XRP and Ondo’s ultimate alliance is making waves—could this be bigger than Trump’s latest crypto moves? Find out how this partnership could change the landscape for bitcoin, altcoins, and the crypto market as a whole. Watch now for all the details!
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This is discover crypto I'm Dey with Josh and TJ and today we have major news For xrp holders and Ono holders and We've been telling you for months you Got to start accumulating Ono we just Saw a major announcement we're going to Break that down we got huge news with Bitcoin ETFs companies and countries Buying and Mining Bitcoin but it's kind Of behind the scenes and we're going to Expose all the secret moves that these Shadowy puppets are doing in the Background and not only that major Upgrades foru and cardono that we got to Go over and Josh is in his fight club Jacket did he maybe watch Fight Club Last night I went and bought it purchase Instantly online I was like I'm going to Get into this dude I'm feeling I'm Feeling flexible I'm feeling great as Well let's get right into the news folks And flexible great that well that's your Definition of great feeling great once You hit a certain age Flex feeling F Great he's like I feel yeah it's not Creaking noises when you sit on the Toilet for 20 minutes all right let's Look at the crypto markets but first I Got a couple memes for you Jim Kramer That man can't stop Chamas po hoaa we're Literally living in a simulation Jim Kramer on the 22nd Nvidia stock could be Breaking out if there's so much Enthusiasm so thank you Jim Kramer for
Creating the AI bubble he also had Comments about Bitcoin so we'll blame Him for that as well well and then just For perspective then Nvidia goes on to Record the biggest stock drop market cap Drop in stock market history since the Beginning of time yeah stop Dro and lock It yeah it it was terrible looking uh But this is my thoughts on deep seek People are wondering how Dey feels on Deep seek personally I'm staying away From Deep seek I don't want the Chinese Spying on me and seeing what kind of Videos I'm watching on Tik Tok that's my Personal business you stay out of my Phone China but then this might have Been you as well you know all this fud With deep seek you're being told by the Dip you're just screaming with what Folks and there might not be too much Dry powder on the sidelines to make the Moves in coins like Ando and I'mma pass It to they call him Ando boy but he's Ando man and you put some respect on his Name Ando man what do we got in Ando uh Well look I know we haven't talked about Ando in quite a long time you guys Haven't heard about it on this channel At all in probably a few weeks but least 12 minutes we had about breaking news I Don't even know if that we were talking About already as we walked in today we Are bringing o USG and actually I did Tweet out 12 minutes ago I think that's
What you might be talking about no I Just made that Number it may have happened well The xrp Ledger is bringing o USG to a self here Through Ripple so o USG an Institutional Grade product backed by tokenized us Treasuries and black Rock's bidle fund Represents a natural fit for blockchain Purpose buil for institutional adoption So guys I could not escape the xrp look They they knew they were like Josh you Fed us for way too long you came back in November and now we're going just shove It in your face so this is the massive Partnerships though so Ripple's going to Be speaking at the Ono Summit next week Aloy BC and David Schwarz there on February 6th uh and this was just kind Of anticipated to see this announcement But what I want to take away from this Okay we do have a few articles to break Down with what this means but if David Schwarz is speaking at this conference Right and they had the smart one at Ripple is what I like to call him the Obvious smart one not that Chris Larsson Is it because he looks like a dungeon Master from dungeons he would be a Really really good dungeon master but no What it shows me is that this was Preempt So we saw that he was already going to Speak this conference there was no Announcement of a partnership and now
This really brings to light how Connected all these collaborations and Speakers are going to be at the Ando Summit so whether it is the cftc they Have multiple Commissioners speaking With them they have of course Fidelity Black Rock JP Morgan the list goes on But Ando Finance has expanded their inst Institutional reach with this o USG so This is all about the tokenized treasury Fund potentially bringing hundreds of Millions on chain through the xrpl and a Key feature of the O USG on the xrpl is Going to be seamless interoperability With ripples RL USD stable coin if we Have the Visionary behind the xrpl this Is David Schwarz also knows David Kats And come on come on he does look like he Holds cardono actually he looks like a Huge card he does look like that's like A cardano Community member you know Nothing wrong with that nothing wrong Long luscious hair that's that's that's Intelligence hey look I could have long Luscious hair on the sides just like he Does but you know our tops aren't that Different Well I have trying to transition and I'm Just he keeps feeding me more but Expanding the institutional grade Ecosystem on the xrpl so this is really Really good news for the overall Tokenized treasury markets guys $85 million tokenized US Treasury
