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Warning: Everyone Is WRONG About This Rally – This Will Happen Instead
Bitcoin has been on fire Bitcoin has Been rallying it's been incredibly Exciting there's a lot of buzz in the Air but overwhelming every single expert In the whole financial industry in the Global financial industry is saying that 2023 is going to be an absolute Recession there's going to be blood in The streets there's going to be Panic There's going to be pandemonium but what If everybody is wrong what if 2023 will Be different than what all of the Experts in the global financial industry What if all of them are going to be Wrong what would that look like and what Could happen in 2023 based on the facts And the charts because Bitcoin is Rallying right now and there are a lot Of clues that people are missing in Today's video I'm going to lay out those Clues we're going to talk about the Facts and we're going to make an Educated guess based on just the facts And the charts regardless of what all The experts in the global financial Industry say if you're new here welcome In my name is Steve hit that subscribe Button let's jump into it what I'm going To illustrate in this video is we're Going to talk about some really really Good news and then we're going to talk About some really really bad news and We'll weigh out the pros and the cons But we're going to keep it real so hit
That subscribe button and let's jump Into it right now Bitcoin has done this With this green line down here is the Adx and Di and for the entire year of 2022 it's been red dominating meaning The Bears were in absolute control and They almost had a death grip on the Market right so when this red line is on Top prices go down when this green line Is on top prices go up it's very simple For a very short period in 2022 right at The tail end of q1 we had the green line Come up right and that's when we rallied From about 37 36k all the way up to this 48. and if you guys follow our Channel We called for a mega crash to start at 48k which was completely laughable at The time a lot of people didn't want to Take this call they they said that it Would never happen there's no way in Hell that we would have a mega crash and I think you know the the facts in front Of us are illustrating that it was it Was quite a mega Crash from 48k down to Where it is today but this red line has Been dominating the entire year of 2022 And this green line just came out in the Most ridiculously powerful fashion that We've had in quite a while I mean we've Got to go back and just gauging on how High it is right right it's at the 40 Level we haven't been that high in the Green since here since February of 2021 Was literally the last time that we were
That high and it was actually just the Same exact level so since we've been Higher than that it was literally this Rally in 2021 that brought us out of the Coveted crash you know from prices of of 3 000 up to prices of sixty thousand That that's literally the last time that We've seen this powerful of green come Into the market it's been since then and These are not my opinions I'm not Flipping a coin trying to guess these Are the facts that are literally right In front of all of us right now we Cannot deny the facts right this level Of green hasn't been achieved since February 2021 and it has been higher Than that since this rally plain and Simple right so what does this mean does This mean we're starting a bull run does This mean that the bear Market is over Absolutely not in terms of the facts and The charts and we'll cover a couple here There is no evidence to suggest that the Bull Run has started I want to make that Really really clear there's no evidence Yet we're getting close but there's no Evidence yet so that we're still in a Bear Market but I'll say this again we Were waiting for a macd cross it was my Only wish for Christmas we've followed This chart for months and months waiting For that macd cross why every single Bear Market we have a beautiful macd Cross when the bottom is already in
Happened in the coveted crash Bottom Already in happened in the 2019 uh macd Cross bottom was already in when we had That macd cross 2015 when we had that Mac date cross bottom was already in 2012 when we had that macd cross bottom Is already in so we had that that was my Only wish for Christmas we also covered This chart total market cap holding Support which which was our resistance In the 2018 rally it's our support now Which is further evidence that the Bottom could be in still up for debate There is no unequivocal facts yet but Again this green line we called for it To happen in January we called for it to Happen a few months before it happened And right on schedule in January we had This green line why is the green line Important well every single time we've Had the green line before the bottom is Already in and that was the start of Some really cool things to come so we Have to keep level headed you know we Can't get too excited on the way up we Can't get too depressed on the way down And I said in the beginning of this Video so I have some good news some Really really good news we'll celebrate These charts I'm showing you right now And then we'll take it you know one step At a time because I do have some bad News with some other charts to show you In a moment and we'll make sense of all
It at the end and I'll give my honest Opinion at the end uh to help you make Sound decisions for your future but we Cannot deny how bullish this was we Didn't just come out peek our head Through in the green we came out saying Like look at me like I am here you gotta Deal with me okay so right now the Bulls Are in control and that's not up for Debate right the Bears have been in Control literally all year fall last Year and the start of 2023 we're trying To turn a new Leaf I want to show you This chart okay this is the fear and Greed and we've been covering this chart For years and it gives us big big Clues As to Big momentum shifts right so back Here right in the end of 2020 so Literally for the past two plus years We've been creating a high a lower high Another lower high and another lower High and we built an incredibly strong Base at this 20 Level right after we Bottomed out here in the middle of 2022 We were really building out beautiful Market structure this Market structure Is phenomenal it's really phenomenal and We said look in order for us to get a Little bit excited we would have to go Off of this base and create a new high Right a new higher high for the first Time in a couple years so for a couple Years we've been down trending and this Recent pivot high of August of 2020 we
