My 22 Biggest Crypto Lessons Learnt in 2022 (Don’t Make These Mistakes)

Check out Miles’ biggest crypto lessons he learned during this rollercoaster of the year 2022! Join your host Miles Deutscher in today’s episode of Crypto Banter DeFi and learn everything from failed strategies to avoidable mistakes to prepare yourself for the next crypto market moves in 2023!

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00:00 22 Crypto Lessons from 2022
01:21 DeFi is the Way Forward
02:57 Gains Network – Decentralized Trading
03:52 Nothing is too Big to Fail
06:26 If a Mechanism is Broken, it Won’t Work
07:30 Don’t Hodl Blindly
09:50 Algorithmic Stablecoins Don’t Work
12:25 Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins
14:15 Timing the Crypto Market
16:59 Chase Real Yield, Not Fake Emissions
18:45 Gains Network & gTrade
19:28 Beware of Single Points of Failure
21:00 Don’t Worship Cult Figures
23:05 Rotating Crypto vs Taking Profit
25:40 Ecosystem Diversification
27:30 Locking Tokens vs Liquid Staking
30:18 Liquidity is King
35:00 Social Media Reflects Market Sentiment
37:58 Beware of Crypto Influencers

What a crazy year 2022 has been we've Had extreme UPS we've had extreme downs And overall we've learned a heck of a Lot of lessons in today's show I want to Go through my 22 biggest lessons from 2022 and break down the costly mistakes That you should avoid heading into next Cycle to help you become a better Trader And investor I know I certainly learned A whole lot this year and I think by me Sharing my journey and by me sharing Some of the lessons that I've learned I Can also help you guys as well in your Own respective investing Journey so Without further Ado let's get into the 22 crypto Lessons Learned in 2022 this May be one of the most valuable shows I Ever make Um because I think it's very very Important that you know if you have Experienced losses this year that you Take a step back now and reflect and Look at things you did right look at Things you did wrong and use that as Ammunition to become a better investor If you have lost money this year I do View that as the cost of tuition in Crypto and you have to maximize even Though it's difficult the lessons and The learnings from this year in order to Become better and in order to improve if You don't win all you can do is learn I Don't view it as a loss I view it as a Chance to improve and become a better

Human become a better investor so yeah Let's get straight into the first lesson And that is that Defy is the only way Forward so throughout the year we saw Many centralized exchanges go down Obviously we had FTX 3ac Celsius block 5 Voyager Genesis just to name a few and I Think this year just highlighted the Importance of D5 and how we do need Decentralized applications for people to Borrow and lend funds for people to be Able to stake for people to be able to Swap store their assets on on Decentralized platforms decentralized Wallets it's just so so important that We head towards a more decentralized Future and I know over time most Blockchains and most cryptos have become More decentralized but I just think this Year has highlighted the real importance Of D5 amidst so much of the issues that Have gone down in crypto this year now If we take the events like FTX and Celsius I mean we can put those events Down to human nature and human greed They weren't really failures of the Technology they were failures of the People and I think it's very important To distinguish when a failure is driven By the tech itself or driven by human Nature and I think in a lot of cases This year the tech didn't fail us it was The people that failed us so the need For Defy is clearer than ever as I said

In this in this tweet here most of the Problems this year will link to Centralization and human greed Um and coindesk did an opinion piece Saying it's the end of centralization in Crypto drawing a straight line from Mount gox to Voyager Celsius and now FTX It shows how crypto's largest problems Are often corporate failures and Obviously this is also Um become host to a lot of new Narratives as people realize well you Know maybe we shouldn't trade on Centralized exchanges maybe we shouldn't Keep our funds on centralized exchanges And new trading platforms um have Started to gain a lot of traction for Example games Network who also sponsored The show one of the major reasons why um They popped off this here was because of The migration from centralized exchanges To decentralized exchanges and products Like this Perpetual dexes that didn't Really exist a year ago now we have Great options to actually trade on chain With less risk than trading on a Centralized exchange so of course if you Do want to trade on games Network on Polygon they have their arbitrim launch As well Um actually uh later today which is very Very exciting so you can actually trade On arbitrim Um yeah you can trade using the link in

The description if you want to if you Want to sign up and use a games account And that's just one example of a Decentralized exchange that um that has Really started to flourish and obviously You've got others like GMX as well Apex That have launched in the midst of the Issues with centralization so Link in The description if you want to trade on Games Network as I said arbitrim launch Which is very exciting that that's Coming later Um and you can also train on polygon as Well so lesson number two for the year Was nothing is too big to fail so we saw Luna a top five L1 people thought it was Untouchable obviously that inevitably Had issues with its mechanism and Cloud Collapsed FTX that was a top three Exchange people thought you know after Binance this is the safest exchange Right you know we should be able to keep Our money here because it's just too big To fail but you know that inevitably Ended up collapsing so I think it's very Important that going forward that we Don't let the size of a project Master's Vulnerabilities just because something Has a billion dollar market cap just Because something is top three in its Field just because something has a lot Of users doesn't necessarily mean it Can't fail and we have to approach every Project in isolation look at its

Positives look at its negatives and try And point out fundamental flaws and not Let the size of a project Um not not being uh delusional and Assuming that the size of a project is Going to prevent an inevitable collapse If it's a mechanism is actually wrong uh So that's also very very important to do And we can see that looking at the Historical snapshot you know Terra it Was a top 10 project 40 billion dollar Market cap that's a Monumental valuation That would put it in the top three today In dollar terms Um and it collapsed and FTX which was Valued at 42 billion dollars that also Collapsed so size is definitely not a Prerequisite for Um safety when it comes to a project and We can see anchor as well you know you May have felt very safe in UST when when Anka had 16 billion dollars deposited Because Um it had such a leap or a head start on Other stable coins but you know once it Depeged we saw just how quickly Um that TVO can actually go the other Way so reflexive mechanisms mean um Projects that rely on an influx of Liquidity but also can have the same Flywheel effect in Reverse when Liquidity starts coming out of the Ecosystem and many projects were Vulnerable to this this year um Luna's

Just the easiest example for me to Contextualize it uh Larry said I'll say This um before this thread gets taken Over he believed before the elevator Collapse that it had the size to buy Binances fttotc he said the chance of Insolvency is near zero percent clearly There are liquidity issues and people Are withdrawing out of caution so I'm Just using this as an example to show Maybe a bit of logic that in implies That you know Alameda has the size Element is too big to possibly not be Able to defend ftt Um and that the risk of insolvency is Low and obviously they did go insolvent So just taking their size into account Um as as kind of like a safety net is is Not really the way to go and that's sort Of to get Larry that's just um pointing Out an obvious fact and that is Nothing's too big to family crypto and That leads me to my next point and it's That if a mechanism is broken you know It's not going to work it doesn't matter How big a project gets if it's Fundamentals are flawed if the Fundamental driver behind the behind how A project works is broken it doesn't Matter how big it gets it doesn't matter How popular it gets it's not going to Work it's not going to scale so her C Made a very very good point um on the YouTube show uh last week and I highly

