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Hey everyone this is Daryl from daily Crypto Chase series coming to you live Live live from Vietnam guys it's a great Time to be alive good morning good Afternoon good everything out there Hopefully you're having a great Fantastic day out there so Right now right now the time recording We are seeing at the pre-markets right Now are looking pretty good guys we're Seeing some we're seeing some we're Seeing some greenage out there we're Seeing some greenage out there for the Pre-market so that is pretty good guys We're seeing that the the the the the Right now the NASDAQ is up slightly We're seeing the s p is up as well so That is pretty cool beans that is good Good news out there guys so you guys Should be loving it I'm loving it and We're seeing things could be going Uppity guys get ready to go down the Cryptograph hall and don't forget to Smash the like guys lick the likes and Show some lovely love love we're also Seeing that Tesla stock is headed for Its worst month uh quarter and year on Record so it looks like Tesla stock is Down Tesla stocks have dropped to 11 on Tuesday guys can you believe it 11 11 Freaking percent and Tuesday and down 40 Percent in December so it looks like We're seeing the Tesla stocks are down Almost 71 so what is going on with Tesla
Stocks right now if we take a look at The fear and green index we're seeing The fear and green indexes around about 20 uh 28 out there and yesterday today If I take a look at that it was at 27 And 26 so people are still fearful People are still extremely fearful right Now so that is not a good look that is Not a good feeling and it is a bit of a Not so good feeling guys but guys and Gals you know you've got to be you've Got to have Moxie and you've got to Understand that the whales are still Buying guys and we're still going to be Talking about Mark Cuban says if you do This this is really dumb Da and we're seeing that right now the Heat map if I look at the heat map the Heat map is completely complete awful Out there guys can you see the Heat Map There's a face there's a heat map out There we're seeing that the heat map We're seeing Bitcoin is down and Theorem Is down everything is down Diddy Diddy Down down and the only thing right now That is up is the stable coins and B and B B and B is up a little bit so that's Kind of that's kind of freaky but we're Seeing the Dogecoin don't we're going to Be talking about Dogecoin later but Dogecoin is taking a heaty hit hit and It is not good out there and if you take A look at the total marketing cap right Now we're seeing the total market cap
For cryptocurrencies is uh Is is down guys it's down it's down Almost 1.61 Ouchy so the market cap is now at below 800 billion according to coin market cap Guys hopefully you can see that in there According to coin market cap out there Uh there's my face Coin market cap we are down guys 1.67 And we're below 800 billion so that is Not good guys absolutely not good out There so we're seeing that the Bitcoin Is down 1.14 in the last 24 hours a Theorem is down uh BNB is uh slightly up Right now so that is good guys uh we're Saying that Dogecoin is getting Summertime then do this coin is down Right now four point eight eight percent Uh and we're seeing that cardano is down As well uh time recording and guys You're probably wondering why the heck Is everything going down well I'm going To tell you why everything is going down Is because of stock harvesting it's Because of tax harvesting out there People are selling right now to take to Show a loss on the books so they can Reduce their capital gains I thought it Was what is going on I talked about this Morning we're seeing some huge huge huge Attacks harvesting we are seeing that The uh the dxy right now is unchanged And it is at 104. nothing really too big To report and nothing too really big to
Write home about nothing has really Changed there so guys I wouldn't be too Frustrated I wouldn't be too worried About it it is what it is if we take a Look at itty bitty right now itty bitty Baby is doing it's still going sideways It's still in this accumulation Zone and We're feeling that the pressure is Building up up up and Bitcoin has to Make a move guys take a look at this Bitcoin has to make a movie move soon And Bitcoin right now time recording is Uh if I look at the charts about sixteen Sixteen thousand uh six hundred eighty Nine dollars so you know the infamous Seventeen thousand dollars is just a Very hard target to beat out there uh Bitcoin on the on the weekly right now Is a red candle we're slightly down Now if we take a look at ethereum Ethereum ethereum arterium or screaming For ethereum uh you know uh only proof Of sake one of the big proof of stake Cryptos out there it is down right now a Freaking 1.23 and it is sitting under 1200 bucks guys hopefully you can see That out there it is under 1200 bucks Out there what is going on a term and You can see that ethereum is just Accumulating sideways sideways lots of Pressure something's got to give guys Something absolutely has to give out There and I think it's going to give uh Probably uh first week in January so