Just got a higher high for the first Time we took out this recent pivot and This recent pivot and made a higher high This is a huge momentum shift okay we Cannot deny how powerful the market Structure is here at this 20 Level and We cannot deny that we just made a Higher high and if you look and you Study this chart this chart is very good For momentum shifts okay A little bit of Head of schedule momentum shifts will Show here uh sometimes a little bit more In advance than it does in some other Charts so this is a very large clue as To what could potentially be coming down The pike in 2023 okay so now that I've Showed you some of the good things that Bitcoin is doing some of the things that We can be excited about some of the Things that illustrate maybe we're Turning a corner that illustrate maybe That the the Bull Run is going to start Soon we know that there's no official Evidence that it started yet and I stand Behind that because there is no evidence Yet but there is some evidence that it's Coming close but now let's get to some Of the bad news right or should I say Some things to be concerned with now We're on a weekly chart here and what we Have in front of us do we have a yellow Line and we have a red line and what We've done in 25th teen is this fractal Pattern is very very very familiar to us
Because in 2022 we had this cross down Which signaled our Market bottom and Then what's happened is we had the first Rejection a second rejection a third Rejection from this yellow line 2022 a First rejection a second rejection a Third rejection after our third Rejection we plowed through this yellow Line for the first time in years right You can see in 2015 the whole bear Market we were below this holding as Resistance and we had this small period Where we are above and the same here Right and as soon as we cross down one Two three rejections one two three Rejections and radon Q were breaking Through it now okay now there's good and Bad news here right the good news is it Did plow through it did plow through in A phenomenal fashion but then it came Back down to form our technical double Bottom will that happen will we have a Triple bottom we'll have to see but this Low was actually slightly lower than This one so could we actually Conceivably have some sort of of a mega Crash after this nice rally we could so There's good news and bad news to that The good news is it provided literally The best opportunity buying opportunity Of your life the bad news is it played With everybody's emotions because There's a lot of people that are waiting For five thousand six thousand seven
Thousand and they be they may be waiting Forever their whole life and Unfortunately they may buy back in when Bitcoin is at like 45 000 which is Usually the case in investing but make No mistake this could play out and we Have one more chart here Um to illustrate we're on the weekly Chart with Bitcoin and this is the super Guppy you can see the super guppy went From Green here to this grade period to This red period and same here this on Your right is 2022 we had this is green Period and then grade period and then Red period this is 2015. this is 2022 so Let's put 2015 up at the top here let's Put 2022 up the top here and that way Everything is clear and then you can see We're pound per pound repeating 2015 so Far right we went from this gray period Into this red period right and we had Our first bottom here and then we play It up into this area here when we Started to turn orange that's what Happened right into this period we had Our bottom here we went up to this Orange bottom here and this is where we Had this bullish Divergence technical Bottom one bottom two according to this Chart right here now you can see what's Happened since then right we're in this Kind of Zone here where we're rallying Into the red for the first time in many Many years right rallying into the red
We have never rallied into the red prior To that you've got to go back to the Previous bear Market cycle to really Realize that rallying into the red is Very very rare it happened in 2015. We're rallying into the red as we speak Like as we speak we're rallying into the Red right so what happened in 2015 after That period Well we rallied into the red And then we came back down to form Another bottom and that could very well Be the case you know could Bitcoin Rally From uh where it is now and then turn a Corner and plummet all the way down to 15K it's definitely a possibility it Will be an emotional roller coaster it Will weed out more weak hands it will Weed out some other bad crypto companies That will go bust and that's really good For the markets very healthy for the Market so we could have a very volatile Situation like that play out again so Just be prepared you never want to get Too excited on the way up you never want To get too depressed on the way down you Want to stick to the facts you want to Make sound decisions we clearly have Some good news coming into the market There's no denying that it looks like Bitcoin has potentially turned turn the Corner it looks like the bottom could Very well be in it's still up for debate But we also could plummet in prices to Retest our bottom to form even a
Stronger base and then start our Bull Run so that could be in the cards stay Tuned we will cover it piece by piece Hit that subscribe button I'll see you Right back here on the next video peace And love to the fellow underdogs do you Want to know when to buy and when to Sell click this video right now
How to Find the Next Crypto Gem
How to Find the Next Crypto Gem
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CoinDesk is one of the most popular crypto news sites, and they have a ton of content for subscribers. They have articles and videos that cover a wide variety of topics, including interviews, company profiles, and breaking news. In addition, they have a lot of followers on social media. You can also subscribe to their daily and weekly newsletters. Unlike some other sites, they have a great layout that makes them easy to use. Their Twitter feed is one of the most popular in the industry, and you can always find breaking stories on their homepage.
Another top resource is Forbes. The publication has a comprehensive list of the top cryptocurrencies and their market caps. Additionally, the site features expert advice on investing in the industry. It is a great source of information for those who are just getting started in the space.
TodayOnChain is another good source for information on cryptocurrencies. They publish a weekly newsletter, and they also publish articles about ICOs and new cryptocurrencies. Unlike some other sites, they do a great job of providing unbiased coverage of the space.
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The Coin Spectator is another excellent source for crypto news. The site is a real-time aggregator that pulls data from hundreds of sources, helping you track project milestones and act on trends as they unfold. Some of the most popular subreddits on the site include r/cryptocurrency and r/Bitcoin. Users can also get alerts when there are ICO launches and events to watch.
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