Recommend you check out that interview It's at 11 12. you can check out for a Couple minutes he talks about this point Um it was a very very valid point and That's we have to work out first before We invest in a project whether it's Underlying mechanism is sound and that Is the first box that we need to check Off before we invest and if and only if We check off that box then we invest and Then we can take into account factors Like growth in market cap and growth in Price but if the mechanism's broken like We saw with Luna if the mechanism's Broken like we saw with algorithmic Stable coins the bigger they get to be Honest it just kind of speeds up their Inevitable demise and that's exactly What happened with a lot of projects This year so don't let market caps blind You um and make sure mechanisms are Sound before you invest lesson number Four don't huddle blindly this is very Important so it's important when you're Holding a coin to re-evaluate your Thesis on a regular basis so you can do This every week but I recommend maybe Doing this every month that's a lot more Manageable for average investor and that Means literally going through your Portfolio maybe you have your portfolio In coin stats maybe you have it on an Excel spreadsheet go through every Holding and ask yourself hey why am I

Holding this token at this given moment At this given time and what's my um What's my Horizon on this investment and B if I weren't holding this token would I actively be buying this token right Now and if you answer no to question B Then it's highly likely that you should Re-evaluate your position I'm not Necessarily saying sell but re-evaluate Why you're in that coin and re-evaluate If there's better opportunities Elsewhere because the law of opportunity Cost states that if there is a better Available opportunity somewhere else That we should take that opportunity Obviously you've got to take tax into Account and factor that into your Calculations but if you're in a project And you're holding it and you don't Really like it and there's a project you Much prefer and and you're stuck in this Project you don't like then oftentimes It does make sense to actually Um back the project that you like and And sell that out of the project you Don't like and invest in the project you Do like so it's important to reevaluate Your position and reevaluate your thesis Every single month because things change In crypto what I mean by don't huddle Blindly is don't just hoddle because you Said you were gonna hoddle things change Guys it's okay to be bullish on a token And then four months later flip bearish

On a token if new information comes to Light the best investors in crypto are Adaptive the best investors in crypto Take new information as it comes and Trade based on that information they Don't just huddle blindly because they Like the project you have to actively Believe in it and actively like it and If you only hold projects you have real Conviction in and you truly understand It's going to make it 10 times easier to Actually withstand this bear Market Because if you're invested let's say in A project you don't even know how it Works you don't really know the thesis You don't really have much conviction And it goes down 50 you're going to be Tempted to sell because you don't have Any conviction to hold that through Really really tough times whereas if you Do and you have a thesis that you've Outlined and you have a reason why You're holding that token at a specific Time it's going to be much easier for You to withstand a bear market so that Is a very very important uh point in Fact it's probably one of my top two Favorite points my next favorite point Is point 11 which I'll get into in a Couple minutes but don't huddle blindly Number five algorithmic stable coins Don't work I mean we've seen this this Year UST Bean waves usdn usn just to name a

Few I'll go through it uh UST obviously Collapsed it's now two cents been Um which I mean it's experienced deep Multiple deep peggings throughout the Year hasn't been able to hold on to a Dollar Um it's been slightly under a dollar but The whole point of a stable coin is to Reach a dollar even hit like mid 70 Cents at one point what other ones did We have we had waves we had neutrino USD Uh which is now at 41 cents that's Significantly depeged uh over the last Month or so since um the FTX collapse Usdd as well although this has held up To some extent it has been extremely Volatile and it is technically depict It's not at a dollar all of these coins Weren't over collateralized and all of These coins at some point Um were partially or fully algorithmic Obviously UST was fully algorithmic and When you have a fully algorithmic stable Coin it does rely on one thing and that Is an influx of liquidity into that Specific stable coin to prop up the Price and that relies on a lot of game Theory that relies on people speculating On the fact that the peg will hold Because they'll be future interest that Comes in um and underpins that stable Coin and that's what happened with UST The reason it didn't depeg is because People believed in Luna and the second

They stopped believing in Luna or the Second UST started to falter that that Whole belief system crumbled and Algorithmic stable coins they rely on Belief systems and once the belief System crumbles it becomes very very Hard to recover because they operate Based basically purely on sentiment so When it comes to algorithmic stable Coins don't trust them make sure you Fully understand a stable coins design Before putting a cent in make sure you Understand how the Redemption mechanisms Work and maybe just stick to the safer Stable coins so usdc's your busds your Usdts of course they all come with Inherent risks but it's much better than Than being in and out a fully Algorithmic stable now there are are Iterations that are going to come out Which are adaptive and and have kind of Um adjustable mechanisms so they might Be partially collateralized but to this Date we haven't really seen it work to Its full extent something like frax Though that is partially Um algorithmic that has worked that is Held Peg but frax is a little different Because they've been working overtime to Become fully collateralized that's Another point I want to make a coin can Start out being algorithmic and then Transition to being collateralized and That's okay but you have to look at a

Stable coin at any given moment Um how its design is set up before you Invest number six not your keys not your Coins I won't spend too long on this one But it's so obvious the centralized Parties you just can't trust them and if You're going to hold Bitcoin and or You're going to hold ethereum why not do It on a ledger why not do it on a trays Or why not do it in your own wallet so You actually have your own custody of Your own assets why would you give that To an exchange that then has Jurisdiction to trade it or swap it or Lend it or do all sorts of dodgy stuff Keep access of your own funds on a Ledger so do your trading on Exchange It's totally fine uh you know for the Record I think exchanges like binance Are totally fine I even keep a little Bit of liquidity on there it's fine but My long-term Holdings the the ones that Like the Bitcoin I'm buying for the next Five to ten years that I'm stashing away Almost for my retirement long term Um because I have conviction long-term In Bitcoin and ethereum as a as assets You know I'm keeping them on my ledger Because I don't want to run the risk of Having uh my assets on an exchange for Multiple years and then suddenly it Collapses and all my accumulation and All my hard work is for nothing so not Your keys not your coins um it's the

Golden rule of crypto and we can see This trend uh starting to really exhibit Itself as well with Bitcoin and eth Balances on centralized exchanges at Their lowest level since 2018 and it Just goes to once again highlight D5 is Inevitable eventually people are going To have most of their funds on chain Um and this also opens up the door for Many opportunities the best D5 apps the Best wallets the best interfaces with The best UI for managing the custody of Your own assets and putting them to work They're going to be major beneficiaries And that's one of the reasons why I Mentioned gains earlier in the show Because clearly they've been a Beneficiary and there's going to be many More there's going to be wallets that Are beneficiaries so um next week I'm Putting out a wallet show of the best Wallet that's another narrative to look Out for but there's going to be Opportunities off the back of this shift Um so definitely something to keep your Eye on seven timing the top or the Bottom is impossible now maybe you don't Want to hear this but it's true some of The smartest people in the market They've got it very wrong this year some Of the best investors in the history of Crypto and even equities they've got it Very wrong this year and that's because Macro right now is what is