That's what I'm thinking that's what you Should be thinking so take precautions I Mean I'm not buying anything right now I'm basically you know Waiting and waiting to see what happens So it looks like news just in musk is Open to buy substack SPF took funds from Alameda uh for buying Robinhood that's Been confirmed uh and that is not good Looks like SPF times a big short writer Out there and looks like the AMC CEO has Uh has uh basically Frozen all salary so If you're working for AMC it's not Looking too good out there and guys did You know that Solana is down 73 percent In the past eight days the flood is Strong guys uh toward the one striving Asset but there appears to be some Pretty good justification with Development activity coming to an Hull And uh guys so if you're holding Solana Be careful watch out there's been a lot Of fun and Solana is down 73 percent out There so that is not good guys so I mean I don't want to be tootin Mahone But I did sell I did absolutely sell my Salon a long time ago so I'm pretty Happy about that looks like Bitcoin Miners Argo blockchain cells Texas Facility to Galaxy digital for 65 Million dollars interesting in fact I Was coming looks like mango markets Attacker RV renham Einstein arrested a Charged with a market manipulation so
Looks like this 110 million hack he got Arrested guys he's out of there he's Going to be joining dokuan SBF uh Carolyn the love child for Rupa and the Soup guys and meninski out there is also Making you know our friend at Celsius Out there so guys I mean with Celsius Update there's no freaking update looks Like Justin sat back Murphy uses 546 Million dollars from Alameda research to Purchase Robin Hood shares as I just Talked about guys so that's it's a fact Guys it is a fact people are talking About it people are going nuts about it It's a fact fact I love it you love it Uh also this is coming in guys it looks Like that uh ten thousand dollar big Time Big Big Come big come Bitcoin uh Could be coming guys we could be seeing A ten thousand dollar Bitcoin 10 to 20 10 to 12 000 Bitcoin could actually be Coming sooner than later so basically This uh tweet is saying look we're Seeing a double bottom we're seeing a Retest on the macro picture would make a Lot of sense so be careful guys so we Could be seeing a double bottom retest And that could take us to about ten Thousand to twelve thousand guys so it's Not off the table it's not off the table Guys so watch out for that be absolutely Careful and move around the camera guys Don't get dizzy I'm moving the camera I'm moving the camera OG is moving the
Camera so guys be careful and watch out For that one I appreciate it what else Is coming in looks like uh this is this Is kind of from Willy will and he's kind Of replying to Peter Schiff and he says My gift to Peter Schiff is every day of The year is this a live chart a Dedication to hard-working and hard Marketing BTC and he's basically said Look it's been a tough year uh you know Right and uh basically if you'd invested A dollar if you had invested a dollar 13.2 years ago it would be worth 22 Million dollars so basically if you Invested a dollar 22 years ago it would Be worth 22 million dollars right now Okay and if you invested the dollar in Gold 20 uh 13.2 years ago it'd be worth A buck 73. so guys you know Peter shift Out there the Shifty shift the reserve The shift he hates he hates Bitcoin and You know he's been pumping uh gold he's A big gold coin gold buck but you know Who cares I mean it just goes to prove That Peter Schiff don't know what he's Talking about so guys this is it Mark Cuban has said perf Yahoo Finance I want Bitcoin to go down so I can so I can buy A lot more so you can buy some more if You have gold then you're dumb beep beep So basically he's saying look I want I Want Bitcoin to go down I want itty to go down And he's saying look if you're investing
In gold You're a dumb beep beep out there so I Kind of agree with that to some degree And we've already seen from Willy Wu out There you know Willie Willie Wu has Proven it if you'd invested a buck a Buckety buck buck 13.2 years ago you'd Be worth 22 million dollars guys it's Right there there's evidence right at You it'd be worth 22 million dollars Guys so Get ready for that one so what are you Going to say Peter Schiff hopefully You're watching hope you hopefully You're watching there buddy because we Just proven that uh that uh gold ain't More schmack out there so that's kind of Interesting absolutely interesting guys Which of these coins will happen first Guys so take a look at this what's going To happen first you tell me what is Going to happen first are we going to See a 70 000 uh dollar Bitcoin are we Going to see uh 28 000 8 000 ethereum Are we going to see a thousand dollar uh BNB Solana 500 bucks chain link 80 bucks Polka dot Matic at five bucks Cardinal For xrp or Dogecoin to one dollar RV Chain to one dollar guys take a look Comment I want to see comment what is Going to come first guys comment down There I would appreciate guys comment Come coming up a storm coming up a storm Riders on the Storm you know what that's
