THIS Crypto REVEALED as Trump’s Favorite (What To Do NOW!)

Discover which crypto has been revealed as Donald Trump’s favorite and why it could impact your investments! In this video, we break down what this revelation means for the crypto market and what actions you should take right now to stay ahead

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E This is discover crypto I'm your host Dey here with Josh and druth we got a Druth take over today today we're Talking about Trump's favorite portfolio Move the favorite crypto and maybe how We're going to shape US policy moving Forward he loves this token he loves This sector we're going to cover what That means we got David Sachs we got to Cover all the things he's covering xrp Went down everybody the network went Down we're going to that as well major Major news xrp what the heck guys what Was that what what I don't even that was Crazy yesterday dude like after all this Battle between Bitcoin Maxis and xrp Army they just gave them all this fuel What's the hottest altcoin right now you Would say hottest altcoin right now yeah Top five top 10 probably xrp hotter than That I would say think salana I think Salana and so they see salana salana Goes down and the salana price pumps and They say say you know what maybe we'll Copy that we will also put the xrpl down We'll bring the Ledger down and then We'll get a green candle the next day it Works for a salana it'll work for xrp That actually brings yeah brings more Traction they realize that going down Once a week makes you as popular as Chick-fil-A so they're like you know It's maybe it is a smart maybe they're

Playing 40 chess here I have no idea I I Actually like that Chick-fil-A reference There all right well let's look at the Crypto prices right now xrp is down Folks we got a lot of coins are down uh Right now Bitcoin is down .1% eth is Flat we got some eth news later xrp is Down 4.5 B salana is down 4.7 cardono And Tron limping in with the green Candles here slightly slightly in the Positive territory then we just see a SE Of red then we got Litecoin litecoin's Pumping polka dot in the green let's see The biggest winner the biggest winner Trumpcoin I'm about to take some profit Uh Gala is up Litecoin is up Sheba Inu Adam and arbitr and op we're seeing some L who's a might have to talk about a Later on in the show as well uh but Biggest losers we got radium we got Athena radium had a good day yesterday Athena had a good day a couple days ago Jupiter as well so a lot of these tokens Had some pretty positive days earlier in The week now have pulled back all of the Gains and every coin in the red for the 7-Day chart here uh what what are your Thoughts on the state of the market Right now uh lame it is I'm tired and Bored yeah it's no it's a the markets Have been sideways now at this point if You go to the 30day time frame you'll Realize Jupiter down actually Jupiter is One of the best performing WS in the

Last 30 days but Jupiter 3.5% most of These projects down quite a bit in the Last 30 days you have a few that are up Radium Ando xrp uh so there's a few Green out there but the overall yeah you Got again Ando here that 9% in the last 30 days here though but you know a buck 40 little life into it I'm ready for This next leg up but we got a lot to get Through I mean every single day it seems Like there is some world changing event Taking place I mean did anybody just see Trump come out last night and be like You know what we're going to buy Gaza I Was like all right this is just what is Happening here the Doge committee like Figuring out that we're funding clowns And how to like tie like balloon animals For $1.4 million and that money is just Disappearing there's so many things Wrong with our government in our markets Right now well if you look at the USA ID Line item expenditures there I I don't Think anyone can make excuses for some Of the ways we have been spending money At least while we're in crippling debt We have insane interest rate payments And we have crumbling infrastructure With our Waters and our bridges uh we Got Dory uh not Mory but he will say you Are not the father uh Dory bought ICP Ando and injective is this a good buy I Don't hate the buys I do like Ando the Most of those three but I think you're

Going to do pretty well in the ICP and Injective as well uh and we're going to Be reading your chat so get your Questions in we'll we'll be talking About some insane stuff like your Portfolio I know you're your portfolio's Been insane we got Drew being uh got Isaac we got a bunch of Secrets going on Behind the what's going on the secrets Over there Isaac and Drew chemistry bro Goes what's Trump saying about Gaza is Messed up in my opinion because I have Going to cause more problems AR Arabic World in Russia not happy about it at All we'll see man we have no we have no Idea we have no idea no one's been happy In the Middle East for a very very long Time this is coming from someone that Comes from Dubai like and I've spoken to Locals out there they're just like yeah It just it's it's life it's issue uh the 1948 Rock um Al yeah it's been a pretty Bad since but I I don't even think just Me saying that folks we have already Been deboosted by YouTube we have said Too many of the crazy words so if you Want to smash that like button on your Way in really help us out we got to Fight the Google overlords is what it Comes down to but when it comes down to Is your portfolio we're trying to make You rich but is this you was this you Right here your portfolio down 80% but You're celebrating the 5% pump uh if

That is you smash that like button you Know you should be doing better than That and but folks imagine being shaken Out right here the boring Zone and then We have the banana Zone this is going to Be the weakest banana of all the bananas But I still think we're going to have a Very very fun phase there is a four-year Cycle uh you can see you know the first Year we crash this is the 2021 height in November first year we crash second year Boring third year little bit of hopium And then the fourth year is where all The fun happens where all the magic Happens s and you don't want to be Losing uh all your basically your crypto Knowledge right here in the fourth Quarter this is where it's game time This is where we're going to go into Overtime and change your whole family Lineages future folks where is the magic Dey I'm waiting to feel this magic it's Kind of when I in orando it's not the Basketball team oh the magic magic oh Gotcha yes um I don't know what you're Talking about uh I got a banana but no Diddy all right everybody music tags $2 Super Chat make sure you collect your Bar chain airdrop today folks be careful Checking air drops if you do have a Wallet if you're suspicious empty your Wallet and then go check a airdrop claim And guess what you can't lose anything Just maybe keep the gas fees to collect