Um is kind of like the the tail wagging The dog at the moment when it comes to The crypto market and also the equities Market macro is driving the market right Now so when macro is driving the market The only people that really have Edge in That space are the ones working at the Fed and Jerome Powell himself no one Else even though there's very good Predictive models and even though we Have an inkling of what's Happening no One else knows exactly what's happening And because no one else has an edge on Macro it becomes very hard to predict The top and very hard to predict the Bottom we didn't know that inflation was Going to come in that hot we had a Feeling that it was but we didn't know It was going to come in that hot and That they were going to start hiking That aggressively that's when the Bitcoin top was in we couldn't perfectly Predict that now of course once it Started to break key levels Um then that's when risk management Kicks in because if you have key support Lines that's that's a sign for you to Maybe get some liquidity out that's a Sign for you to kind of maybe play it a Bit safer once Bitcoin breaks 50 and Then 40K and that sort of stuff that's Totally fine but what I'm saying is Timing that exact exact picotop that's 60 to 69k range that was very difficult

The ones that did it honestly was mostly Luck they can tell themselves they're Geniuses but in general I think in my Opinion it's mostly luck and the exact Same thing goes for the bottom which is Now being talked about as either being In or going to be in Q2 or going to be In Q3 we don't know guys like I've been Personally think it'll be q23 Q2 or Q3 Next year but that's a prediction I may Be completely off base all we can go off Is the data we have available and the Models we have available but we can't Exactly predict it so I think having a Strategy that relies on predicting a top Or a bottom is flawed I think you need a Strategy that doesn't require time in The market and for the average investor That's an extremely dangerous game to be Playing so Implement risk management Meaning you know if we break certain Levels you sell off an amount if we pump Through certain levels maybe you buy an Amount or or you buy on confirmation of A retest of a bottom Zone there's many Different strategies so you can Implement to manage risk Um obviously taking profits and having Stop losses is one major way to manage Risk but you do need to stick to a plan And that doesn't require time in the Market because if your strategy here is Is to pick the Pico bottom in Q2 Unfortunately I just don't think that's

Going to be possible and good luck to You if that's what you want to do but I'm not trading on the thesis that I can Time the bottom Um maybe we get a general period 2023 That is a bottom formation but if you Think you can time it I don't know I Think think you're in for a difficult Ride and you may get it but you may not And you you can't train on the win that You are going to predict it just like You couldn't trade on the whim that you Are going to predict the top number Eight probably the biggest lesson we've Learned this year guys in D5 Chase real Yield not fake emissions what do I mean By fake emissions now fake emissions Aren't inherently a bad thing what I Mean is incentivized emissions so this Is when Projects pump out their own token Supply In exchange for staking rewards so let's Say you stake your term Finance tokens Tune pays you out Um in t-share because they have an Emission schedule for that that's They're not paying you out t-shares Because the protocol is making a lot of Fees they're paying you out T-shirts Because they're predetermined that They're going to give that out to the Market same as Trader Joe same as most Of the I mean same as everything Basically lastball run same as all the

Solana projects Sam is a lot of the Terror projects Sam is a lot of the BSC Projects a lot of them had fake Emissions now this is fine in the short Term because if there's incentives take Advantage of it guys if you had stable Coins and you put them on Trader Joe Paying 50 for three weeks that's great That's an opportunity for you to make 50 In three weeks why not take advantage of Incentivized or fake emissions right the Problem is when you're in the underlying Tokens Um that are prop that are propped up Fundamentally by the fact that the apis Are Juiced up and super high which means When those apis start dropping because Eventually the tap has to turn off then The underlying token drop a lot in price And a lot of people are caught holding The bags because they were chasing yield So don't chase yield in this market Chase real yield in this market so stake In projects that are paying out real Yields which means real Revenue Um derived from protocol fees real Revenue based on Swap fees Bridge fees Etc back to stakers and back to holders And I think that should be your priority And the projects that you can find in This Niche I think they're going to be Big Winners and I did a thread on what Real yield was and named a lot of Projects like dopex GMS gns as well and

Other real your project of course gns Has their divault um which you can stake In to earn yield um like a 15 a year for Staking dying you earn a percentage of Protocol fees for providing liquidity That kind of stuff is much better than Fake or Juiced upper missions right so I've done multiple threads on this I Think I did this back in August and a Lot of projects since then have had um Real surges at times because this is Really where the narrative's headed Especially after the issues with Centralization and as I said you can Check out that thread if you want that Explains more about what real yield is But it's very important to kind of Switch our thinking here you know and When we do Chase yield only Chase Sustainable yield and I think that's a Big lesson that I've learned this year And a lot of other people have learned Um now lesson number nine is beware of Single points of failure beware of Systemic risk so what this means is Whenever you look at a project is there A single thing that could go wrong with That project that could unravel that Entire project what is the specific Variable or vulnerability in that Project I could see it collapse for Example Luna if ustd pegs lunar Collapses there's no halfways about it There's no 25 drawdown about it it's

Like all or nothing it's like if UST Fails lunar fails they are so Interlinked the exact same thing is with A lot of ecosystem projects if Solana Fails Like serum fails and if Phantom Fails and then some of the pro some of The decks is like boot will fail for Example so you have to look at where a Project is linked because the crypto Ecosystems they don't operate in Isolation they're interlinked and if There's a single point of failure within A project you have to work out the risk And it's not just with when it comes to Related projects this is also to do with Uh Project Specific mechanisms so if You're invested in a project and it Relies on one certain event taking place Like a certain amount of nfts being Minted or a certain partnership going Through or even like its leader if it Relies too heavily on its leader and if The leader gets hit by a bus then the Project lapses you have to identify that Single point of failure because that is Systemic risk where the entire system Can collapse from one thing going wrong We do have to be very very aware of that I'm going forward in the future and I Think Luna was that big lesson Um and that's a very important lesson to Learn in my opinion number 10 kind of Goes off the back of that point and That's don't worship cult figures SPF