All about guys so it's a great time to Be live what else is coming in right now Guys shop online earn cash back with Dogecoin guys so guys you you can you Can download on the Dogecoin wallet and You can get cash back at some retail Outlets out there there's more than 2 200 retail outlets accepting Dogecoin in One form or another so that is pretty Cool guys so right now Hulu price of Dogecoin Dozier washer now is at 11 11 7 11 7 11 down there and Dogecoin is also Going sideways but it is being supported At the seven Cent level right there so That is pretty good guys that's Absolutely good good support but we're Seeing that the bottoms for Dogecoin are Lighty they like light out there so that Is not looking good for Dogecoin uh so You know Dogecoin Elon Musk takes 140 Million plummet Jeff Bezos CZ not far Behind so we're seeing a lot of a lot of You Know Rich guys right now getting Getting pummeled getting hammered Because the markets are down and I think That we're going to continue to see this Downward downward action for some time Guys so guys buckle up I think it's Going to be rocky road and not the ice Cream until we see uh the end of q1 guys So we're seeing that the total volumes For uh Dogecoin right now is up about 81 Is that 460 million and we're seeing That the total marketing cap cap is just
Below 10 billion dollars that's what That's all about guys that is what that Is all about out there so guys buckle up Buckle up guys absolutely absolutely Buckle up uh you know also we're seeing That you know despite despite uh you Know the crypto being crazy we're seeing The dose has performed much better than Shiba Inu this year that is a fact guys Uh we're seeing that doge is the third Best performer in the top 10 having just Only dropped 58 percent beaten only by Xrp and BNB which all dropped at 50 57.2 Percent so we're seeing that uh Dogecoin Right now is not doing too shabby guys Dogecoin uh is really outperforming uh Some of the top 10 cryptos out there in Terms of percentage drop so that is Pretty good guys so if you're part of The Doge Army uh guys you should be Confident out there you should be loving Out there that Dojo is still strong and We we have got to the top we're still in The top eight spot for a long time she Believe it has dropped down like crazy Out there uh we're seeing right now that Uh Dogecoin uh 54 are in the money 33 Are out guys so that is pretty good and We're seeing that even though those coin It's still been pretty strong the strong Performance comes despite guys obviously Despite no significant news for Dogecoin Or Dogecoin Network in a very long time We haven't heard anything from the
Dogecoin devs I don't know what happened They're gonna fall asleep out there you Know so that is that is pretty good Because so barring some recent uh Speculation Dogecoin could potentially Possibly one day be integrated with Elon Musk Twitter and if that happens we Could be seeing our douche your dues you Wish you're going to a buckety buck buck Guys I will absolutely believe it guys So that is not too bad guys so we're Seeing that right now Shiba Inu right Now the token is down almost 71 percent So you know if you're holding Shiba you Know you're down almost 71 over the last 12 months guys wow and uh 14 of the Holders are green four percent breaking Even 82 percent in the red guy so if You're holding the Shibu ebi 82 percent Of you guys out there are in the ready Red compared to where Dogecoin is guys 54 in the money so I'm not dissing on The Doge I love and I'm not listening on The ship I loving the ship but it ain't Gonna looking good for Toshiba weebe Right now so that's what that's all About guys so that's going to bring this Video to clizzy woozy woozy guys and Girls so don't forget guys uh don't Forget to go down check the linky winky Winkies and also one last thing guys uh If you got your Hardware if you got your Crypto on the hardware on a sometimes Like Shane what's going on with you I
Get a knowledge you guys a linky winky Down there uh don't forget to buy the Dogecoin uh don't forget to buy uh Dogecoin merch don't forget to check out The Dogecoin Tippy jar and also guys Don't forget to uh you know Join the conversation join our Discord Guys I would appreciate it so that's Going to bring this video to a close so Guys have a fantastic day There will be another video coming out Uh around about 10 30ish you know I uh OG is going to get his so hopefully by The time you're watching this uh the Markets are just pretty close to opening So I want to say God bless each and Every one of you out there have a Fantastic fantastic day I'll see you in The next one in a couple hours Get ready share this with your friend Peace out Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] Thank you Foreign