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00:00 – Intro
02:40 – XRP U.S. dollar
04:49 – July 2023
07:10 – $3
09:35 – Shooting Star
12:20 – 11:59 utc time
15:17 – Confirmed
16:18 – $1.87

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Xrp has recently seen an absolute Explosion it's been dominating the Headlines it's been captivating crypto Enthusiasts around the world with this Magnificent explosion in price but what Is about to happen could be even crazier You see it started with the explosion And then last month's candle it ended Devastatingly terrible this candle right Here that printed last month is called a Shooting star candle often found after An enormous explosion and it simply Means that instead of the Bulls being in Control and exploding more that bears Have taken control it was devastating to The xrp community because they were on An absolute rocket ship and it was hit In the face and price went all the way Up last month to almost $3 but it closed All the way back down here at $2 it was Like climbing a Mountaintop and being Kicked in the face and rolling almost All the way back down the mountain top But guess what don't count xrp out Because what it's trying to do right now Right before your eyes could change Everything it's such a signal of Strength and in today's video I'm going To break down exactly what it's trying To do right now and I'm going to give You a simple stepbystep process where You even if you don't know anything About the charts you are going to be Able to follow this simple philosophy

And you're going to be able to sit in Your chair a couple days from now and Know if xrp did it and if xrp did it Prices are going to explode it's such a Sign of strength you don't need to know The charts I'm going to break it down Exactly when this momentous opportunity Is going to happen and exactly how you Can follow along at home and I'm going To tell you if this Monumental thing Doesn't happen what happens then in the Video today I'm going to break down each Component step by step simple and clear And you are going to leave with the Knowledge and power of this move xrp is Gearing to make R before our eyes let's Get into it welcome I'm Steve here we Deliver honest sponsorship free ta with Genuine value subscribe for a nobs Approach that actually helps you Subscribe so here we are we're on the Xrp US doll we are on the monthly chart And today we're looking at two aspects Of the chart one price action with this Ridiculous candle that we printed last Month this shooting star candle that is A bearish reversal candle however there Is a way way out of it if xrp is able to Show Ridiculous strength I'm going to Explain how it can null and void the Shooting star and is it likely that this Is going to happen and what should we Expect after if we were to do such a Thing and more importantly how can you

Figure out if xrp is about to make this Legendary move with simple step by steps So we've got price action above and Today we're going to be jumping into to The volume and that's where we're going To start because the volume plays hand Inand with what is happening in price Right now so let's take a dive into Volume you are going to become an expert On volume and I'm going to keep it Really really simple so you can see These bars at the bottom this is the Volume what I want you to do is Hop on The indicators what you're going to do Is you're going to type in volume when You do that there's going to be all Sorts of different options I want you to Pick the super clean one that just says Volume I want you to double click on That bad boy and it's going to come up Just like this if you're on xrp us doll Monthly chart on bitstamp it will look Exactly identical to what I have here What you'll notice right away is there Are red bars and green bars and like Most charts red means bad and green Means good but what is volume well we're On a monthly chart today so simply put The volume is how much buying and Selling is happening that month that's It you can look and you can say oh I get It these are Big in green which green Means good and there's a lot of buying And selling which means green means

There's more buying than selling so you Can look at this and you say oh wow I Get it that means more people were Buying this month in November than in The past year and a half since this one Which is July 23 and that would be Precisely correct that's how to look at Volume right you can see this bar right Here got even bigger in December which Means there was even more buying and Selling and still more than the past Year and a half simply put that is Volume how much buying or selling and if It's red it simply means there was more Selling than buying and the size of the Bar just means how much simply put right So recently lot of buying and selling Before that not very much right that's Very simple how to understand volume now When you look deeper at it it started With that November burst in price right And you can see it reflected here in Volume and you can see it reflected in Price and you can see it that the volume Showed largest in the year and a half And you can see price was even larger Than even since the top in 2021 in terms Of the size of the candle right that Simply means that xrp started with its Price it opened down here at 50 cents And it closed up here at $2 in other Words at the first of the month it Started here and at the end of the month Month it ended here it was a pretty good