The air drop there uh good advice Chemistry Stillen on what I bought in 2022 2023 well shout out to you Chemistry bro he is actually making Magic magic magic magic uh like meth in A bathtub yes that's that's what I think Of that's what we grew up with oh no Well that hey trailer park was wild for Me too all right let's talk about news Here David Sachs I know Josh went live But we got the details we got the Breakdown and we're going to talk about Trump's favorite crypto sector it's not As exciting you thought it might be Trumpcoin you thought it might be Bitcoin it looks like the thing that is Getting the Trump administrated excited In where they're focusing right now Stable coins but this is going to have Major implications for your alt coins And we're going to tell you why so David Sex says the first priority of the Trump Administration is going to be stable Coin legisl ation here uh there's David Sachs handing him some secret secret Black leather book uh at the newly Appointed Ai and cryptos are he Collaborates with lawmakers on potential Regulations for digital assets one of The things they'll first be focused on Is stable coins and if you see me moving It's going to be Isaac moving the camera Over there stop giving them notes Drew All right they're very committed to

Moving just get it right the first time Isaac they're very committed to moving Legislation to provide clear regulatory Framework to sustain innovation in the United States the clear regulatory Framework is going to be key I look Forward to working with each of you and Creating a golden age in digital assets I we've been saying this is the start of The Golden Age especially the crypto Golden age and the first priority of the Trump Administration supporting a stable Coin Bill Josh they're going to support a Stable coin Bill what is the altcoin That that you want to buy you don't want To buy tether or cir usdc that's not Going to be the mve move so what is the Move Ethereum why ethereum everything's built On ethereum okay is there a beta play to Okay I I do like the ethereum play a lot Of people are going to say the market Cap's too high I can't get life-changing Wealth what is the beta play to the Stable coin I think it's going to be Salana well that' be the beta so what's Charlie or Delta or Fox shot or golf or Hotel almost like a levered move I would Say a hey at this rate maybe Trump is Going to buy India so I don't know maybe We're going to be in the eye category Here uh what what do you think Drew what Is the the move to make to make money

Off this stable coin Focus what coin are You looking at yeah I I Consolidated a Big time so um with the uh all coins Showing the short-term weakness I Basically Consolidated down to Ando Aerodrome Moro Aerodrome I like Aerodrome as a choice I'm going to guess It's link is stable coin what talking Well link is essentially my stable my Favorite stable coin is Firearms so I Don't really mess folks brass and Lead Um but you know I see the stable coins On the sideline gearing up to come into The market as a as a good signal and Really just leaning into base Infrastructure and then the rwa sector I Did pick up some plume the other day too So um oh you got the plume I did yeah so I'm just kind of consolidating I see the Stable coin signals is just uh a lot of Whales on the sideline getting ready to Buy and actually I'm of the opinion Actually that we in a completely Different uh kind of design of the Fouryear cycle at this point so all Right we gave three coins if you could Only choose one what is your coin that Is going to pump off the stable coin Focus that's a tough one Ando Arrow what Do you got I would say Arrow Arrow I Like Arrow okay I like Arrow chat let us Know what do you think the top coin That's going to pump after the stable Coin Focus let's just assume stable

Coins quadruple in size over the next 12 Months what is going to be the move uh I Think ethereum is a good move uh what do You got guys think about Athena I know It is on sale and maybe something to Keep an eye out on but there's other News that came from this David Sachs Press conference here he also said a top Agenda item for the new task force Evaluating the feasibility of a Bitcoin Reserve whether it's feasible to create Either a Bitcoin Reserve or some sort of Digital asset stockpile he clarified They haven't committed yet to doing it But it's one of the first things that They'll be considering uh priorities Also are going to include clarifying Which as ass fall under Securities laws Crafting a path for token issuers to Gain approval from The Regulators and Ensuring compliance measures don't Stifle American innovation so major Major positive advancements coming from The David Sachs aiar uh finally finally Happening here he is seen uh looks like He's wearing Maui war paint on his face Uh Drew what are your thoughts of the AI Zar a lot of people are hesitant because You know oh David Sachs maybe sold some Salana at the top maybe I don't like his Multi-coin portfolio uh you know just The assets he's holding is this bullish For how bullish is it drew well I think That David Sachs he's got a very full

Plate being you know kind of slated as The AI and crypto are that's a hell like He's a I think he's a great pick for the Job honestly but I would have assumed That this would have been two different People one for the AI side one for the Crypto side I think that it's extremely Bullish for salana and AI tokens uh to This is becoming more mainstream when I Heard that conversation yesterday and They were talking about the internet of Value right they painted in very we're We're so stuck in crypto we forget that There's still a lot of people that don't Understand what it means to change from The current in Internet infrastructure Over to what we call Web 3 or this Internet of value and I think that you Know some of the colleagues that he had Up on the stage talking about this Actually really solidifies what's being Done on the altcoin side not only for Bitcoin and the reserve is the first Kind of you know Focus that they're Going to have but talking about the Internet of value I really really think We're underestimating the power of those Words when it comes to the larger Population they are just starting to Understand what it means to send value Online and uh you know this is making it More mainstream and really here to stay So at large I think um salana Ai and rwa Are going to be the big Winners this

Cycle okay I can see chat's got some Suggestions xlm Arrow uh let's see curve I like curve a lot of Arrow a lot of Curve a lot of Ono uhu Hondo s chain Link uh maker also not a bad choice There uh so yeah we got we got the Smartest chat out there folks uh SED Near ICP Stacks that's just your Portfolio Neil that's just your Portfolio not a real answer uh virtuals I don't know if that's going to be the Big winner after stablecoin advancements There xrp will be their stockpile says The mountain bike babe all right let's Uh look at here here's the tldr of the Trump's cryptar speech if you missed it They're evaluating a Bitcoin Reserve They want to do the opposite of the last Administration so they won't follow up Steps uh stable coins can ensure Us doll Dominance and the US will create a Golden age for crypto man oh man I'm so Glad Erie guinsler is now Gary gansler I Added that line myself all right uh now The US does want to bring stable coins On share uh the says I wanted to scroll To this part here's a great quote I Think the power of stable coins is that It could extend the Dollar's dominance Internationally and extend it online Digitally according to David sack stable Coins could create potentially trillions Of dollars of new demand for us Treasuries Josh is the US Treasury angle