Offering joins the xrpl uh were these Just the same articles here do you want To show the this one I don't know so Ando Finance they have tokenized this US Treasury offering is the O USG uh Tokenized treasure Mees allow investors To park their onchain cash to earn a Yield and use them as collateral almost More importantly they allow this to Happen 247 this is just a Non-Stop thing They could do it on a Saturday night so The O USG token backed by Black Rock Which you know hey maybe they have Deep Pockets and allows qualified investors To Mint and redeem tokens Around the Clock near instantaneously using Ripple Stablecoin deployment here's the details The deployment is set to go live within The next 6 months according to andos This is happening soon before you know We're hoping and assuming before the top Of the market and so this is going to be Very bullish if we get caught up in a Bullish day bullish period upward Momentum this goes live you can see Skyrocket uh prices for xrp and Ando Yeah well I think the timing is pretty Interesting there they're like you said They're going to be timing it towards The top of the market that means they've Got six months of this bullish narrative To push and push and push uh actually we Have to go look at the prices we haven't Even checked that yet done the the
Market Speaking of a bare Market remember Yesterday there was supposed to be this Bare Market the bubble had popped crypto X told us and confirmed us that Nvidia Was going to have an 80% pullback and Bring the markets to oh oh never mind Never mind we at 103,000 Dollar Bitcoin Already guys it pumped pretty quickly Overnight this just goes to show again We were getting fed I mean we're were Like saying no guys this is fud this Isn't as big as it is people in the Comments are say guys pack your bags Sell it it's over you know walk the Hills here but Bitcoin back to $13,300 Uh $300 here let me refresh it one more Time ethereum $3,200 xrp though wow back Up to $320 making it probably a top mover here Yes it is in the last 24 hours but what I want to point out is our Jupiter Community out there okay we do have xdc I love my XTC bags pumping we still hold That as well as har bar but Jupiter Jupiter here a buck 20 and truly Starting to take over the salana Ecosystem as the number one Dex Aggregator so I do love seeing this Action come into the meme Market you Could you click on Jupiter real quick And then hit the 7day seven day what Does that look like it looks like uh X2 At six imagine five days ago where was
That price At five days ago pretty low pretty low 80 cents it is up almost uh yeah I mean It's up almost what is that 50% folks we Look at the metrics you got to be Watching our uploads as well as our live Streams we gave you that Alpha 5 days Ago best salana altcoins 2025 portfolio Winners and Jupiter vastly outperforming Almost every single coin in the top 100 So we picked you a winner there folks I Mean I have to ask chat here guys you Guys know I love this question we're Going to do another one and two type one In chat if you bought the dip type two If you did not hit that like button if You panic sold because of course dude Look at these prices cardono I pulled it Up even on the seven days 87 now back Almost up to a dollar here I mean this Was like a really quick wash out and go The show I really think the theory was Right I think highflyer more or less SED The market they knew GTC was coming up Their window and opportunity to launch This product and cause as much fear as They did to open up a short position the Time was now and so if they were to Release this three months from now and a New product would released it would have Been obsolete so this was a very Coordinated I personally I believe like Trade opportunity from this insti we we Actually have live footage of what
Happened this happened yesterday folks This is what happened Jarvis run the AI bubble pop scare right Before the FED pivots back to cutting it Was Larry f y'all yeah I like that That's that's really good because I do Think that has a big part of what's Happening Josh just mentioned uh I think There's a lot of the manipulation going On a lot of the fud I do think we're Going to see rate Cuts coming in sooner Rather than later and when that happens It's full risk on all these assets Really start to pump so uh interesting Uh interesting times good times to be in Crypto if you guys are getting shaken Out like just listening to your opening In Dey like what you said of like this Coin's upgrading like China's buying Russia's buying Every Nation every Country in the world is going all in on Crypto Black Rock and the US government And I don't think things have ever been More bullish when it comes to real Wealth big money buying crypto buying Bitcoin you know investing tokenizing Stocks tokenizing treasuries like There's never been a more bullish Catalyst scenario and to hear so many People out there saying oh it's over This is over you know pack it in is kind Of mindboggling to me to to see you've Got Larry Fink out there everybody you Know selling their hearts out when it
Comes to crypto and Bitcoin and uh I Think we're really just ramping up into This year I do think that was the ShakeOut I do think we're seeing price Suppression manipulation to get the Generational entries if you guys are Here you're getting them I saw somebody In the chat mention vvv yesterday we Talked about it obviously we've talked a Lot about Ando xrp Dey with the great Salon calls on Jupiter even radium doing Well so tons of good things out there I Do think there's going to be a there's Going to be a divide between the winners And losers this altcoin season it's not Going to be all altcoins pump we're Going to see consolidation of value into The stronger protocols this cycle and a Lot of things get washed out a lot of The meme coins I think that sucked a lot Of the value early on you'll see them Rotating back into value they'll still Have your big Winners I think Trump coin Still going to do well I think you know Some of the majors you know whiff or Pepe could still do well but uh yeah It's an exciting time to be in crypto There's opportunities everywhere we've Got a super chat here from Stan fanger Are you bearish on near and render uh Drew you know from the basement sold What do you guys think near and render Like we got this question yesterday People saying bear Drew talked to me