Dokon Zhu Shu they were all lauded for Their genius and in many ways they all Were Geniuses Um unfortunately though letting their Presumed intelligence overshine the Flaws in their project is a big mistake So I think many people's opinions of FTX Luna 3ac and the respective three SC Holdings were kind of blinded by the Fact that they had such strong cult Figures even Andre cronye obviously he's Back now but him leaving Phantom since Phantom was so attached to him that Experience issues when Andre left Um you can make the exact same argument For time Wonderland and Ice irrespective Of their mechanisms when Dan annual Assistant became more inactive and had a Lot of fun surrounding him so when a Project has one kind of cult figure Attached to it be very wary because if They fail their their entire ecosystem Their entire token could go with them And no one in crypto is Untouchable so Don't just assume someone's a genius Because you think they're smart except That they're human except that they Could have flaws and I think that's a Much better way to approach the market Than kind of worshiping these guys and You know Charles hoskinson vitalik They're both amazing developers and they Both so smart and I you know I doubt Anything's gonna happen to them in the

Future but just be aware that something Could happen because no one thought Anything would happen to SPF or do Quan Until it did but obviously there are Telltale signs that those guys exhibited That these other guys haven't Necessarily Um like for example dokwon very very Cocky SPF started getting a bit too big For his boots Um taking a lot of risks there are Definitely warning signs you can look Out for to kind of uh predict if there's An an inevitable collapse happening Um but just be very very aware a very Very wary of it because basically every Main character Um fell apart this year at some point in Time we could see some of them here even Richard Hart who's hex token is Currently experiencing its demise Because it's a Ponzi scheme and that's Just that's just the reality of it sorry If you like hex it's a Ponzi Sam I'm Sorry number 11 rotating is not the same As taking profits this is my most Important Um point of this entire video so I want You guys to listen up Um now because I think this is very very Important I got caught in this trap many Times this was probably my personal Biggest lesson of not only 2022 but 2021 As well and that's you make a 10x so

Let's say you put Um a 10x uh let's say you put a thousand Dollars into Solana right Salon is ten Dollars it goes to a hundred dollars so Now you have ten thousand dollars then You rotate that into serum now serum's Running because it's an old coin in the Salon ecosystem now it's pumping and That goes up 5x so now you've turned Your ten thousand into fifty thousand But then you rotate it again you see Some other project on Solana or or you Exit the Solana ecosystem completely and Buy some Phantom or avacs because you Think uh Solana's run I'm gonna get into The next big L1 and I'm gonna rotate so You're playing hot potato and you get Into that at one but eventually the Problem is if you're not taking profits Back into Stables or Bitcoin or ether a More stable asset eventually you're Gonna round trip because At some point in time you're gonna drop The potato and you know you can play Hot Potato for 10 minutes you can play it For 10 weeks you you can play it for a Year but eventually you're going to be Caught holding the bag at some point and Unless you're taking consistent profits The rotation game is not the way to play Crypto and I'm guilty of this I'm 100 Guilty of this because last cycle I did This like I for example my Solana Investment um was one of my biggest

Investments of the of the of the board And I actually sold it 200 I said this a Few Um days ago that I soldered 200 people Didn't believe me no I basically sold The top on Solana I did very well off it The problem was though I only took 20 of Of those profits back into Stables the Other 80 I put into Phantom I put into Avax and I put into maybe ethereum and All of them ended up dropping 80 as well So the problem is you've got to take the Problem is if you're rotating eventually Going to be caught out eventually you're Gonna round trip so it's much better to Define a profit taking strategy Beforehand so before you even invest Okay when sell one or two x's I'm taking 50 out into Stables I will allow myself To put 30 into another project because I Value rotating because I see a new Narrative that's fine rotating 30 is Fine rotating 25 fine is when you start Rotating entire bags that's the problem And I even know Rand did this himself You know he took a lot of profits on Luna but he took them into projects like Solana and avaxon the problem with doing That is they also dropped and they Almost dropped just as hard in the end So make sure your hard work's not for Nothing if you hit big winners take Profits into Stables I've already Touched on this a little bit but I just

Wanted to reiterate the point that Ecosystem diversification is vital what This means is don't be disillusioned or Don't be illusioned by the fact that You're over invested to an ecosystem When you think you're not for example Urine Luna you had exposure to Astro you Had exposure to UST and you thought I'm Diversified I've got 30 in stable coins I've got 30 in an L1 I've got thirty Percent of the decks I'm Diversified no Because when Luna collapsed everything In that ecosystem collapsed and it Doesn't matter if you thought you're in Stables or if you thought you're in a Decks since everything was interlinked You weren't actually Diversified despite You having the delusion of being Diversified and that is the real problem Um when it comes to diversification in Crypto if it's done wrong it's that even Though you think you're diversifying You're not really same happened with FTX And salt you may have had your funds on FTX but you may have been Diversified Into assets that FTX held like Solana And Um like some of the other assets they Hold I mean they're in a lot of seed Rounds so like they held a lot of assets They hold uni swap they held Um you know Aptos they held a lot of Projects but Solano was probably the Most obvious one because that's where

They I mean alamed had 10 of the Soul Supply so that just gives you an idea of How much they actually owned so when one Token collapses it drags the others down To always determine related parties Because crypto's interlinked so make Sure you're really Diversified well once Again I'll show you the Solana example You know Solana dropped quite a lot Um and Sarah went with it because serum Was you know the biggest amm on Solano And when when Solana started to Experience issues those issues were Represented in serum who were also big Holders um B sorry FTX held a lot of Serum as well so it's very very very Important to make sure you're actually Diversified and you're not illusioned um By being Diversified number 13 don't Lock tokens this goes back to my Argument of chasing real yield Um sorry chasing fake yield Don't chase the fake yield and lock Tokens at the same time it's another Mistake I made I did this on liquid Driver so what I did earlier in the year Was you know I think I I got into liquid Driver super early you know what a few Dollars and it eventually went to fifty Dollars but most of my liquid driver was Locked so you know I may have made tens Of thousands hundreds of thousands you Know I've forgotten the exact amount I Made but I made may have made a lot of

Money on liquidriver let's say I made a Hundred thousand dollars in liquid Driver but it was all locked so yeah I Was earning yield um some days I was Even waking up to a thousand dollar a Day like paychecks which is crazy like a Thousand dollars a day like you start Thinking oh I'm set for life like you Know I just sit back earn my money Um I'll just live on a beach somewhere And earn my yield but the tap turns off At some point and if your tokens are Locked you can't get out if even if the Token appreciates so that happened to me On liquor driver my hypothetical hundred Thousand ended up going back down to Like 5 000 and it was locked so even Though I had all these gains I couldn't Actually take them so I think locking Tokens long term is okay if you have a Super long time Horizon let's say you're Like super bullish on eth Um and you know you want to lock that For a few years like maybe that's a bit Better but you really really really have To consider long and hard about whether You're willing to forego the opportunity Cost of liquidity because most time most Of the time Um you should value liquidity over the Extra yield 99 of the time you should Value liquidity over extra yield and I Mean liquid staking now is a huge thing You've got lighter you've got State