The real reason they're bullish on Stable Coins it could be part of it I don't Think it's the exact reason so you don't Think it's we need people to buy our Debt cuz that's my thought I think we Just need people to buy our debt and They see trillions of buyers on the Sidelines via crypto just to keep the Party going because they definely part Part of it but I think uh you know with The Trump organization I think there is A level of they understand they can make A lot of money if they do it this way I Think it's more so uh they want their Own bank I think there's going to be a Lot of opportunity from the defi sector With just real world assets flowing into That sector they want to own those off Ramps and on-ramps but I think going Into the debt that's a huge part of it That's why we want a strategic Bitcoin Reserves syy the alus is a huge advocate For this it's going to pay off our debt By potentially I think her estimations Are 2050 uh so you know at the same time We have as we pay off our debts now you Have a department of government Government efficiency that's lowering The deficit uh and the spending which Will allow for us to still print Potentially trillions of dollars and Have zero inflation so it's like the Perfect recipe for them to cause a

Disgusting amount of economic growth you Say with zero inflation I think even With the net buyers they'll still screw The tenure treasury yield market so I Don't know inflation you make more money I think it's going to happen like they Can print money and it won't cause a 2% Like the C they they can kick the cup Further down the road basically exactly That that's all honestly that's all this Really is doing to me because we will Have a discussion we won't be alive but When 2140 comes around everybody's like Oh shoot what happens to when the last Bitcoins mind like how secures the Network at that point like is there that Much Network opportunity is it lowering C like it opens up we're just kicking The can further down the road that's how I look at this yeah the the be case no One wants no one's mining it anymore and So no one's securing the network and Then maybe the network goes down the Other end would be loves it so much uh You get fees off transactions and then That would create the security for the All right who's David Sax's best friend Or one of them uh David Sax's best Friend is it chth chth Oh wait before I say his last name I Know he say fredberg or you're GNA say How do you say his last Name that's not good uh Dre how do you Say chim's last name poaa poopaa that is

Correct poopa here no Poppa once you say It like five times it starts rolling off The tongue a little bit more easily so Just go in the mirror and just poopa I Want to hear that through the walls Chamoth poopaa crypto strategy once you Learn how to say it it's fun so anyways Poopaa crypto strategy here using Bitcoin to Kickstart a US Sovereign Wealth fund uh recently Trump ordered The creation of a US Sovereign wealth Fund within a year within the next 12 Months the treasury Commerce department They got to make a plan in the next 90 Days choth has an interesting idea what The government uses his Bitcoin Holdings To Kickstart the new Sovereign wealth Fund with us holding about 198,000 Bitcoin that would Kickstart us off with $19.4 billion says Poopaa what are the odds they are going To Kickstart it with Bitcoin I I'm Putting this I think above 50% Josh because why not it's just sitting There you think this year well they got To make a plan within the next 90 days They want to implement the plan within The next 365 days I think that gives It's possible by this year with yes yes I do think it's possible I think that's The main question here cuz I think any Whatever allocation ends up taking place Is man that just changes like the moment It happens this space changes forever uh

All right let me ask you this the moment It happens Bitcoin pumps do alt coins Dump no I just I think people need to Get used to the stairstep action of the Institutional inflow of capital this Market it is not retail money so until You get a retail injection which is Going to be I show this chart every Single day and I love that you guys Always ask me these questions but is Going to be the personal savings rates Guys until you get the personal savings Rate going to the moon and I'm going to Explain this very simply icos don't do Well until the Venture capitalists that Have the treasuries for marketing could Have an effective marketing that is Bought up by retail okay institutions Aren't you know going from B to B Usually like there is a there is a Market for that as well but that's going To be more Bitcoin I think you're going To see your large you know ethereum Salana they might follow Bitcoin a Little bit better but the allcoin iOS I I don't believe we're going to see like The oh everything you're throwing a dart At the wall with your eyes closed and Like everything goes up blanket it's Going to be until retail personal Savings comes back and they have money To like disposable income that they can Throw into the market you're going to Get kind of the stairstep action so if

Bitcoin goes to 120 130k I wouldn't be Shocked if even some of your favorite Altcoins maybe still didn't reach Alltime high maybe chain link goes to 40 Bucks if you had to stick the dart where The sun don't shine what hole you Choosing what coin oh a great analogy Yeah I don't know what he was staring Off into the disenchant I don't know Where his mind went but he came back I'm Reading your chat What's good here though I would I'm Betting on tokenization so ethereum Salana Ando chain link I'm I'm building That portfolio Okay the Black Rock bags Basically all right uh Dey did you get a New car I will share my Elon supporting Uh Tesla story towards the end of the Show it was the weirdest experience I've Ever had buying a vehicle maybe buying Anything and I've bought never mind Anyways all right let's talk about SEC We got major it isn't just there's a Bunch of stuff it's almost it's so much Winning you're going to get tired of Winning here the SEC is scaling back its Crypto enforcement unit at the same time We're doing all the stuff with Bitcoin Reserves some in a special unit of 50 Lawyers and staff that have been Dedicated to Bringing Down crypto have Been reassigned we got the details right Here uh and so it was a 50 staff crypto Enforcement unit they're going to be

Reassigned one of the unit's top lawyers Was moved from the enforcement arm which Some then complained was an unfair Demotion oh they demoted old Billy uh The report came just hours after Hester Pierce outlined the new approach to Regulating crypto markets I think we Have Hester Pierce in a second SEC Brought 33 crypto related enforcement Actions against 90 defendants and Respondents in 2024 according to Research here this is Hester Pierce uh She's laying out 10 priorities for the New crypto task force I just got the top Four for you here number one resolving What makes a security versus a commodity Very very good that's going to be huge For ethereum uh creating a more viable Path for registration clarity about Lending and staking programs that's Going to be huge for cardano and uh Let's say a and some of those defi Projects and finally deciding what parts Of the market Fall outside the sec's Jurisdiction I'm not used to a Government official saying yeah I want To find out what I don't have control Over that's kind of the opposite of what We've seen in the previous four years It's oh I I control that and I control That and I control that hey everything's Under my purview we're seeing the exact Opposite out of this new uh sec I would Say regime are you are you bullish on