Month judging by the other candles Pretty much the largest candle since the 2021 top that started this volume thing Here then it got even bigger in December And here we are with lower volume by the Way xrp fans I'm going to drop a bomb With this chart right here in my next Video so hit that subscribe you do not Want to miss this next video that is a Key I want you to remember you can see It clear as day right here that we we Got big volume in November which means a Lot of buying and selling then even more In December even more buying and selling But right now as we speak in this candle This monthly candle there's less buying And selling than the past two huge clue Keep that in your back pocket we will Revisit it now let's get to price action Because this is where things start to Get a little bit crazy we had this huge Explosion in price xrp captivated the World and everyone wondered is this over And the next month came December this is Where xrp tried to take that powerful Step forward and it did for a while Price Rose all the way up here to $3 Right in the middle of December as Christmas was approaching right xrp had Risen all the way up to $3 the problem Is it was met with huge selling pressure In other words tilt your phone to the Side and subscribe when it got up to $3 There was a lot of Heavy Hitters who

Took profits and it was like a domino a Chain reaction and everything started to Shift downward so that huge step forward That xrp tried to take as it climbed That mountain it just peaked its head Right over the mountain top and someone Just kicked him right in the face and he Went tumbling down 3/4 of the mountain And it closed all the way back down here At $2 now this is a classic textbook Shooting star candle which tells the Market again Market psychology is so Important which if you're new to the Channel welcome you finally found a Channel that you understand that Spitting facts that's why you just Subscribe but when you look at this Candle it went all the way up to $3 it Closed at $2 the psychology behind it It's very important to understand that Whether you're a long-term Trader or a Long-term investor or you're a Short-term Trader whoever you are the Psychology is very important this Shooting St Tells us that the market had shifted From bullish to bearish Simply put the Bulls were in control up until this Point this candle clearly dictates not Up for debate that the Bears took Control that's not my opinion none of What I said in this video so far is my Opinion these are all just plain and Simple Bonafide facts this tells the

Market this told the xrp community watch Out right the following candle which We're in right now is so important Because xrp has two choices that person That kicked him in the face when he Climbed up the mountain top yeah he can Come back up and knock that person cold Out that's option one option two Continue to fall down the mountain top Couldn't get their grip those are the Two options for xrp and I'm going to Explain both scenarios clearly and Simply right so what we're in right now Is xrp is trying to climb back up the Mountain and punch that person in the Face simply put in order to do this and Null invoid the shooting star we have to Do very particular things we'll get into That in a moment let's talk a moment About shooting stars what is a shooting Star candle shooting star candle this One right here can be found at the tops Of rallies and it signals a bearish Reversal if the following candle does Certain things right so it has a thin Body at the bottom it has a long upper Wick which tells you it was meant with Heavy resistance tons of selling Pressure in other words that month it Went really really high and dropped Really really far pretty much near the Open right if it's a very very thin body And little to no lower Wick and a large Upper Wick it's called a grapestone

Dogee if it has a little fatter body Like this fatter body simply means it Opened and closed a little bit further Apart then it's a shooting star candle If it has an upper Wick that's more than A couple times the size of the body and Little to no lower Wick that by Definition is a textbook shooting star Candle in order to be confirmed as a Shooting star candle the next candle has To do very specific things and if it Doesn't do these things it has the Opportunity to be one of the most Legendary powerful moves seen in recent Years for xrp in other words xrp has an Opportunity to climb to the top of the Mountain again and punch that person Cold out with the left hook to the face And this way means it takes out that Shooting star candle and null inv voids It it has to do specific things on the Candle and with the volume the volume is Going to play a critical role consider The volume the friend of this candle and They're trying to work together in Tandem to take over the world right so What we have on our hands right now is Xrp right before our eyes is trying to Do something absolutely legendary just Look at the price right now it is trying To get above the prior high of that Shooting star candle and it's done so For the majority of the past couple Weeks but here's the key at the end of