You've got rocket pool these are all Platforms that allow you to liquid stake Which means you know have your tokens Liquid so you know you'll stake ethereum You get staked ethereum back which you Can then trade Um LP uh borrow against and you can do a Lot with that so with liquid staking now Such a big thing The incentives to lock are a lot lower And also The incentives to lock are just more Just lower in general because the market Is Um generally more unpredictable so I Don't think anyone's under any Illusions Now that locking for four or five years Is extremely dangerous and it was kind Of stupid that that that we were doing So and I know a lot of you did as well Um and I'd certainly have regrets there Like where they could drive a bag that Could have made a lot more money on it Um by the way the amount I gave you Before it's not exact I don't know Exactly how much I had in there because Um I've forgot exactly how much how many Tokens I held all I could tell you is That I had a lot of money and now it's Not a lot of money and that's because I Looked it and I made a mistake even Though I made a great call so it's Unfortunate because you can do all the Hard work make a great call call a token

At 10 20 30 X's but then not get to Experience the upside of your own hard Work because you weren't Um liquid so sometimes it's just better Off staying liquid and investing and not Locking it liquidity's King this is off The back of my last point but I'm taking More of the angle that there's always Going to be more opportunities in this Market like guys I know you feel the Fomo when tokens pump three weeks ago When dopex was pumping you probably felt Fomo a month ago when GMX and gns were Pumping you probably felt fomo and next Week there's going to be another token That pumps that you probably feel fomo That you're not in and you want to get In but remember there's always going to Be more opportunities and in a bull run This is just as true as it is in a bear Market if you missed the the Phantom run There was 10 other opportunities after That if you missed the lunar run there Were 10 opportunities after that if you Missed D5 summer in 2020 2021 had an Even bigger D5 boom there was always More opportunities to come and even if You miss an entire bull market there are Still going to be amazing Um pieces of technology and amazing Projects that thrive in the future so There's always going to be more Opportunities therefore you should Prioritize liquidity because when that

Opportunity comes around when the stars Align on an investment and you want to Go into it you need to have cash on hand To invest so always keep liquidity on Hand I gotta tell you how much to keep Whether that's 20 30 40 50 80 of your Portfolio in Stables or Fiat that's Completely up to you I can tell you what I keep it's probably around 40 right now In cash Um I don't like to have too much Exposure to cash because I I do want Exposure to upside I'm also not just in Crypto I'm also in stocks and I'm Looking getting into real estate so I'm Not just fully in crypto but I always Have my funds Diversified always have Cash on hand because if an opportunity Comes up if tomorrow I see a new project That looks like it could 10x and I want To get in then I need cash to do so and I don't want to be funding from other Investments and scrambling to get cash Together so maintain liquidity and when You do have liquidity and when you're Considering an investment remember this Quote because this is the best quote in Crypto in my opinion when you invest Every time you go to invest before you Put a cent in and before you take a cent Out of an investment ask yourself one Thing Uh in fact on one friend this is a Question I'll just read the quote for

One thing we usually act too quickly When we're trying to make money and to Slowly when we're trying to protect our Money so when you were pressed to make a Decision ask yourself am I doing this to Protect my money or make more money if The answer is to protect money act Quickly if the answer revolves around Making money act slowly so if you're Trying to make money so if you're Getting into a project act slowly Don't make a rush decision take some Time to consider that decision when You're trying to protect Capital I.E Taking profits act quickly and the issue Is most people get this the wrong way Around most people assume oh I gotta Make money I've got to do it quick I've Got this phone oh my God the Market's Pumping I gotta get and I gotta get in But you're doing the opposite you're Trying to make money and you're trying To do it quickly and then the profit Taking side of things you're doing it Slowly like I don't know if I should Take profits it's going to go up more You know what if it pumps and I'm not in And it's going to do a 10x and this and That and you're slow to make that Decision but actually should be the Opposite When you're trying to make money you Should do it slowly is this a good Project ask all the right questions

Research the fundamentals consider the Macro look at the market make sure your Weightings are perfect and your Allocations are perfect and you have a Time Horizon on it And then if all that checks out then Yeah make your buy but you did that you Did that slowly and then when it comes To take profits on that buy do it Quickly okay I just made a 2X back I'm Taking half out I just made a 5x bang I'm taking 40 out you know the amount You take at every interval depends on Your on your risk tolerance I can't give You an answer I think taking your Initial Capital out after a 2X is always A good idea letting the rest ride then Essentially a risk free or you know you Can even take 80 out if it does a 3X and Then have a 20 Moon bag it depends on Your risk tolerance but act quickly when You are taking those profits and act Slowly when you're putting money in and This is my favorite quote in crypto now Because I I sincerely believe if you Paid attention to that quote during the Bull Run you would be in a very Different position uh than you are now And I'm saying that on aggregate because Most people are down I'm sure there are Some of you watching that are up Um although it is the minority because I Have run Twitter polls and usually 85 Say that they're down so most people are

Down that's why I speak Um in kind of average terms Um but if you're up uh well done you Probably did listen to that advice Whether you knew about that quote or not You probably did act quickly when Protecting Capital basically everyone That made a lot of money in that bull Run they acted quickly when protecting Capital and that's the reason why They're in this position but you you Have another chance like it's not over As I said there's more opportunities Just make sure next time you approach The market very differently to last time If you lost money last uh last Bull Run 16 The crypto Echo chamber does more damage Than good guys I gotta I I have to Um prioritize this point social media is Like Twitter and YouTube they reflect Market sentiment creators are Incentivized to follow Market sentiment For clicks this isn't a secret even we Sometimes click that now I'm always Pretty Um confident that the tone of my content Is Um fairly unbiased or at least I try it To make it unbiased but at times I've Been too bullish on shows and at times Maybe I've been a little bit emotionally Affected because we're humans we're Creators so the the content creators put

Out sometimes is affected by the market Now since the last cycle I feel like I've become so much better in this Respect and I've become a much better Creator and that's really been my goal Over the last few months to become more Objective become the best Creator Possible and utilize my skill set and my Knowledge to help you guys Um so I feel like at Banta we've done a Really good job of that but we have been Too bullish at times 100 Um and I don't shy away from that I was Overconfident with Luna and and I was Probably a bit um Reckless with some of My uh risk parameters when it came to Like some of the ecosystems I was in Earlier in the year that's okay just Accept whenever you're watching Youtube And Twitter that Um it's a market sentiment game and not Just creators but just random people Posting on Twitter that the the average Post is going to reflect Market Sentiment and I'm not even just talking About creators now I'm talking about Everyone the comments start to affect Your thinking the general response to Tweet starts to affect your thinking the Engagement starts with to affect your Thinking and the issue with this is most People are bullish at the top and Bearish at the bottom the herd follows What the herd wants to hear and the herd