I'm I'm starting to get bullish on the SEC it feels weird Uh we need an SEC so you know from the We don't want INR it's very good even Though they just launched their own meme Coin that that's still insane to me but You know this is really good I think They're cleaning up what I would like to See is just a body that actually Represents the people for the first time And this is what we really voted for This cycle is we want people in these Positions of power to represent the People's best interests not what's going On behind the scenes what's going on Behind the doors so not their lobbyist Financial banking institutions not their Lobbyist pharmaceutical companies look At Bernie Sanders for example right this Is somebody actually used to advocate For a ton uh but you know throughout the Years he has became insanely corrupted And now RFK literally just opened up the Can of worms for him which we've all Known about where he's like taking money Beyond the scen so sa with the SEC you Saw the language where Bernie quit Mentioning millionaires about I was it Eight years ago yeah yeah he used to be Against millionaires but then one day he Just quit saying Millionaires and only Started saying billionaires yeah and Then he now then it'll be trillion but So that that's that's why why I'm

Talking about that is because Gary Gendley did the same thing like when he First got elected everybody was kind of Excited and this was because he was Teaching about blockchain at MIT like he Was speaking about how ethereum Al Grant He name he Nam dropped altcoins to not Be Securities and then Within like after Getting denied a job at binance becomes The head of the SEC and all sudden Becomes like super Advocate against Crypto was he replace by his twin like a Soap opera maybe maybe that's what it is Does a twin that's a real thing I like The fact that they're replacing that Reforming it and we're going to have Really strong growth for us because as An entrepreneur in the states all of us In this room here are entrepreneurs in Crypto in the United States I've been Debanked personally through startups I've started out here that are crypto Related did you have only fans or Something uh no I tried that once but I Didn't make enough money for the bank to Even care hairy legs they saw the Transactions come in they're like ah all Right well he got give him his four Bucks you know it wasn't uh it was a sad Moment in in life but this is a this is A very good moment it's a very positive Forward direction for the I'm ready for A positive direction you got the Tyler Dirt in jacket have you watched Fight

Club that's another no that's another no Folks we're just gon to ask him every Day until he finally capitulates Brown That's what they're saying she I'm Wearing a KLA brown Jacket uh I don't I think I just got That and that is terrible chat I don't Moving on moving on uh you know it's not Terrible Costco rotisserie chickens Maybe the best rotisseries out there on That note Costco has ATMs and now They're going to be Bitcoin ATMs but What does this mean is this going to be Like 17 and you know Michigan or is this A just a pilot program let's look at the Details here Costco is putting a Bitcoin ATM across each and every store that it Has in the United States this going to Be very very bullish Costco one of the Largest sellers of gold in the entire Globe can any of this gold bug translate Into Bitcoin bugs and I if you look at The details they're going to have better Rates better fees might be one of the Better ways to buy Bitcoin anonymously Via this uh have a pallet of arculus Cards filled with $100 in Bitcoin that You can just buy on the the pallets that Would be the move and then it gets swarm Like the eggs yes or the Pokemon cards Or the Pokemon cards uh you got a Costco Membership oh you know I do come on now Of course I do I would survive without One oh yeah he has an army A he has to

Go to Costco he's a brood like yeah like It's Starcraft or something it's a Necessity um yeah I mean it's Interesting to I mean a lot of uh big Brands I mean they're already well Established by the time obviously Bitcoin's well established by the time But this is really normally friendly Movement that we see happening from one Of the biggest retailers out there and People that go to Costco are spending You know2 to $800 on food maybe I know Do 50 bucks of Bitcoin while you're out There spending nearly $1,000 dollar to Feed your family not the worst M oh man They should do a $150 Bitcoin buys just like the hot dog And the Pepsi and I heard they're going To be switching to Coca-Cola products Pretty soon so you don't have to drink Starry and all that other nasty crap all Right uh look here uh this is Major news Standard Charter says Bitcoin could Reach 500 $100,000 during Trump's Presidency is it possible we see well it Be 2028 it' be you know maybe the tail end Of the having year is it possible I want To get to 120 First that's that's that's this next leg Up I'll start doing the bull prices all Right chat give me a yes give me a no Give me a y give me an N can we get 500k During Trump's presidency within four

Years I think 250 is plausible that Would It be the early leg of the next cycle But I guess the question is also like to Get the 500k we obviously have a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve we also have a Strategic stockpile like what are what's The domino effect of that like has China Created a Reserve at that point has Russia started buying into that Reserve uh Drew what do you think yay or Nay can this happen 500k by you know it Would be January 2029 yeah I I actually Think this is very plausible um what I See split yes I'm split on this I'm I'm Kind of breaking from the theory that We're going to be able to rinse and Repeat and see another you know 60 70% Reduction on bitcoin price in 2026 Honestly like what do we expect that America is going to set the parameters For the treasury to hold Bitcoin over The next year maybe two years even the Plan of them doing so we're probably Going to see China and Russia start to Front run Us and other nations and then If we see 200,000 Bitcoin purchased per Year by the US government are we really Expecting a massive pullback on the Price that's what I'm having to really Sit here and uh soak in yeah we're down Near 50-50 split here people are really Yeah this is this is a tough one cuz you Know we have broken the trends with the

Breaking previous alltime High way Earlier in the four-year cycle so maybe We wouldn't get that top seven months After Trump is out you know maybe it Would be closer to around when he is Stepping out are we still bullish on AI Coins I would say uh largely yes but i' I've been saying this we bullish on the Infrastructure versus the individual Agents you just got to be careful going In with the agents there uh speaking of Bullish pretty bullish on lbank I think We're going to be doing some swaps with Lbank pretty soon what do you know about Lbank Josh uh just another exchange out There guys there's a lot of really good Exchanges out there they got memes Pretty quickly here they're listing a Lot of memes um but I haven't used I Used coin W primarily but if we're going To be keep an ey keep an eye on l lbank I think there might be some trading Competitions and stuff like that are Coming out of it that and I heard Something about their fees supposed to Be pretty good but uh we got another Post here Jason Williams this is just Over your mentality of the cycle and Maybe how you need to be thinking most Of you will never make it in crypto and I'm telling you this message so we can Change that to most of you will make it But most of you as of now until you Shift your mindset you will never make