The month xrp has to close above the High of the shooting star candle in Other words let's go to the shooting Star candle from December you're on the Monthly chart you're following along at Home you just subscribed we've got the Monthly chart right here $22.93 right xrp on January 31st needs To be above $293 by the way shout out to the xrp Army I want you to share this video Right now with someone in the xrp Army To help them share it now when the time Hits 11:59 UTC time I want you to sit at Home and follow these rules that's rule Number one xrp has to close above that Price if it doesn't we're going to talk About what could happen next because That would be a little bit devastating Let's stay on the positive for a minute And towards the end of the video I'm Going to explain well what if it doesn't Close at this price now imagine we fast Forward a couple days we're at the last Day of the month it's 11:59 UTC time you Look at the xrp price and it closes Above $2.3 which by the way right now we are Above $2.3 let's see what happens but that's Step number one it's got to close above There Step number two we need really Strong volume if xrp closes above $2.90 and has strong volume it is

Further confirmation that it null inv Voided the shooting star candle in other Words climb back to the top of the Mountain knocked that guy out and now It's standing on the top of the mountain By itself right so what is strong volume Well when we look at it we say okay in November we clearly had strong volume How do we know well number one it was Green that means good and it was quite Literally bigger right more buying and Selling than the past year and a half Since July 2023 then we go to the next Month even more buying and selling not By a lot but a little bit still Incredibly strong now we dropped in Volume what does that mean that means That the trend right now as as we stand Right now again we haven't closed this Candle in price this Clos at the end of The month we haven't closed this bar of Volume that closes at the end of the Month same time as the candle but as it Stands now what does it say that the Volume now is a little bit less than the Volume of these past two well it simply Tells the market the psychology of it is Hey these past two months meaning November and December had more trading Volume more buying and selling than the Past year and a half and then we dipped A little bit which means it tells us the Market it tells us the psychology is the Trend is still strong but there could be

Trouble ahead now these are monthly Candles trouble ahead doesn't mean Tomorrow or the next day monthly candles Don't care about today or tomorrow Monthly candles we're talking about the Next several months the signals to the Market yes a lot of buying and selling But it dipped a little bit strong Trend But potential potential problems ahead Simply put now let's talk about that Other scenario now you understand when This is going to happen you have the Clear-cut rules get above $22.93 Have strong volume you understand all of That but what is very very important What if that doesn't happen what if we Sit here on January 31st 1159 UTC time And we're below $2.90 what happens then well I've got Bad news for you tilt your phone to the Side and subscribe if that were to Happen that means that this candle the Shooting star candle is confirmed the Only way to null and void the shooting Star is if xrp closes above $29 3 cents And has great volume if either of those Two things are not true the shooting Star candle wins meaning we tried to get Back up to the top of the M now and we Got kicked in the face again and rolled Down the hill we don't want that to Happen so the shooting star candle is Technically a bearish reversal that's What it is it's found at the tops of

Rallies and signals a reversal on price If xrp fails to close above here and Nolan void this the shooting star candle Is still in control and we'll have to Wait to the next candle to see if xrp is In trouble now to be very very clear When you make a shooting star candle the Next candle in order to really strongly Confirm this shooting star candle the Price of that following candle the one We're in now needs to close below the Low of the shooting star candle in other Words the low of the shooting star Candle is A187 so to be a textbook shooting star It would have to close the monthly Candle that we're in now below A187 which seems unrealistic at this Moment although Anything could happen But these are the facts hit that Subscribe button and let's see what xrp Can do at the end of this month share This video the xrp community needs to Hear this by the way we just recently Crossed 400,000 subscribers I just Wanted to reach out and say thank you at The beginning of this Bo run we made it Our goal to hit 500,000 subscribers During this bull run and we just crossed 400 we're on fire we have such an Incredible community of folks that look At the facts and love the charts it's Just such a powerful community so thank You

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