Has this Echo chamber where they tell Each other what they want to hear like In 2021 they're all telling themselves It's a super cycle we're going to the Moon wag me wag me we're going to the Moon now everyone's saying oh my God We're going to zero there's never gonna Be another cycle again oh my God and if You play into those extremes you're Going to end up being just like them Bullish at the top and bearish at the Bottom and those people the people that Trade Um cyclically they lose money you have To trade anti-cyclically and the only Way to do that is to do the opposite to The herd and not follow it and this is Something I do now as a Creator and as I Said in the past I haven't always done This but now I don't give a anymore I'm gonna just I'm gonna say it how it Is irrespective whether people like it Or not if I'm buying next year and Everyone's bearish I'm gonna say that I'm damn buying and I'm just gonna cop The hate for it because the reality is There'll be times where Um where everyone is saying that this Market's going to go to zero in fact the Time that everyone's saying that that Will likely be the bottom and that will Be the best time to buy and you're not Going to want to because everyone else Is going to say that there's further

Downside and you're not going to want to Buy it just as you didn't want to sell At 69 because every single person was Saying we're going to 100. you got to be Wary of that and kind of off the last Point beware of influencers The thing with content creators is Um it's a very very very very good Starting point for research like because If you actually think about how content Creation works if you're following Quality creators uh then essentially What happens is you know they spend five Hours researching a topic they may have Even spent a year researching a topic And gaining knowledge in a field they're Sharing maybe a year two years five Years ten years worth of knowledge in a 15 minute video so content creation is Very valuable to consume because you're Getting exposure To potentially years of knowledge or at Least many hours of research on a Subject In them in in a matter of 10 to 20 Minutes For example these lessons I'm sharing With you today you know I learned these Over the over the space of the whole Year Um and you're watching maybe like a 30 Minute video right now maybe 30 or 40 Minutes right now and you're getting a Whole Year's worth of lessons condensed

Into 30 40 minutes I mean how valuable Is that think about the hours that I've Spent in crypto this year I've worked Full time the whole year that's like Thousands of hours that you guys have Exposure to Um just by watching One 30 minute video and you and you get The best bit summarized so this isn't Just me this is every Creator if you're Following quality creators that's an Amazing benefit but make sure it's only The starting point in your research and Make sure the things that YouTubers say You just take it as a great point to Start but then you go and do your own Research so I might say guys I love Ethereum I think it's a great project These are the reasons why it's your job To go okay miles that's a valid opinion I think Okay I totally accept your bullish Reasons I also accept your bearish Reasons let me go off and research those Regions myself let's see if I agree with You on ethereum's monetary policy let's See if I disagree with you on ethereum's Monetary policy let's see if I agree With you on the impact of the merge Let's see if I disagree and I think the Merge is priced in like you have to take What I say and what other influencers Say is a good starting point because We've done the research on it and then

Use that to reinforce or counter your Own beliefs so think critically many Other creators have invested in the Space a vested interest in the space I'm Always pretty reasonable with how I Disclose things if I if I talk about a Token I disclose that I hold it and if I Am sponsored by a project I disclose That we're sponsored I'm pretty Transparent but not everyone is Um and not all creators are going to Tell you when they're heavily invested Or advising a project Etc Um it's a lot harder on Twitter to Disclose than it is on like YouTube for Example but I do think it's important to Take take into account when creators Have a vested interest in a project Because you need to think critically and Not fall for their traps because there Are a lot of traps a lot of people that Post or the next 10x jam and then They're just chilling you for exit Liquidity and that's something I never Ever ever do I get accused of it Sometimes it actually frustrates me when I get accused of it because I that Couldn't be further from the truth I Would never ever do that but Unfortunately that's only because there Are other people in the space that do That it's the entire space gets a bad Rep and there are a lot of shillets There are a lot of guys on social media

Shilling and pumping their bags once Again something I don't do Um I did a tweet on this if I wanted to Make an extra few thousand dollars I'd Start a new business I'd scale an Existing business I'd sell some of my Equities I don't need to pump on my Audience to make money Um because it's just frankly not worth Sacrificing like what we've built my Platform my reputation just for a few Thousand dollars like there's way easier Ways to make money and way more morally Sound ways to make money than pumping on People so I don't understand why people Do it but some people do it Um so you just have to be wary of it When it comes to social media 18. when The stars align on an investment back Your gut and bet with conviction so this May sound counter-intuitive because what This is kind of saying is bit big but What I mean here is you know many times Throughout the year there was a project Or narrative I was really bullish on if You're spending a lot of time Researching The Mark the market if You're in the market a lot especially if You're full-time crypto you're going to Get exposure to a lot of great ideas You're going to get exposure to a lot of Good narratives and if the stars align On a narrative so the fundamentals tick Off the market sentiment ticks off a big

Announcement's coming maybe you know About it Um maybe you don't think it's priced in You can actually bit big on that and Since you have conviction that could pay Off massively the problem is if you have Conviction and you don't back yourself You're going to regret it and there were Times this year where I didn't put big Size on bets that I really liked uh Because I was just a bit tentative or Just lazy Um but if you're really confident on an Idea don't be afraid to bit big on that Idea like don't and obviously this ties Into the point of having liquidity on Hand so you can do this but make sure You you fully maximize when the stars Align because it's not often that it Aligns in crypto and I don't recommend Rushing into this things really have to Align before you bet big but you know There's going to be a time Um when things really start to check out For you in a project or you in a Particular trade or investment this goes For Traders as well don't be afraid to Back your conviction there Um because one one big trade that can Set up your entire year without you even Having to play all those other games That that your that people think you're Supposed to play in crypto so back Yourself just back your own knowledge

Back your own conviction and the more You learn the more confident you're Going to become in your own ability 19 Learn from people who are ahead of the Curve one way to become more confident In your own abilities to learn from Others there is an abundance of Knowledge on Twitter there's a lot of People on Twitter that are smarter than Yourself there's people on Twitter that Are smarter than me I consider myself Smart but there are people that are way Smarter and I love that because I can Learn of them and I can take in new Information that they're giving me I can Um I can analyze it critically and that Newfound knowledge helps me with my Trading and investing and it can help You as well if you follow smart people On social media if you hear what they Have to say if you read their books if You've taken their point of view you're Going to become a much smarter investor And at the end of the day the more you Learn the bigger your Edge crypto is all About creating an edge against retail There are a lot of dumb people in the Market they end up being the exit Liquidity maybe some of you exit Liquidity last cycle but that's okay Because the more you learn the more you Stray away from that and the bigger your Edge and now if you're watching this on The 30th of December right now