About it last night uh he just moved his Funds Because he believes near is AI Adjacent adjacent so he's like again This comes to just a cons it doesn't Make him bearish he's just conservative On the price and the upside potential to Near so like whether it's a 2 3 4X he Diverted his funds to other products I Think and don't quote me on this he may Have picked up Ando as well on that I Think he went to Aptos Aptos it was Aptos thank you it was Aptos uh so you Know and was he the one that showed us The rwa play yesterday morning I think It was Kelly was looking at it and and Kelly also yeah Kelly sitting here in The background he also sold his near and It was an interesting discussion I do Think um niching down into those Narratives can be strong but I still Think near will perform well I just Don't know if it's going to be you know The slam dunk 10x that we once thought It was uh chat did ask when are we going To get a plume decision cuz last night I Was like debating on it and I took a Poll on it this might end up being my Athena um sorry TJ but uh yeah I I was Like you know what I'm gonna wait for it To come I wanted it I wanted it to hit 9.5 cents uh it is since up now 10% in The last 20 actually a little bit more Than that as well so I'm still waiting For the entry point here on plume I
Haven't picked it up yet but this is an Rwa play it is the layer one of rwa and They are partnered and have a ton of tvl You guys have probably seen them they Have over a billion in tvl already they Have a ton of really big institutional Partnerships um so I mean just in terms Of their look at this plume tokenizing Over 1 billion real world assets cred Rolls out up to 500 million private Credit fund for plume like they've been On fire but I have not picked it up yet I don't have any connection to them or Anything like that it just been another One of those Hidden Gem rwa plays that Launched and we are waiting for a Correction so I'll let you guys know as Soon as I do in the telegram chat and Maybe we'll pick up some today but I Really want to wait for that next Opportunity say you could stake vvv for 487 on their website that is massive Selling pressure and uh that's probably Going to prevent that token from pumping That's a little high there folks uh they Definitely need that to go down if the Token's going to appreciate unless it's Some sort of like 24 months away or Maybe a hex style thing lock it up for a Thousand days no no no it's very short Term and it has to do with the liquidity Right now so it's it's basically no Shrink but just need a shrink by a Factor for sure and then some and need
Are shrink by two Factor kind so far It's been one of the most successful Launches uh on aerody drone base went Straight to listing on coinbase Yesterday uh very easy claim function Aird drop to anybody in the def AI System so a lot of this is has to do if You hold virtuals if you hold dgen if You hold uh there's a couple other ones I can't remember you have a airdrop Claim I know some people in our chat Claimed it yesterday uh one I'm that's One of the projects I'm most bullish on For U AI this cycle I think it's going To do very well I respectfully hope you The best hope you the best there all Right we do got a little bit more Ripple News everybody Ripple announced a money Transmitter license in Texas and New York that in addition of the two US States it has more than 50 licenses Across different jurisdictions this does Not mean 50 states I think that's a Little bit Mis leading probably trying To get some low info people there and so They said their financial Regulators in Texas and New York had approved their Licenses for their firm and this follows Brad Garling House's decision uh or Announcement in December that the New York approved the firm's stable coin Which they do plan to start listing on Crypto exchanges then it goes kind of Into some updates but that's the head of
Legal hanging out with Snoop Dogg not Hanging out but uh just having a little Funny photo right there the photo if I Told you four years ago that I'd be Standing at the crypto was Snoop Dog Would you believe me yeah me neither so Pretty funny stuff so we know what's Going on with these money transmitter Licenses we know what's going on with Ando we know what's going on with xrp You ever feel like this me listening to The normal people talk about Cryptocurrency now Josh look over your Shoulder do you know that Reference H man it's probably from when Snoop Dogg was a kid and that would have Been 30 years before I was born so no That that is from A from a movie oh wait hold up is this I'll give you a hint it's What it does look like Robin kind of no No it's not fight club either all right So we we got the smartest chat out there They'll they'll let you know what's the Mie I don't even know the movie it looks Familiar I'll give you a character name He has several names one of them is Strider I don't know Gordon oh oh that's From Lord of the Rings that's Lord of The Rings and the first one to get it Was Craig Del okay that's terrible I Didn't catch cuz I've seen those movies Like a thousand times but uh and I've Read the books but yeah I wouldn't have
Got it that yeah I haven't seen that's From wow yeah he does have that's from Fellowship the ring he does have another Name and de got it right his other name Is also Robert Paulson knowledge get out of here at the Robert pson Biz knowledge with the $5 Super Chat just want to let you know Moonwell will be implementing Revenue Sharing by buying well off the deck so That's pretty good I would say that's Good uh more buy pressure for the tokens Is what you want fun fact I'll leave That for a different episode because Well I don't know if I can say it on Stream okay okay too too hot for TV I Think it's fine I just don't know how YouTube is well cuz like Lord of the Rings was like fun fact there's like a Movie that just took like 14 nomin I was Going to talk about that oh yeah bad Music isn't that crazy that's little Let's talk about that for a second no we Move on here guys did you know he broke His foot all right uh let's talk about Uh Russia toe not his foot yeah it was His toe to to be fair it was his toe all Right folks we talked about a country Secretly accumulating Bitcoin tacitly Behind the scenes we're talking about Russia that's right uh and folks please Hit that like button I think honestly if You say their country's name like two Three times YouTube will try to De boost
