still Believe Dogecoin he's going to go to the Moon I still believe it's going to Happen in 2025 guys so buckle up guys Cheer up out there I know that a lot of You are not so happy uh you know crypto Is tanking Dogecoin is tanking Everything is tanking but I think that
You know one of the reasons that things Are tanking is because of this guys I Think we have this whole Wyckoff Accumulation that is in play right now So we're seeing right here look at look At the Bitcoin price look at the Wyckoff Pan guys tell me this is absolutely Being played out I believe that we're Seeing some of the biggest manipulation Having happening in history of crypto We're seeing that Dogecoin is trending Right now uh let's take a look at the Price of Dogecoin right now so right now The price of Dogecoin is down about nine Point eight three percent we're seeing That the the volumes are going up right Now we're seeing more buying than more Selling than buying excuse me and we're Seeing the total volume is at 860 Million and we're also seeing that the Market cap is also also down right now As well we could be breaking down below 10 billion so guys you know I still Think it's an excellent time to be Buying a Dogecoin in the freaking Moon Guys and you've got to do your part You've got to absolutely do your part if You want to you know if you want to be In it to win it you got to be do your Part guys get the Twitter get the get The YouTube credit short guys and spread The message out there also we're seeing That right now uh you know people that Have been holding Bitcoin for more than
Five years right now are actually the Majority of them are kind of underwater Right now so that is not looking good Right now that is not a good look for For crypto but as I said I believe that This is this is accumulation uh the White cup pattern being playing out I Think it's huge manipulation out there We've seen that the market crashes uh You know it's dropped almost seven Percent and you know right now the BNB The update is we're down about 13 to 14 Out there so it's not a little not a Good look and a lot of people are Panicking a lot of people who are in Retail investors are panicking guys so You know one of the reasons that binance Is down right now is because mazars Suspends ties and to stop doing auditing For a number of cryptocurrency exchanges Out there so that is why binance is down Will binance collapse I don't think it's Going to collapse does a CZ need to come Out and do an audit by one of the big Three auditing firms like Deloitte KPMG Absolutely I think CJ if you're watching This you definitely need to pull the Trigger on that brother uh because we Need some clarity out there uh you know And binance is coming out and saying Look you know our our exchange assets Are backed one to one there's no liquidy Crunch there's absolutely no liquidity Liquidity Crunch and if BNB price
Continues to go down he's not going to Be using he's not going to be using Customer assets to to to use that as Leverage to prop up BNB that's not going To happen guys do not panic do not worry About it guys looks like you know uh you Know it looks like Trader targeting is Saying that we could see a big move Coming guys so we think that you know if We look at the helken Ashley chart shows 12 consecutive months monthly candles Forming the whole bear Market falling as BTC moves upside massively so we did see Here we had 12 bars here we had 12 bars Here we had 12 bars so what he's saying Is that we could be seeing a massive Reversal and I believe that the white Cuff patent is playing out and that we Are we are darn tooting closer to the Ball than we are to the top guy so Buckle up guys cheer up out there what Is coming in for Dogecoin right now Dogecoin a price on losing streak is 10 Fall keep holding guys so you know what I'm suggesting is even though uh Dogecoin is falling right now we can see That the Dogecoin price right now uh is At zero seven seven four but today on The Daily Dogecoin has come back has Slightly come back it's almost up about Two percent right now so I still think This is a good time to be accumulating I Am definitely going to be picking up Some more Doge going picking up some
More Bitcoin uh you know keep some dry Powder definitely keep some dry powder We could see some more more massive Falls out of the downside uh definitely I put a buyer at zero six nine zero for Dosh I'm not panicking out there I am Absolutely not panicking who's in the Money who's out of the money let's give That admit to refresh pow snap let's get It guys let's get it we're seeing that Right now 56 are still in the money 56 Percent of you who are watching this are Still in the money guys so there's a lot Of whinging there's a lot of whining a Lot of panicking from retail investors Out there but institutions are still Buying up crypto like crazy guys I Recommend that you just you know keep Calm don't panic out there it's a great Time to be live a dxy is going up right Now that is not a good look but it just Seems to be it seems that you know my my Whole Trend like that I haven't changed And that trend line I drew back at 27th Of uh this whole trendline I drew some Time ago look guys we are still falling We're following my dxy trend line Exactly exactly as predicted so that is Not too shabby out there we're also Seeing that Bitcoin is going down looks Like that also could be following my Trend line as well and we're seeing that Bitcoin is 16 744. uh if we continue That we could be collapsing down to 15
549 guys so keep an eye on that I mean I've definitely put some ladder orders Here some limit orders at 15 500 guys so Get it get it get it we're looking not To we're looking pretty bad on the Weekly as well got a one day and 16 Hours left on this weekly and uh we are Down right now uh on the week right now We are down around about 2.14 guys and Gals so guys once again uh you know be Part of the conversation join our Discord guys I absolutely absolutely Think you should join our Discord guys The link is down there get it again it's A great time to be alive uh also guys uh You know let's take a look at the Liquidation what is going on with the Liquidations right now for Dogecoin what Is going on liquidation for all of Cryptocurrency out there uh we can see It right now the top liquidated uh coins In the last last 24 hours it's been Ethereum Bitcoin and uh BMB followed by Dogecoin guys so almost 7.14 million Dollars for the Dogecoin has been Liquidated and we're seeing a total Amount of wreckage out there is 239 uh Million dollars so guys it's it's up From where it was before so get ready For Hunter Wicks I think that we're Going to be seeing more and more Cryptocurrency being taken uh off the Market and we're going to see more Liquidity crunches out there and we're
Seeing a big uh a lot of long skies and Mainly Longs out there people are Definitely uh buying and longing the Market right now guys so get ready there Could be some more downward price action Get ready for 100 weeks out there so That could be coming guys let's take What's going on Shiba weebu right now Shibu is also not looking good guys is Absolutely going down it did hit a low Uh today of a bunch of zero seven eight Five we're back up above the zero a Whole bunch of zeros of eight right now So it's not looking good for chibi Weebie right now ethereum is also not Looking good it is just below is just Below our 1200 level and it's now Trading at 1180 out there so let's see If we can get back up about the twelve Hundred dollars this slide is not Looking good guys so it's going to bring This quickie quickie quickie update to An end a Wendy out there so guys go back And watch all my other previous videos I Would appreciate it and remember go and Follow if you're not getting Notifications join the Discord be part Of the conversation guys and definitely Follow me on Twitter I would absolutely Appreciate it guys don't forget to check Out all the links the links are down Below get the linkage guys and also get The merch guys Gear with the OG gear and Get your orders and Christmas is coming
Guys so make a move on that one so from That perspective guys be blessed be well Uh it's a great time to be alive at Least and crypto looks like a pooper Smiler right now but guys don't panic Sell absolutely don't panic sell the you Know smart money is still buying and We're seeing a whole Wyckoff Accumulation that's happening guys so be Blessed be well have a great great day Out there I'll see you in the next one Peace out [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you