Um during a very boring Market I amidst You know one of the biggest Market Crashes in crypto history and financial History in the case of some of the Centralized entities then I'm pretty Sure you're going to make it because You're the ones here actually preaching What I'm saying right now you're the Ones learning if you're watching this Right now especially towards the end of This video you're literally putting this Into practice so shout out to you Congrats like seriously that takes a lot Of balls and that takes a lot of courage To do what you're doing right now so if You're if you're someone that's here to Learn as well keep doing it just keep it Up just stay consistent with your with Your learning Um and keep questioning things and keep Questioning your own beliefs and not Doing crypto alone is another way to Help with this I think it's very hard To do crypto alone and this is something I saw a lot this year I had friends that You know they were very deep into crypto During the Bull Run they were loving the Prices pumping they were making Thousands of dollars overnight but the Problem was when the market started to Turn they were doing it solo they Weren't part of a community or groups And they weren't attending real life Conferences and meetups and they kind of

Lost interest because staying motivated In the bear Market is hard and staying Motivated alone is almost impossible so The way I stay motivated is doing it With people at banter we have an amazing Team I'm not just talking ran Sheldon Hustle Kyle you know I'm also talking All the guys behind the scenes the show Researchers our research calls in the Mornings where 20 to 30 people all get Together and discuss crypto Um and there's just generally like the Group shots going all day and I'm in Discords where the group shot's going All day and I'm attending conferences Like I'm going to bitcoin Miami this Year Um I just went to token 2049 breakpoint In Lisbon like I'm meeting people in the Industry I'm I'm doing calls with Projects and teams that is what keeps me Motivated we're social creatures humans We're not made to operate in isolation Like we're meant to be social uh that's Just how we're built because it's harder To survive alone in the wild that's just In our biology and the same thing's true Today mentally it's much harder to Survive alone it's no different in Crypto so by joining a community getting Involved in Discord creating friends and I think the best way is actually Creating a research group if you can Find people

Um Source like a little group together The bad to communities huge guys by the Way like our Discord Link in the Description to the Discord that's a big Community and there are people there That I'm sure are also looking for a Research group so why don't you guys Meet up in the Discord and try and get a Research going maybe you meet once a Week and you discuss topics maybe each Week you discuss a new topic maybe you Have five members and each of you bring Up one key point and you all discuss it You question each other's beliefs you Challenge it it's just great to gain New Perspectives and think about how much More efficient you are working at five Times the output as if you're Researching yourself if I put in one Hour search myself but I have four other People that have each done an hour that Sell an aggregate five hours of research That I've done but I've only personally Done one all I've done is do a half an Hour research call to get exposure to Those other four hours that's a very Good Roi so start thinking in terms of Groups and Community Um and you're gonna it's gonna be so Much easier for you guys to survive this Market if you're in a community and That's honestly I wouldn't be in crypto Right now Um if I didn't have that Community

Because I'm a pretty strong-willed Person but if I was doing this by myself Man I would have burnt out a long time Ago Um and that sort of falls on myself That's just human nature doing this Alone is very hard and if you've been Doing this alone and you're still here Like credit to you like I don't know if I could have done it personally and Having that that having that Um that like real sense of community and Team behind me that's made it so much Easier Um because just making money isn't Enough to stay motivated there becomes a Point where money's not a driving Factor Anymore and it becomes enjoyment and Happiness and community and and for me Like even if I make a lot of money That's not really what drives me to do This Um obviously I want to make money Obviously that's a key driver but it's Not the only driver I I really value the Connections and I really value the Friendships I've made and I also really Value the journey we're on and the Learning process we're on and I just Think it's just we're at the Forefront Of like such Innovative technology and We're at the Forefront of what I think Could be a huge technological Revolution And that's a really cool thing to be a

Part of and I'm so grateful I'm a part Of this like literally on the front Lines of this revolution it's awesome it Really really is and I think you guys Should be excited about that as well as Hard as it is in terms of price but just Try and ignore the price and and focus On the long-term goals which haven't Changed and the long-term Vision which Hasn't changed and this leads me to Point 21 which is always think ahead Think ahead into the future of the Narratives that you think can be big Instead of kind of investing in Oversaturated narratives and being Someone else's exit liquidity when l1s Were pumping instead of just investing In more l1s and playing that game Four would think approach the market With an open mind for example like mid This year the market was trash Luna just Collapsed it all looks You could have thought ahead and gone Okay Centralized players are collapsing I Think dexters are going to do well I Think there'll be a narrative here hence Gns GMX pumping you could have thought L2 is starting to gain steam you would Have seen on defile armor the TVO was Trending upwards there was a lot of Social media interest on lunar Crush you Would have seen the metrics ticking up You could have said okay I think L2 is

Going to be big let me invest in some of The arbitrary ecosystem which perform Really well let me look at some of the Other l2s that are coming some of the Airdrops Um like even Aptos looking forward to Move all you needed to do to get up to Seven thousand dollars on that Aptos Airdrop was it sign up for the Incentivized test net that didn't Require a genius that didn't require an Expert all that required was a little Bit of foresight and forward thinking so Always think ahead so you don't miss new Opportunities it's very important to Think about future trends and not Chase Old Trends and the same will be true for Next cycle There will be problems solved in next Cycle Which A forward thinking and are based on the Problems from last cycle Um that end up being massive massive Massive performance I even did this with The AI narrative I saw chat GPT that was Running and I outlined a few coins that Started to run and then in the next Couple days they're up 3x so just even Little narrative short-term trades on Like a on an AI narrative can make you Good money in the short term as well and Then obviously long term you have your Own Trends always look forward about the

Problems projects are trying to solve And what problems you think will exhibit Themselves next cycle Um instead of looking at the ones that Happened last cycle or the cycle before And investing in older narratives so I Think that's really important real yield Was also one of these and number 22 to Wrap up the show and by no means the Least important lesson of today's video Is there's more to life than crypto it's Very easy to get caught up in this game You know I've experienced a lot of Emotions this year I've experienced absolute euphoria Um and just that feeling of bliss from Making money and just riding on top of The world and then I've also experienced Extreme anxiety and I've also had some Really difficult times this year Um just A the pressure of Um making content especially when the Market's crashing it's it's it has been Hard as a Creator and also Um you know personally with just the the Addiction to crypto and the and the Mental connection to price and it's kind Of like you you need a lot of balls and You need a lot of courage to survive in This market you need to be very mentally Resolute and I've had to learn that the Hard way uh through a lot of anxiety and A lot of euphoria and just extreme