Your V video so please help us out smash That like DJ where are we on likes uh we Are at 300 likes right now it's an easy I'd say 690 like day we got over you Know 2300 people in here right now Prices are up life is good I know we've Got a lot of xrp and Ando holders in Here so I think if everybody who just Holds xrp and Ando hits the like that's 690 likes that's enough right there all Right so Russia are they buying Bitcoin No they're mining and accumulating Bitcoin Russian power giant Rosetti Embraces Bitcoin mining to monetize Excess capacity I wanted to jump ahead And just show you this is a state-owned Power grid company okay state-owned it Doesn't say it in most of the articles I Don't know why but this is uh basically This is Russia so they are Russia's Largest and leading electrical grid Operator and they've announced their Interest in becoming an operator for Hosting mining infrastructure we scroll Down here Putin approved a law last August to EST Lish regulatory oversight For crypto mining according to the Legislation only officially registered Companies are authorized to conduct Large- scale mining operations in Russia So they want the the full control of the Bitcoin grid as well as the electrical Grid and they're using this to mine tons And tons of Bitcoin folks Russia has a
Lot of energy and they have very cold Winners their Peak capacity it's going To be a lot higher than some random you Know Grid in Kansas for instance because They have so they have such frigid Winners and so during uh the balmy Spring or the balmy summer those things Could be cranking cranking massive Amounts of Bitcoin mining operations so This could be very very large scale Operation it's happening behind the Scenes Russia China they selling us Treasuries seems like they stopped Buying gold where else are they going to Park their money seems like they might Be parking their money in Bitcoin in Fact I would say all indications point That they are in fact pointing their Parking their funds in Bitcoin uh folks Do you still feel like we're in a bull Market joshh do you still feel like You're in a bull market I think we're Like just in the beginning stages of a Bull market now I don't know if you guys Saw what Trump did uh last night with The f I think he's going to do it I Think he's going to try to abolish Federal tax income I think so that is f That is five to six trillion dollars Annually we can't get it through tariffs People have done the math it's 5% well 20% tariffs on 100% of import is Only 5% what do you think we need Through tariffs what do you think we
Need yeah no well he suggested we could Pay we can EST uh abolish tax by pulling In enough money via tariffs yeah if you Put 20% on every single import that Would only be 5% of the money we need we Are so far away from being able to just Abolish all taxes so the numbers just Don't mat this is interesting yeah I Don't I would I wouldn't say that just Yet yeah I would I would have to do some More research into the numbers on that Because would imagine there's definitely Trillions of dollars sitting out there In terms of what countries owe us and What not but my point is this like look Even if some of it is reduced or Whatever it is that so this is where Like tariffs people worried about prices Going up and whatnot either way the Federal income would be more money in The hands of regular individuals regular Retail investors and so I think just Understanding that market Dynamic if That were to happen that's a lot more Money in people's pockets to invest back Into these markets and they're Degenerate I think that could you might This All Season's going to be so crazy There's like a bunch of little Valves And I don't know which one Trump's going To actually implement or what's going to Actually get you know passed to the Senate and the house like if any of These little factors take place having
The sab1 21 revoked having Gary ginzler Gone having you know a pro digital asset Community a stockpile potentially you Have all of these very bullish catalysts Any amount of inflow of capital back Into retailer pockets and that personal Savings rate to me is incredibly bullish Because if you look at actually I'm Going to pull it up here I'm going to Prove this right here with the personal Savings rate this is probably the most Bullish chart out of any Market Condition uh if you start at Skyrocket If you guys want an Ico season which I Know 95% of the people watching the show Do like we're all on Meme coins we're All on altcoins I get it I get it but if You look historically and you were to Overlay last Bull Run 2021 the first Part before institutional interest came In it is it starts and ends exactly with All of the massive stimulus checks into Retail Pockets so all these retailers Got all this extra money they threw it Into Bitcoin they threw it into altcoins And then institutions just ate it up They just brain their liquidity Capitulated them out of the market and Absorbed all that Capital so if we get Another tick up in this personal savings Rate I'm just saying I would expect some Massive upside in a lot of your risk on Markets because your regular retailer Your regular investor the people that
