Trump is Still Buying!

Which crypto currency will Trump buy next?

#bitcoin #crypto

Trump just bought more altcoins 1 hour Ago so I had to get this emergency video Out to you as soon as possible this was Covered by Arkham intelligence and they Are one of the top people sleuthing the Blockchain looking at all the whale Wallets and the major celebrity wallets And they watch Trump's wallet and they Realized Trump's World Liberty F wallet Is buying $50 million worth of crypto as We speak and we got a more recent post From this one cuz he's made an Additional move and then I'm going to Tell you the secret altcoin I think is The next one that's a likely Target it Is in his list let's go ahead and look At the Trump wallet so what we're Looking at right here is World Liberty Financials wallet they have almost a Third of a billion dollars in crypto Let's go look at the coins and I'll tell You why I am bullish on one particular Coin that they have been accumulating And so the number one holding is going To be ethereum followed by stablecoin They have $50 million in usdc and they Have almost $10 million in usdt now they Have about $40 million in Bitcoin a Chain link and Athena so the Athena Purchase you can see is largely the bulk Of what they bought so far they had less Than a million dollar worth Tron this Put their Tron purchase on the map with A $4.7 million and then we scroll down

USA coin is a mean coin that the Community gifted to Donald Trump's Wallet but it's the next coin that I am Bullish on that coin is Ando

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