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I'm not gonna lie this chart scares me I'm gonna talk about what it can mean For Bitcoin and what we need to do to Avoid all the chaos that this chart Could cost hit that subscribe button my Name is Steve do you wish your financial Situation was better do you want to Recover those losses wouldn't it be Great if there was something simple and Easy that could help you turn it all Around not only do I have your solution I just made it 75 off for a limited time Only to celebrate the holidays Introducing our largest sale of the year Go to a massive 75 Off on our all-in-one the one that Everybody loves now a lot of people are Wanting to improve their financial Situation just like Phil s Phil was just Like you wanting to improve his Financial situation he went to he signed up To the all-in-one and he called it the Best investment he's ever made in his Life and worth every penny I want you to Be the next Phil go to 75 off on the All-in-one or you can get the course Bundle at 65 up or the indicator bundle At 65 or everything at 75 on them sign Up right here if you have any questions Info at crypto crew let's go largest sale of
The year but only for a limited time Let's jump back into this chart this is The fear in greed index shout out to the Fear and greed index but something major Is happening with the fear and greed Index and it's coming to a real pivotal Breaking point right back here in our Days of November 2020 all the way till February 2021 we were at our highs we Had the most greed that we've ever had And we stayed up there for quite a while And it was a pretty a big downfall right We had our highs here we had our lower Highs here we had more lower highs back In March of 2022 we had another lower High back in August of this year and Most recently back in November of this Year so we've been making lower highs Literally since the beginning of 2021 Right similar to what we stated with the Trending line this trend line for Bitcoin right it's very very similar Where we're literally at a pressure Cooker area and something's going to Break one of the things to watch is this 20 Level we've been respecting the hell Out of it you know since we broke above Here back in July and you can see in September holding that 20 Level and all The way through September all the way Through October all the way through November holding that 20 lines but Something's got to give if we continue This trend line down we could plummet
Back down to this area which we hadn't Been since the middle of the year if Bitcoin coin were to break this 20 Level And be in real real extreme fear that Means the market will plummet and this Will be a very large plummet in prices You know if we dropped from where we are Now to 13 7 it would be this kind of a Plummet and prices which it's either Going to play out that way where we Break this 20 Level that we've been Holding for a few months and have our Final capitulation down marking another Market bottom here or Bitcoin would have To get first above here it would have to Change Trends it would have to do Something it hasn't done in a couple Years it would have to make a higher High our most recent high was right over Here in November we would need the fear And greed index to get above 40. if it Got above 50 it would be a major sign That the momentum has altered has Started to shift to the upside again in A bear Market you need a lot of momentum Coming into the market and it's not the Snap of a finger it's a really Methodical thing that has to take place Because we've had such down trending Energy in Bitcoin for two years we've Got to reverse that Trend it's going to Take time we've been building a Beautiful beautiful base and one Catalyst that could help Bitcoin a
Little bit is what we discussed before That buy signal but more importantly That Weekly stochastic RSI if this Weekly stochastic Starts to build our momentum to have This bullish Divergence play out that Could be our Catalyst to try to get us Above here or we're going to have that To visit that 13.7 okay something's Going to break it's a big pressure Cooker coming but it's gonna play out Right here the fear and greed index is Is a really Telltale sign of where the Market is heading so pay close close Close attention to this we'll be keeping You up to date but watch that 20 Level And watch that 40 level Something's Gonna break either the 20 level or the 40 level if we break the 40 level it's Really good things coming for Bitcoin if We break that 20 Level it's going to get Ugly and it's gonna look ugly quick the Bear Market will last even longer than We anticipated hit that subscribe button I'll see you right back here in the next Video peace and love Thank you