Were tracking these personal savings Rates they're not someone that's looking At a 401k they're not someone that's Looking at an IRA savings account right They're going to be taking higher risk For higher reward so something Interesting to take place I don't know It could be very very bullish yeah uh Pretty bullish uh our annual budget 7 Trillion I doll so you know that's just Why you know 300 billion in import taxes Or tariffs just not going to get 7 Trillion so what's funny though is that Means federal income tax doesn't even Cover that right well we operate at a Loss so we're just there that so we need A lot of government cleaning a lot of That's Insane uh the part is going to be ending Eventually maybe we got 50 years maybe We got 100 who knows maybe we got till The heat death of the universe but R you Know it does seem like the music's going To stop playing in America eventually But but folks right now we are still in A bull market let's not worry about America 40 years from now let's talk About the next four months Caleb just a Friendly reminder from him Bitcoin still Trading above 100K up over 50% over the Last 6 months up 144% over the last 12 Months only 6% from new all-time high And it's still above the 21-day 55 day In the 200 day uh exponential moving
Averages there so folks once you zoom Out you start realizing take a breath Things are still bullish tell me again We're not in a bull market yeah we're Definitely definitely somebody in the Chat right now saying oh saying it's a Bull market is a lie it's like okay well Look at the chart yeah look at the chart Wait someone said we're not in a bull Market yeah just now earlier somebody in The chat your favorite Bear all the Bears hold up real quick let me let me See really quick let me see really quick Huh looks bullish that's huh that's a Bare Market yeah what's what's a bull Market look like who knows oh I got to Invert the chart I guess I guess all Right you ready for some downward uh Potential here though there is some Things in the sign all right Ben C Pointed this out the 2017 correction That we had in January is a post having Year just like 2025 the January Correction took Bitcoin down to the Previous year's high if this is like 2017 maybe we retest the previous year's High as well folks that's only $73,000 I Went in and I look so the the cooldown Started January 5th it looks like I Wanted to measure this I haven't done This yet so I wanted to measure what Kind of pullback did we experience January 2017 before we went on to set All-time highs we had a 34% correction
And then that ended up taking us to the 2016 high right there that we hit in June all right let's Zoom who we have to Do that go forward let's look here 2016 Or 2024 High yeah $74,000 there are scenarios where we Could dip all the way down to 74k still Be bullish what was that a 34% Correction I mean that'd be pretty I Mean in fact if you get it from the top Pretty much right there yeah 34 wow look At that look how uh closely that aligns So folks we could dip 34% I'm still not Giving up I'm still going to be bullish I'm still got my eyes on the prize which Is probably going to be Q3 Q4 2025 if you watched the previous video In the week we told you exactly when Dy Thinks bitcoin's going to top out now Maybe because of the video it's going to Get front random up though so uh but Let's talk about uh Bitcoin and eth FS Did you see any of this stuff Josh some Of it what have I said about Black Rock Do you remember called it the canary and The coal mine when you look at all the Broad you know ETF action if nine of the 10 are red but one of them's green if That one is Black Rock maybe things are A little bit more bullish than you're Thinking it's not 90% everyone's exiting The major player so Black Rock what they Do has more weight than the other ones Combined I want to tell you that leading
Up to this so Bitcoin and ETF uh eth ETFs $534 million in losses amid this uh Deep- seek outflow U so Bitcoin eth bore The brunt $442 99 there was a little bit Of good news for xrp didn't just survive It thrived got caught up in the initial Wave of selling but didn't last long in Fact they had inflows uh xrp had a Little bit of inflows in the seaa red But hotle 15 does have the uh all the Flows here so massive massive volume Number one is Black Rock when you look At compared to the rest it's the vast Majority grayscale losses Arkin vest Kathy Wood losses Fidelity huge losses 269 million uh bit B but then we have Black Rock black rock with a positive Day pulled in 64 million folks maybe be A little bit bullish there I don't know Are you Bullish I'm incredibly bullish I think There's going to be some Monumental Announcements moving into February and March I if I don't think this Market's Out all over and me seeing retail as Scared as it's been over the last few Weeks emot tells me two things one half Of these Traders have capitulated and Two the institutions have got away with The accumulation Zone that they've Created so I don't see a 73k first or a 77k first could it happen of course but Even the premature Black Swan event last Night deep seek oh no the world's ending
We don't need as many semiconductors What that barely really affected the Pricing markets they've already covered So every single time people go we're Gonna go to 77k first or 85k first like My my question back is how M what gets Us there the feds are going to Definitely come out pause they're not Going to raise interest rates you're Going to more than likely see a drone Pal say signs of doish action and if we Do that confirms that he is listening to Trump which right now I'm just not Betting against that guy he keeps going Through with every single execu Everything he's promised he delivering On so if we see any of that upside on Top of it have all these bullish Governmental like developments around Crypto itself I think it's really early Right now and I seriously think between 90 and 100 7K is the prime target for Institutions to ping pong back and forth They they're getting all their buddies In early that's really what's happening Here all right uh someone saying 120,000 $120,000 Bitcoin before 77,000 Bitcoin I Would lean that way as well but I'm Always bullish chemistry bro mentioned 77k in 2026 hopefully and that that Makes a lot of sense to me coming back Market uh Target yeah we were covering That in the telegram actually yesterday He had really good breakdowns yeah
