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Are you looking to stay up to date with the latest news on Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Shiba Inu & cryptocurrency? Look no further! In this video, we’ll explore the world of Dogecoin,Bitcoin, Shiba Inu & cryptocurrency and discuss the latest news, trends, developments, and market analysis. We’ll dive into the fundamentals and technicals of Dogecoin & cryptocurrency, so that you can get a complete picture of the space. Tune in for a comprehensive overview of the Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Shiba Inu & cryptocurrency landscape!”
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⚠️Note of caution: all of our videos are personal opinions. Do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial advice. There are many strategies and there is not one strategy fits all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.
Guys we're going up wo oh yeah baby Smell a Mo woo hey everyone this is darl from Daily crypto Trad let comeing to you Live live from freaking Vietnam guys Great time to be live and H happy Lunar New Year to everybody out there guys Year of the freaking snake so what is Going on with crypto right now what the Freak is going on right now we're seeing That much of we're seeing a see of Freaking red right now don't forget We've got fomc meeting coming soon and Remember I believe we're going to see Some rate cuts out there rate cutting Cut cuts and I believe that this is the Pre dump before we get the rate Cuts Guys so I'm saying I'm thinking I'm Loving that this is a good good buying Opportunity right now we're seeing that Freaking Bitcoin is down uh almost uh Just over half% we're seeing ethereum is Down 2.23% we're seeing xrp is down 2.62% now remember that the SEC website For xrp court case is is gone but if you Check the appeals it's actually been Moved to the freaking appeals guys so That is pretty good news I think that The court case is almost done didy Freaking done out there out there uh Also too we're seeing salana right now a Lot of market makers right now are Buying salana and going to push up the Price so I think in my opinion not
Financial advice guys Pang that this is A good good time to load up whole XR Hold salon for like 48 hours and then Then sell and profit guys uh if you want To take if you want to make some quick Do me out there uh B&B is down as well Not as bad as xrp not as bad as salana Salana is down 3.72% in case I missed That out there yeah uh we're seeing the B&B is down 0.81% we're seeing the doer Wer is getting a hammer time right now It's down 2.2 2 2.22% out there I'm not so pil as most Of you out there we're at 32 cents now Keep in mind that the 31 Cent level the 31 Cent level for Dogecoin is really Really important okay now if we look at The EMA ribbons go to my xplatform you Can see that the EMA ribbons Dogecoin is Under all the EMA ribbons right now and To break out above the EMA ribbons we Need to hit freaking 35 cents I repeat That we need to hit freaking 35 cents Out there that's what we need to do so We need to keep on keeping on but you Know we had a lot of Dogecoin stuff we Had El mus talking about Dogecoin we had El mus offering the Doge developer Satoshi out there I think nakam sat I Can't remember the freaking name but you Know what I'm talking about go to my ex See that uh and he offered him a job but He said No at the do out there he said No ada8 is down 3.75% uh we got link
Down Avalanche is down xlm is down uh Where's where's shimo shimo is also so We're seeing uh most of the old coins Are going down de de down down what else We got we got Ela mus announc his Partnership with Visa Visa out there for X payments coming and I'm really Scratching my head but I think we're Going to see X payments coming soon uh Visa also xrp signed a deal with MasterCard as well and xrp says look We're going to replace a freaking Swift System if that happens trust me Smash The likes we're going to see xrp I don't See p we're going to see xrp freaking Mei me out there I don't know my serial Watch just did some talking talking out Of school Ser shut the freak out out There I'm trying to do a video out there Don't you hate that when you're like you Know you're doing something and suddenly Siri like times in it's like shut the Beep up Siri I'm doing something serious Right now out there so yeah so we I Digress so we got xrp V uh Master Card Replacing Swift system uh we got Donald Trump uh Donald Trump in office a lot of Positive crypto news people like Scratching their head like what what we Got all this freaking positive stuff for For for crypto coming from Donald Trump He's you know SEC the treasury secretary a lot of Positive people out there so why the
Freak why the Freakazoid why the freak Iside is uh uh Krypton not pumping out There guys well it's because it's being Artificially manipulated out there guys Anybody anybody know this guy Jack Burton from the the movie Big Trouble uh In Chinatown remember that movie out There that's a Funko po I think it's I Think it's actually worth some money out There yeah I think it's actually worth Some money that's what I say but I had This for a long time I just keep it up There my lucky Chucky my lucky Chucky Out there so guys I just want to say God Bless each and every one of you out There it's freaking bombshell time it's Time to buy the freaking dips guys a lot Of good news a lot of good news gotot of Goodness out there I love it I love it I Love it I love it I love it guys I'll See you in the freaking next one and God Bless everyone one uh big shout out big Freaking shout out to th out there much Love big shout out to everybody out There the whole world the whole family The year of the snake is coming guys the Snake it's coming guys show me the Freaking money in 200 and 25 let's Freaking get it I love it I love you I Love you love you love you love you love You love you love you so much guys out There I'll see you in the freaking next One be blessed be well be everything I Love it peace out
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