It in crypto not because the Market's Rigged not because you miss a chance why Because you got no idea how the game is Played you think it's about finding the Next 100x you think it's about believing In the project you think it's about Huddling until you're rich you're wrong Crypto is not about tech it's not about Innovation it's not about Mass adoption It's about liquidity exits psychological Warfare you're not investing you're Liquidity for someone else's exit buy a New coin guess what the team insiders Early entries they're waiting for you to Pump their bags you think this time's Different no wrong every Cycle's the Same retail gets euphoric smart money Rot hates out Market crashes cycle Repeats you think long-term Vision will Save you uh-uh timing matters more than Conviction you don't make it by huddling You make it by hoping you don't make it By hoping you make it by understanding The game money moves and rotations Liquidity Cycles control the market you Don't know when to buy and when to sell You're already exit liquidity the cycle Will print millionaires but it'll also Wipe out idiots who refuse to learn Harsh harsh words but I think everybody Can read that and maybe take something Away I would say much more important Than buying is selling selling is a lot Harder than buying and so you know we're

Going to be pretty open about taking our Profit I was open about rolling my Cardano mean coin profits into synthetic Bitcoin and cardano stable assets and Guess what that dip I didn't catch Cardano at 50 cents I deployed thousands Of dollars at 60 Cent cardano I ended up Selling it 36 hours later to help with The down payment on a vehicle save tons Of money save myself earn ear you know Decent amount of money by doing that Strategy folks so 4,000 20% pump that's An extra almost an extra, right there It's about an extra 800 very very uh It's much more important to sell wanted To kind of stress that point there I Went on lbank just to check it out uh Because you you brought it up a couple Minutes ago I just saw this safe moon is Up 100 what is up safe Moon's Back that hurts me did Dave poroy say Something about it what's going on come Back why is that why is is safe Moon up 100% today that is uh $ 3.42 Billion people trying to short it people Got short got wreck what the heck what The heck is happening right now dude We're actually looking at a safe moon Chart now dude there's no No oh my oh wow J well dude the crypto Market is so Degenerate so degenerate guys guys did We not learn the first time that we Clearly not it I mean it's it's falling

Back again here but yeah no I guess There was a little bit of life into it That's crazy that's crazy anyways sorry I got caught off guard I haven't seen That in three years uh all right Speaking of haven't seen in three years We got Sheba enu fans in the chat uh Will Sheba partnership with the Emirates Pump the price no what happened is my Guess there's a rich nephew in the UAE He has a big Sheba bag and he said Uncle Uncle do something to pump my bag he's Not going to pump it in the long term uh Magic JD Vance won the 2028 election It's the Golden Age of crypto and Bitcoin is mooning hitting half a Million in January 2029 that makes me Want to fight fight fight for the crypto Industry folks all right Bitcoin eth Classic and Litecoin one of those Belongs two of them does not so you know That's just my two cents if I'm buying a Coin off Robin Hood and it's not Bitcoin Or eth buying Doge I'm not going to buy Eth classic I'm not going to buy Bitcoin Uh cash you know because Robin Hood has Some of those you know older Legacy Coins that Hood I do have Hood but I've Taken a lot of hood profit I rolled the Hood profit into Palante tier and we're Uh you know always try to share my stock Picks and I show my entire stock Portfolio to the members stream but this Is a crypto channel so you know it's

It's a little bit more for the people That got more Diversified Investments Out there but speaking of Diversity well maybe it's not that Diverse the Maga 10 someone made a magga 10 I'm not just saying somebody van e Subsidiary Market Vector launches the Magga 10 us crypto index xrp salana link Avalanche xlm sui Unis swap near Aptos And file coin uh at least when I looked Earlier yeah this the sentiment was why The it's filecoin on there uh I would Say file coin what I was wondering yeah Filecoin is less than a 1% weight but This is too heavily weighted to xrp uh For it to be any kind of like weighted Index to me it's just half xrp then a Little bit of salana and chain link and Then just like dust of the other stuff There uh but just something interesting To keep an eye out so keep an eye out on These 10 coins especially file coin if You see a bunch of announcements with File coin sell into the pump sell into The hype I'm getting the idea that They're just trying to drum up exit Liquidity taking you back to this point This this this one stinks of exit Liquidity uh I'm bullish on dpin uh just The file coin token ons we've done a lot Of videos on it in the past there's Other projects I'm much more bullish on But let's talk about chain link Wales Here we crypto taking a swing back down

Chain link stood out as a network with Heavy dip buying 1, 1600 daily 100K plus Transactions is the most since 2023 in Almost 10,000 active wallets the most in A month when all coins rebound keep an Eye out on chain link so during this Flash crash during the fear chain link Whales and large chain chain link Transactions started skyrocketing tons And tons of volume where does chain link End up in 2025 Josh give me a price Prediction here $40 I want to see my $40 Chain link 40 50 bucks you're saying That's the top or you're just kind of Waiting for that to no I'm saying when If dud guys if we get that next leg up I Am taking mad profit off that I'm Rolling heavy into Bitcoin so you're Going to be a heavy link seller at 40 Drew what do you think about that Strategy um I mean if he's moved it I Think rolling all coins when you gain Satoshi's and I mean depends on his Entry point like my average entry on Chain link at this point is about $3.90 so if I were to do it uh would be A a big gain right that's outpacing uh a Lot of the market so really depends on Your entry point uh for me I see more so In the 100 to $200 range for chain link Um I think that you know a 4X from where It or four to maybe 5x from where it Currently sits isn't really too out of The question for me to see comes out to