Chemistry bro is great he's been uh Following the channel for a long time Time used to hang out with me in the Basement a lot pretty solid Trader and If I remember correctly is it chemistry Bro whose dad had some kind of ties to Circle in the EU I can't remember but uh Yeah pretty pretty connected uh the Deep Seek fud is an IQ test yeah folks There's a lot of noise out there for Instance there's that one CEO of Competing AI who said China probably has Their hands on I think it was 50,000 Gpus and now that's being misquoted as Deep seek has the 50,000 I mean you Could actually look at the headlines how Incorrect and just you call it the Negative headline bias uh TJ so we're Seeing a whole lot of that with deep Seek so there's a whole lot of noise Right now but we do got a $5 Super Chat Did we do a video on spell token that Had another good runup today will it Reach a scent I pulled it up here you Got a scent kind of crazy cuz it's at One tenth of a penny yeah um almost Two10 of a penny here and then again When you're looking at market cap so Let's look it's a $274 million market Cap I don't think a penny is necessarily In the card Uh if we look historically it did go up Oh actually sorry oh wait no that's That's price did he say one penny yeah
Never mind I don't know why I'm thinking Dollar I was thinking dollar but can it Go to one penny that's only a 10x from Here not even about a 5x but it went to Three and a half do you click on market Cap here yeah I mean that's is that the One that's associated with M uh axi Infinity uh yes I'm pretty sure it's Part of the uh like the no what is this Abracadabra sorry the Abracadabra front End is not a available currently in your Location we apologize I can't even check It out because we're in America so let's Go to Twitter here Twitter here AB Borrow leverage and earn yield wizard MIM and spell no I we did something with Spell last cycle and I'm I'm it's the Magic internet money is the uh the chain Here but I'm forgetting what the the Game was on top of it cuz we were Playing I had a lot of content this on This Tik Tok I'm just sping it wasn't Axi I thought no it wasn't axi it wasn't Axi but it was a there was some kind of Game token yeah and spell I think spell Was a part there might have been an Integration to it as well But we we'll look it up we'll look it up Forart looks brutal for if you guys are Looking at any of these web 3 gaming Tokens guys I mean we've been Anticipating this for a long time I I Don't expect web 3 gaming to take off at All until and if only GTA 6 integrates a
Cryptocurrency if they integrate some Form of tokenization it's going to be Big but smooth my warning has been that I truly believe you're going to see your EAS your your uh blizzards your all These different companies just tokenize Themselves they may not even need to They might just use an L2 and launch a Tokenize system on the back end and it Might not actually have its own token so I don't necessarily know what that's Going to look like but we'll keep you up To date and it really depends if GTA 6 Announces a cryptocurrency it's endgame Like you're going to see a it's going to Be like The Meta do you think it's going To happen what do you think is going to Happen I say hard no I think it's a 10% Chance yeah I think it's a 10 maybe if You want to really it's a 10 to 20% Chance that they actually launch Something I would imagine they would Launch a token Marketplace first and not Integrate their own token and they would Integrate on the back end before they Ever launch yeah I would see them doing A v-bucks model before they would ever Do a open source crypto model uh Joe What do you think about say bullish or Bearish say kind of was closely aligned Withu but then ASU started differentiate Itself that uh correlation started to Dissipate that to me I'm taken kind of As a bad sign also it's a little bit
Crowded that L1 space there So it's probably going to pum but I'm Looking for fast horses yeah it's not a Bad project I just to your point I don't Think it's ever really got a definitive Narrative other than everybody for Whatever because their names are similar Associates them together they're very Different projects but it never really Seemed to get a differentiator for it And a lot like you know ask the Layman How's it different from a ASU and Aptos You know they're going to struggle to Find an answer yeah and I think we're Getting into the part of the cycle where Narrative hype and marketing matter a Lot a lot more than the underlying Tech You know you guys can hate it or not but This is the part when the fomo and the Hype cycle really kicks in uh the easy To grasp you know 10-second narrative oh Number one AI coin okay boom people will Buy that oh uh the government's going to Use it okay people will buy that uh you Know defi you know AI defi you know There's going to be strong narratives Rwa like oh this is one of the best rwa Plays those are the coins and the ones That can establish themselves is when I Say rwa project you know if you watch This channel probably of the first Things that pops into your head is Ando Maybe it's X xlm maybe it's some of These other ones but uh the ones that