Emotions and as a person I'm like this Anyway I'm very obsessive Um when I get into something like that's All I could think about and that has its Pluses and minuses that's meant over the Past three years since I've gone to Crypto in 2019 I've learned a heck of a Lot and I've probably learned a heck of A lot more than the average person would Um because I was just so laser focused On learning about this and I was so Obsessed but that Obsession came with a Lot of issues because you know I I maybe Started to let some relationships slip Some of my priorities got skewed a lot More focused on crypto and work than Family family Um not relaxing enough not taking care Of myself meditating going to the gym Like there were times where I was so Obsessed to the point where you know it Became an issue and I'm sure that's Maybe happened to some of you as well And I think the major lesson from all This is distance yourself sometimes take Breaks it's okay to take a week off Crypto it's okay to not check the price Every morning crypto's not going Anywhere but your relationships they Might be if you don't nurture them That's the thing you know if you have a Friend check up on them today send it Send out a few messages just check in on How your friends see how they're doing

You never know if it's going to brighten Someone's day Um and you know I I really do value the Importance of relationships in I mean That's the most important thing we've Really got as humans right it's more Important than money Um but at times I've let this get lost And next year one of my resolutions Actually and I'll probably do a tweet on My resolutions one of my resolutions is Prioritizing me more Um and what this means is Prioritizing my own mental health so I Can prioritize others if that makes Sense uh because yeah it's very easy to Get sucked into the game I've had 20 Hour days of crypto research and I think It's very important to have balance and Balance is really the name of the game Now going forward Um but you know I'm also proud of myself As well that that I've been able to Um stay Resolute throughout tough times This year come out the other side Stronger and actually more motivated Than ever ever not only with my own Investments but to help you guys like my Drive for making quality content has Gone up to another level my drive for Educating has gone up to another level My drive to helping you guys not only Make money but become better humans has Gone up to another level and I'm still

Fairly young but I want to make a Positive impact on the world and I'm Grateful for the position that I'm in But definitely you know in order for me To do that I need to prioritize myself One of the reasons why I'm doing a Two-week holiday uh next week this is Actually my last live stream of the year I will be posting uh technically it's Not live but I have recorded this like Close to the time of posting Um within like a few hours whereas Um yeah yeah next week I've done a lot Of pre-records some great content by the Way some really really alphabet content Coming out over the next couple weeks But uh obviously not going to be live Streaming I might do a couple live Streams to be fair but no I do want to Enjoy my holiday and have some time off So if you haven't had time off Um and you've been obsessed and maybe You're a full-time crypto as well or Just obsessed with it maybe consider Taking a small break and then approach The market refresh next year Um quick shout out before I head off to The sponsor of today's show apex apex is An order book style L2 powered exchange So if you do want to trade I've Highlighted the issues with centralized Exchanges Um Apex is a very good place to do so a Because it's non-custodial so it's if

It's not your keys it's not your coins That was one of the major lessons I Talked about today Apex is good because Obviously it's a decentralized exchange They're not keeping custody of your Funds so um they're not going to rug you They don't hold private Keys there's no Client fund misuse risk like there was With FTX with these dexes Um especially if they're conducting Themselves right like Apex uh also They're very very fast they can process 10 trades and a thousand order Placements per second because they're Powered by ZK Roll-Ups that ZK Robson is Extremely efficient tech technology Which I think are really going to Revolutionize crypto next year I'm Excited to talk more about ZK and have a Look at some of the upcoming ZK powered Projects because I think they're going To be huge performers Um also they're supported on an Arbitrine BSC polygon ethereum Cross-chain deposits cross chain Withdrawals Um and also they've been audited and Have very low fees so if you want to Trade there's a link in the description To Apex as I said if you're going to Trade do it on a DEX Um don't kind of don't run the risk of Keeping your funds on a centralized Exchange and the good thing about

Something like Apex is you can just keep Your stable coins on in your wallet and You can use them whenever you want to Trade so you can keep a thousand dollars In your wallet on your metamask whenever You want to use it you can use it but It's not just sitting there in apex's Custody you've got custody and then you Choose when to trade it that's the best Part about it all so I hope you guys in Enjoyed this show hope you guys learned Something if you do want to check out The full thread and have it in written Form it's of course on my Twitter I'm Actually going to make this the pin Tweet right now so if you do want to Check it out Um it is going to be pinned so you you Can just you know give it a like give it A retweet if you enjoyed because share This knowledge with others and I hope You enjoyed this more long form Style Video where I got a chance to explain All of these in more depth because you Know Twitter's great but you are limited By the character limit and I think it's Very important to add a bit of nuance to These discussions so yeah Um hope you guys enjoyed that uh and Yeah I will see you in the next show Have a lovely day peace out guys

Top Crypto News Sites – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem

top crypto news|top crypto news

Top Crypto News Sites – How to Find the Next Crypto Gem

News about cryptocurrencies and other forms of blockchain technology is a rapidly expanding area of news coverage. It is becoming more and more important for investors and traders to stay up to date with the latest developments in this field. Here are some of the best crypto news sites on the web.

One of the first crypto news aggregators is CryptoPanic. This site provides a wealth of news, analysis and opinion on the subject. It has a portfolio tracking feature as well as social signals for price action. There are also RSS feeds, Reddit sources and a Twitter feed. You can even specify which cryptocurrencies you want to follow. Lastly, the site has a unique and proprietary analysis method.

Another unbiased crypto news outlet is the Coin Report. The team aims to provide users with a holistic view of the world of cryptocurrencies. In addition, the website offers guides for new users. They emphasize the power of cryptocurrencies and the many uses of blockchain technology.

Another crypto news site that provides daily updates is ZyCrypto. Their content is well organized and they have a team of experts that provides objective research and commentary. Some of the articles include short opinions on a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. A weekly newsletter from the site pulls in content from popular crypto blogs and Medium.

Another unbiased site that provides a wealth of information on cryptocurrencies is Cointelegraph. Founded in 2013, the publication covers all aspects of the digital currency space and focuses on expert opinions. As an independent, online news organization, the publication focuses on decentralized applications and the Internet of finance.

Other notable crypto news sites include the Coinspeaker website and blog, which was founded in late 2014. The news coverage is comprehensive, covering all aspects of the crypto market.

The Crypto Insider focuses on breaking and in-depth articles about various topics in the crypto space. It features investigative journalism and op-eds. The site also includes technical analysis, long form articles and interviews with top figures in the crypto industry.

The Coin Crunch blog was founded by a crypto enthusiast named Naimish Sanghvi. His team provides daily news on a range of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and Bitcoin. He also shares tutorials and reviews on the coins and other technologies.

CryptoHackers is a news site that features interviews with crypto entrepreneurs. Their interviewees share their experiences and provide inspiration to other crypto-superheroes. Additionally, their blog contains an archive of previous interviews.

Another unbiased crypto news site is Brave New Coin. The site features a data-engine that tracks all tokens in real time. Moreover, the site also publishes technical analysis of existing coins, as well as new tokens. With more than one hundred thousand subscribers, the site is popular with crypto enthusiasts.

Finally, the CoinDesk site is a popular and respected source of crypto news. They have a large community and thousands of followers on social media. Besides providing the latest news, they host an annual Consensus conference in New York City.

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