About like I can't $150 billion market Cap not even breaking into the top 10 But um I think that some of these Blue Chips in the rwas are really going to be Looking quite strong so that's why I Think we're going to have a little bit More juice but Josh taking profits Depending on where his entry point is Yeah I'm like at about a $750 average on Nothing wrong with that not as early but Like my thoughts are also too there's Nothing wrong with holding altcoins like At that point though if chain Link's at $40 I'm expecting the market to be Significantly higher so our portfolios Are probably dominating absolutely Crushing it like my whole perspective is I want to roll all those profits in the Bitcoin because the moment Bitcoin Crashes by 40% I want to pull out I'm Going to I'm going to borrow against it And then just buy more Bitcoin uh my First chain sailor it I'm going to Michael saor my first chain League entry $2 and then I sold my entire bag at $4 Uh soone saying is it still a good buy Right now I am certainly a fan of it uh I think a might be beaten down a little Bit more but tonight I actually have Ultimate portfolio altcoin video what Altcoins I am buying in I'm going to go Over the alt coins on the steepest Discounts and so if you see a down 83% And chain link is down 62% I might be

More inclined to buy a I haven't done All the math just yet I'm still doing my Research so turn on notifications I'm Going to tell you tonight when I'm going To be deploying some capital and folks I Might be doing a home loan uh home Improvement loan 20 30 40% might end up In crypto Yeah accidentally oops oops slipped Max By to I was mean to just only do my Driveway but ah I slipped fell bought Back Bitcoin I don't know man I slipped And fell yes will hit a minimum $80 gu Look it can hit those prices I'm not Saying that guys I'm just I'm taking Profits and rolling out dude I am I'm I'm bulletproofing my portfolio is what I'll say that is what I'm doing at I Don't hate uh rolling it into Bitcoin I I might still hold 50% but at that point Dude even if I took 50% out average 7 And a Half dude it's still a two 2 and a half 3x on my money that's insane and I still Have just as much chain link CU I like It's it's there's a lot you can do at Those price ranges but yeah Perry don't Say That are are you my banker are you my Say he's all in on pin link I do hold Some pin link but I'm not all in at by Any means man hey who bought Ando first Uh dude I I so Drew might have me beats Because I feel like every single time I

Like have a project and I've been Talking about it like Drew's like yeah I've been there I've been there for four Weeks like if you were in the blockchain Basement basement I got my first Ono was 38 cents I don't even know where you got At so pretty much the same exact level Yeah I was at 36 all right man the Basement they be putting that lotion on The skin guys all right you got to be Following now you ready to talk about Your favorite Subject uh what is my favorite subject His name is Robert Paulson no it's Ando Ando looks like one of the strongest can You explain what Robert pson is one last Time just I need to know one more time d Name is Robert pson yes why because his Name is Robert Pson because in Project Mayhem you don't Have a name unless you die and when you Do die your name becomes Robert pson This is what we're next Friday we're Just having a fight club Watch series That's what we're doing we're just Watching it together so we get we can Move past this all we can move past or I'll watch it in the Tesla with you you Just bought there we go and uh folks I I'm going to share the Tesla just the Weird experience I had at the end of the Show here but Ando looks like one of the Strongest tokens right now Ando summit's Ongoing are you going to the Ono Summit

Soon and if so when it's not ongoing Right Now wait what's that Ono Summit oh no It's tomorrow so oh so yeah tomorrow We'll be live for like nine hours I Think we're g to just I'm G to keep Going after this live stream we're just G to bring in pizza and just start like So there's like eight hours worth I Really wanted to go but they didn't Approve uh Owens or the two tickets that We needed to go cuz I'm not going to fly All the way out there and not have a Cameraman like that's just a lot of yeah You know what okay so basically they They didn't want to give you a cameraman That's exactly yes well I a little they're number one I'm not Even a k or sponsor with them I do all This I've done Millions I'm I'm a little There's there's some salt under there But they did approve my ticket so I Can't be mad at the end of the day but We will be covering uh Black Rock Fidelity uh the cfcc the Commissioners They're all speaking tomorrow so we're Going to be hopefully live all day just Watching every single keynote his name Is Meatloaf uh is this cardano and Walmart story true it is true but it's Like one of those Moon pay style vendors That they have a bunch of Partnerships With you see Robert bson in chat he goes How dare you question my existence Josh

You guys are getting too trolly with This man I mean well it's just his name All right well uh Ando is bringing Stocks and bonds on chain with the new Platform here and so they've started Their new rwa tokenization platform they Want to bring Securities stocks bonds And ETFs on chain they said the solution Lies in blockchain technology and with Stable coins as its reference it's going To facilitate the creation of Transferable tokens connected to stocks Bonds and ETFs they said it will bring Exposure to over 1,000 of these stocks Bonds and ETFs listed on New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ including Equity ETFs all types of uh individual stocks Apple Tesla Uber and each of these Tokens is going to be backed one to one With the security that it tracks and it Added its asset trading would be Available continually from anywhere in The world and so we've been screaming And screeching from the rafters about Ando bringing everything on chain the Stocks you know I think Josh I think an Exact quote of you you're trading Apple Stock one day it's going to be an Ando It sounded almost too much but you were Right you were right give you the Flowers man people are going to be People are going to be mad about it uh Ono has been one of the best projects to Hold up during this this pullback here

But at the same time it just the long Term of this no matter what is the Tokenizing these stocks and it's not Even me saying this like Larry thinkink Has told us all directly to our face Through like through cameras multiple Times we're going to be talk about Tomorrow we're tokenizing everything There's going to be winners and these Were his exact words there's going to be Winners and there's going to be losers So I have casted my net I've have Created a portfolio that's hopefully Going to capture some of those winners Love it love it all right uh deployment Of a V3 on Sonic has passed congrats to The Sonic Team Community I'm I'm seeing A lot of things talk about Sonic tvl Relative to their market cap I just I Worry it's going to be like a liquidity Exit so you know maybe look for the beta Plays on Sonic is going to be the more Of the alpha eth did just hit a pretty Big record what record are we talking About here I want to say it was a spot Volume so the dump the dump created a New all-time high for spot volume on eth Uh also recorded its third highest oh Bitcoin was only number three so that Flash crash where things were going nuts Was on Monday Bitcoin third largest Volume day ever ethereum largest volume Day Ever uh ended up Jesus gotone all The way down to 2100 uh when it was just