Can be in that one two or three mind Share when per category I think are Going to be the ones that do very well Yeah like the perfect example this this Come from someone that's I mean we've Actually all game here but you know Someone said in chat like Gamers hate Crypto and it's actually true I'm Someone what's your number one reason Why I don't want the microtransactions In game I don't want the the extra three Steps to get there so they look at Crypto as like Finance Bros coming in And ruining a game yeah it just it it Just ruins the entire mechanic and Layout like so the example here would be Marvel Rivals right now which is making Probably the biggest comeback in gaming Right now and they're not making a Comeback they're they just launched but I haven't seen Gamers this excited since Fortnite first launch and if you look at Just how it's laid out and how it's Built it it's like a perfect Tim the Tman said this it's like a Mitchell and Star it's like the perfect game right Now and if you were to integrate all These new social mechanics with like Nfts and like you have to hook up a Wallet and you make it complicated to Buy skins they don't want that so from That scenario they still have a Marketplace they still have a battle Pass if it's going to be integrated I'm
Just saying this I think it would make The most sense to tokenize it through The back end for these companies that Way they can save on a lot on the Transaction fees if you want allow to Buy and resell you can but you got to do It perfectly and execute it properly if You integrate a token allocation you Bring in all these crazy ecosystems and This this new tokenized economy and You're like oh here's a here's a coin You got to farm these coins you can buy Them like it makes it complex and we Just haven't seen it yet we haven't seen A company be able to pull this magnitude Of a currency off yet you had off the Grid you had some hype here with some Other projects but an actual we we say That but we've had multiple games hit Billions of dollars and isn't that by Definition infity well I would I so I Would argue that like axi Infinity I was A huge I was running all of the programs And doing nft drops to people in the Philippines and everything and I had Like 40 different teams we competing With FTX in 2021 I was doing this with My brother-in-law but then they came in And the game was perfect and it took Literally one development bad decision To crash the entire economy and so I'm Just it was going to crash anyways it it Was always going to crash it's complex I'm very bullish on web 3 gaming I'm
Just saying it's a lot harder to get There than people would imagine all Right so uh yeah axi Infinity hit 10 Billion plus so by many metrics and Definitions that was a smashing success And they did you know pull that off uh Basically the deal with gaming is you Need five new users every day for the Amount of people that are like for every Four people playing and if you can't Scale that which you will run out of Human beings on Earth that's when the Token starts to crash X yo what do we Think it's a layer one $300 million Market cap layer ones just like I said With say it's a very crowded very Difficult position uh to be successful So that's kind of my thoughts there Let's talk about Bitcoin though because We talked about Russia Bitcoin let's Talk about Japan Bitcoin meta Planet Speaking of meta versus taking a huge Step before I don't know the exact Numbers but you know we kind of remember Meta planet was buying like $12 million Worth of bitcoin or you know uh $20 Million which is awesome5 million all Right hooray this is different though Now they're going to raise $745 million us to fund the Bitcoin Purchases they are now aiming for 21,000 Bitcoin that is a very major development As part of their strategy to lead Japan's Bitcoin Renaissance they going
To be 0.1% of all Bitcoin in the world Uh the company called it the largest Capital raise in Asian Equity markets Ever for buying Bitcoin so uh you know Big big uh increase here and this goes With their strategy to counter the Yen's Declining value we looked at the Yen This is the fiveyear yen versus US Dollar I would want to get out of that s Token as well that is a shitcoin if I've Ever seen one and the company announced Their goal to accumulate 10,000 by the End of this year that's going to be uh Over a billion dollars at current prices By Q4 2026 that's when they want to get To 21 1,000 Bitcoin currently worth About 20 or $2.1 billion so huge huge Announcement out of metap planet and Then we have this from huddle 15 looking At the top 70 list eight companies have Increased their Bitcoin treasury this Week Zero have decreased all we see are Green arrows we don't see any red arrows But man oh man look at micro strategy Smoking the rest of the competition 471 closest one is marathon with 44k awesome stuff uh are you bullish on Companies buying Bitcoin how come it how Come it hasn't taken off more Josh why Do you think not understood not Understood I think it's I think it's Just a lack of Education I it it just Makes sense that we're going to progress Into more companies buying it because
When like right now it's still too early It's only a$2 trillion doll market cap But I mean we've actually we know people We've done this ourselves but borrowing Against your Bitcoin could be very Beneficial and that's what Michael Sailor does so I expect all these Companies to tokenize I expect them all To add Bitcoin to the balance sheets and It's going to open up a lot more access For borrowing and lending and advancing Their companies as a whole in the future So I think the main reason we haven't Seen it take off more I think a it's Happening more than we realized it's Happening a lot more in private Companies than public companies uh Because they don't have to SpaceX for Instance that just got lifted not even Not even as big as SpaceX I'm talking About like your your your private Equity Funds you know your family offices oh This this plastic surgeon that owns 10 Doctor's offices and they've you know Got a you know 50 million on their Balance sheet or whatever not talking These companies that hold trillions but I think the main reason is it's still uh It's still a risky choice right like if Your job is to B to hold uh the balance Sheet you're not usually supposed to be Speculating with there's a room of 10 Executives you don't want to be the one We're not the guy saying like hey let's