Knocking on the door of 2900 at one Point so let's actually look at the Candle have you seen some of these daily Candles Robert Paulson $5 Super Chat Without pain without sacrifice we would Have nothing fining oh I love Robert Fallson now that's awesome this candle Right there yeah that giant Wick highest Volume day ever for ethereum kind of Make makes me bullish and it makes me Think you know I don't know if we ever Go back down to the bottom of this uh of This level the recent local low we we Came so like I did see on a uh one Exchange that I trade on Tu bit it hit $2,080 for man you know I mean that was Just I feel like that Wick down and that Amount of pressure applied in such a Short amount of time on the World At Large uh thinking about you know tariffs Going out against you know American Allies right I mean just a shot at a Left field I I feel like that was a good Test of where our current bottom is um And in that moment I did make some great Moves uh you know we got a kind of an Interesting project Swift F uh Swift Token um and on Ando guys like I mean We're talking about Wall Street being Moved on chain and we have Paul Atkins Coming up I'm not going to be surprised To see Ando hit a hundred billion doll Market cap in this cycle um because of How much is going to be speculated on

Not just actually put on chain through Ando and securitized and all these Things but just the speculation in and Of itself I think is actually going to Give Ando enough uh enough velocity to Hit hundred billion I love it I love it Now you're ready for the xrp fud should We fud xrp always dude they we're not Even fuding it the xrp guys we have been We we were wrong then we started Defending you guys man this was a this Was a brutal let's go the charts let's Go to the charts this a brutal hit all Right xrp on the 4 Hour looks identical To eth I don't know if you could see That but yeah L literally looks Identical giant giant Wick to the Downside I'm not even saying the price Action I mean maybe maybe the price Action was bad but just the overall they Are in the middle of war with Bitcoin Maxis right now you have Jack M this Just gave Jack mallor a forever amount Of fuel against the xrpl and why it Shouldn't be part of the digital stock Pile or a Bitcoin strategic Reserve that Was like my like the xrp army for days And days and days and days like just Fighting and fighting and fighting and Then you go down and this is interesting Though like I wonder what the theories Are behind was this a Doos attack what Was the network issues cuz I didn't see Well their CTO basically saying I don't

Know here let's go literally put like Call the he's like call it did you see The meme he put I saw one other thing he Like I he was like I think it's this and Then two hours later it's like no no It's not that it's like What xrp Ledger resumes operations after A brief Network disrup ruption it's okay Folks it was brief just an hour uh fully Resumed after unexpected disruption and Transaction validation caused the xrp Network to Halt for an hour yesterday uh Ripple X confirm xrp Ledger has resumed Activity though the exact cause is still Unclear uh David Schwarz he did this Post right here Network's now recovering We don't know exactly what caused the Issue super preliminary observation Looks like consensus was running but Validations were not being published Causing the network to drift apart Meaning uh different validators started Validating different things and kind of Drifted apart instead every being uh Being on one consensus here going back To the article validators stopped Publishing confirmations despite the Mechanism functioning normally he Suggested s uh servers may have Deliberately withheld validations to Prevent incorrect Ledger acceptance he Initially believed The Operators Manually intervene to restore the Network however later he clarified only

One dude in a basement took the action Are you watching right now but it was Still not entirely clear that they Solved the problem or if the network SE Healed it's like he doesn't even know He's like ah I don't not clear how this Worked and chat's as guys not this isn't About price action it's about just the Overall argument behind the Decentralization the strength the Security of the xrpl it brings up a lot Of that to question and I think I know What happened that's what's going to Spark here what do you think happen Think I know what happen you thinkcoin Maxis did this this is the switch being Flipped right they switched the they Flipped the switch oh they accidentally Someone was leaning against the wall a Little bit too much and it turned to was It Baron he's so tall and gangly might Like bumped it with an elbow they acally Turned off the switch man that would be Trump's in their offices and like just Baron like leans against the wall it's Like when was the last time the xrpl had It ever gone down uh so on that prior to This on November 25th xrp Ledger did Have a brief outage but it outage only Lasted 10 minutes so uh you know one so They're getting Longer yeah but then there's also the Missing blocks was at first 32,000 Blocks I'm I'm maybe blanking on the

Exact number uh but as far as I know the First 32,000 blocks were smooth they Just maybe are trying to hide Transactions yeah and so dooby-doo says Flip your xrp into that's not the Conversation here brother but I Appreciate know what do you flip it into You I mean I already flipped my xrp but Now you got you found a bag what do you Do now I'll tell you what I would do go Go for it I think I just buy its closest Competitor it's not xlm it's chain link That's what I did a year ago so you'd Repeat your move there's nothing wrong Chain link and we went into Ono like What when that that was like March or Something drew you find a bag of xrp It's laying there on the ground do you Leave it and visit it in nine months Then sell or are you trading it into Something today this literally did Happen to me so I thought I dumped all Of my xrp and I found a bag but there's Still a turtle head lurking yeah I found A turtle head lurking and it it was a Original buyas at 17 cents on this bag I Found So um really I'm just like and this is Where like you know just cold storage is The King right the cold storage is the King and when you're sitting on assets That you know have basically done from 17 cents up to where they at right now I Could tangibly see xrp going to like

Four to five bucks the cycle um so I'm Leaving it alone honestly I'm going to Leave it alone and that'll be 17 cents To five or four bucks sure it took me 8 Years to freaking do it but that's not a Bad return on investment and I did move A vast majority of mine already into Chain link when link fell down to like Five bucks anyways yeah yeah so you know That was the move that I did but from Where we're at right now I think that uh You know if you have it again it comes To original entry points how long do you Have to hold the asset for and I had to Call ceasefire with xrp people because They did a you know integration with Chain link and Ono so you know now we're You know trying to get along I'm trying To be nice and if I hold some then I'm Allowed to continue bashing my own bags So all right so yeah I think we're all Uh in agree Robert get out of chat Huddle your Bitcoin uh someone's getting Emotional over there Tyler which one is It though and remember when he gave you His chest to cry upon where's the love How quickly you forgot Tyler all right Uh folks we are going to speaking of Cold Storage we play a quick word from Our sponsor but then I have another xrp Story this one's a little bit nicer we Just wanted to take a quick second to Shout out our sponsor arculus they are Cold storage Hardware wallet helps you

Secure all of your digital assets for The future just tap this thing to the Back of your phone and boom you're in we Wouldn't be able to do this without them But also wouldn't be able to do this Without you guys the Disco fam you've Supported us a lot over the years if you Want to support the channel now just use The code dc20 it gets you 20% off this Card it's the number one way you can Support this channel going forward thank You for your support we'll see you at The Top all right we're back all right mobs Mobs all right talk about cardano and Ripple uh we talked about Salon a little Bit maybe we'll talk a little bit more But I got to talk about cardano to my Cardano contract I don't have one Hoskinson dropping hints of probable Collaboration of cardono and ripple not Possible probable and he's a super quany Math nerd I mean he's probably saying That because it's above 95% here so if Collaboration between cardano Ripple is Going to materialized synergies could be A lot he also highlighted February is Going to be a big month for cardano Giving hints of Plenty forthcoming Announcements and the statement of Chucky ho ho has ignited the debate of a Probable partnership between cardano and Ripple so basically's saying you know Very very high likelihood RL USD the

Ripple stable coin is going to be able To be deployed on the cardano uh Network Here and also he said big meeting coming In February his whole chat everybody is Saying Joe Rogan Joe Rogan said no more Famous than Joe Rogan that is a very Limited List Elon is the other speculation oh he Did sign Charles signed an NDA after Visiting SpaceX were you aware of that It was about three months ago no how Would know about if it's an NDA how do You know about it uh because he had Pictures of his trip they said give us Your details of your trip cuz he like Did the photo in front of the rocket he Said I can't say anything cuz I signed An NDA yeah well that's a good question How do we know how do we know but yeah It's from the the selfie I guess the India didn't cover selfies in front of The penis shaped Rocket it it's a what it is I don't know Why you did it in rocket okay uh it's It's phallic not everything is penis Shap not everything yeah all right Freud But it everything looks like it I guess Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar right Uh now That's a Freud quote um my bad so Freud Said you hold anything phallic you're Obsessed with penises and someone said Hey man you smoke cigars it's like oh Well sometimes a cigar is a cigar and

Like a shut up okay now just thr now I'm Not listening to anything you say it's Flac It it was a colum it was a Cuban so it Was it was rigid um uh now if you could Only buy transition transition Transition cardano or xrp you got a hold For six months Josh what are you Thinking cardono or xrp 10 months you're Giving me like rough questions Today or xrp you're going a Drew you Going Ada or xrp uh I'd be going Ada I Think has more upside I'm going I mean I Bought the dip you know we were talking About did you make any moves I bought The dip of ADA when it I didn't catch 50 Cents but I caught 60 cents maybe 62 64 Somewhere around there but I caught that 60 Cent Ada I'm I'm I'm going a too all Right so a looks like more upside to it You know it's just like yeah It's just like the size of market cap That makes me want to do Ada it's like I Think Ada and xrp are going to be around They're going to be longstanding Projects I just think there's more Upside all right Drew cardono or Ethereum oh definitely cardono Definitely cardano okay Josh same Cardano over ethereum or eth over Ada I Want to put those in the same category Because I would say both top 10 l1s I Think you can make an argument saying no Market Cap's

Completely well eth is completely Different I think card will definitely outperform Ethereum okay but like what I what I Like I would have ethereum before I'd Have cardano if that makes sense like if I like if you're talking a risk factor It just depends it depends but I would Have both in my portfolio all right Folks you have a lot of comments about The rocket shape I didn't shape it like That okay Elon shaped it like that he Signaled that it was just for trolling And uh just trying to be funny but if You want to be funny hit that like Button remember what we were saying in The start of the stream Google overlords They're not going to like it we need Your help disco fam if you hit that like Button you do actually pump your bag in An indirect way you're more likely to See a discover crypto video on the front Page of YouTube meaning other people More likely to see it meaning more People are likely to learn about the Scam that is the US dollar and just Learn about the glory that is Cryptocurrency especially in the year 2025 we're about to enter the banana and Don't be yellow don't be scared Josh any Final words here I'm not entering any Bananas uh I'll be entering a live Stream here later this evening guys if Not tomorrow morning we'll be live for a

Full day live stream so so get ready Guys subscribe to the channel hit that Like button the Tesla Story the Tesla Story in with this all right thank you For sticking around some of you the People that left they going to miss out On this all right so you go to the Tesla Dealership and there's not an army of Sales people with gel in their hair you Know what I'm talking about they got the Polo shirts they got the slacks they Smell weird a lot of cologne they smell Like ax body they smell like they sell Cell phone accessories in the mall you Know what I mean you know what I mean And they got that look uh so that you Know they swarm your car they you know It's like they you know basically just Trying to Circle you like buy me buy for Me buy for me Tesla the exact opposite You go in there's no one there and I had To do some stuff on the app I didn't Realize I did all these things you know That like admit I do nothing so you know I linked up my insurance and you know my My license and stuff I go inside the Store to buy a new Tesla I got an Appointment and they're just like yeah You're done and like turned their back On me I I'm like it do I have the key You are the Key I'm like I I I I have questions like Oh yeah go go through there and I go Through there it's a garage and they're

Like no you're good just leave I'm like What the f did I buy a car I didn't I Signed one piece of paper that was a Lemon law sheet that looked like it was Off a Word document had like one Paragraph no folders no you know yellow Uh carbon copies no managers coming out From the back saying I don't know we can Shave 1,200 bucks let me get my manager Then the Third guy comes out and he's Got a little bit of a belly and he's Like all right you know I like you we're Going to do it none of that none of that The whole thing was weird I felt like I Wasn't even buying a car I felt like I Was stealing a car uh but you know maybe I'll put some photos on the X uh today Or tomorrow folks so that was my story Super weird but super streamlined and I Just want to support Elon let's do it Guys go buy Teslas use my referral code Code Dc20 get 20% off today here here's my Referral all right how got smash the lik Bye guys

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