Take this big major risk that could tank The whole company because it's the hot New cool thing to do like until it's the A lot of companies will wait until it's Everybody else's doing it and it's no Risk because you're just following along With what apple and IBM and Microsoft And all these other companies are doing But the core is like if you're running a Business you're supposed your product is Supposed to be what generates your value And your revenue and then your balance Sheet is supposed to be more uh uh risk Averse not speculation so until the Dollar becomes riskier than Bitcoin That's when I which I You could argue is Already happened it's just a lack of Education to what Josh is saying but That's when I think we see it the fly We'll really kick in which we're getting To now that nations are doing it uh We're going to start to see big tech Companies do it the easier the more Nations that trade in this that hold it On their balance sheet the easier it is For other nations to trade in kind these In-kind ETFs matter so the more people Get used to operating and transacting on A Bitcoin denominated number the more Powerful it will get and that that just Takes time yeah and I want to say as Well I think the other main reason is Going to be the fact that there was the Operation choke point we can't forget
That either like if you were a company Putting Bitcoin on your balance sheets Or transacting at all on crypto you Would be banned from your Banks this Happened to me this happened to I know TJ this happened this anybody that Started a crypto company and had crypto In your name you probably got a call From your bank and had to reopen another Llc at the time you literally couldn't Hold Bitcoin on your balance sheet until Recently it's all brand new and then They just lifted Sab so with with now The new we have that safeguarding American crypto bill right that came out Which is protecting this is where Cynthia lumus and everybody's going to Come in and really protect us investors Um or actually you know create Incentives you have uh yeah Central Bank Hold on where is it right here Fair Access to US banking so the executive Order mandates Fair access to banking Services for law-abiding individuals and Businesses in the digital asset space This would end operation chokepoint 2.0 Which many in the industry believe led To blacklisting of crypto business or People by financial institutions why why Does that guy look like he holds the the Number one Ford dealership and Tucson Arizona can we go back to this Photo right yeah yeah bit littleit I can See it he's he's the Cadillac king of
Tucson Call but yeah so I think there's there's A lot and that's that that comes to the Conversation here though uh which is Just we're extremely early businesses Corporations institutions they haven't Been able to really get their they've Gotten their toes wet but they haven't Been able to actually go completely into The water and that is where we're about To see the money start to inflow people Ask where are these trillions of dollars Going to come from it's going to come From tokenizing these ill liquid markets And that is from your institutions I did See a breaking news article here though Uh XY Oracle a project we talked about Way way way way back in the day uh just Started skyrocketing today and I had to Check it out so it's up super chat about Yeah so and that's is it still up there Laser face no the onead of that I'm GNA Read laserface right after this they are The reason why it's pumpy guys they're Launching on L1 that is what's happening They're just they're going to an L1 Chain now and that's pretty cool so We'll we'll keep you guys up to dat huge Upgrade for sure uh laserface hook your Wallet up to the games and earn tokens From time on chain on the game and then The tokens will be worth more in the Game than when you sell boom fixed it I Wish it was that I mean there's going to
Be people that have just like bot Farms With scripts that like move the mouse And know there's there are people who Will try to game that we speaking of Game we have the ETF game is heating up And it's heating up in a major way Tuttle Capital files for 10 different Leveraged crypto ETFs here we go cardono Xrp salana Litecoin chain link polka dot B&P maybe they meant B&B bom Trump and Melania why does that look like it's Like the uh a a thumb image for a new Show on uh HBO like that looks like it's About to be like M you know a new Max Special where Tuttle Capital Management Goes all in on Leverage crypto ETFs and You know like that guy right there in The middle is like the guy from billions And you got the the goofy brother on the Right hand side you know just for Whatever reason that's that's quite the Cast of character yeah she got the short End of the stick in uh the the photo There he's kind of cropping around out There yeah the the vibe I'm getting here Uh Utah ski resort has some executive Meeting and that's the executive meeting There you go uh this actually very big Breaking I just saw come through here Unconfirmed but Ash crypto's pretty good Breaking this is huge for for xrp ripple And the Civil actions against it have Been deleted from the US SEC website Lost dud against xrp over if it's true
This is good Giga bullish so all right Let's go to trade and view right now We're going to look at XR piece price Right now we're going to look at the one Minute chart we're going to stretch that Thing here uh let's go whoa okay no what What were we looking at all right yeah I Mean not seeing too much activity you go The daily yeah I mean xrp's been on a Run so how about this if the news broke Here we'd probably see some ma massive Massive games because we are already in The midst of massive games we not seeing Oh wait a minute that's XPR oh my God Also don't listen to me folks do not Listen to me I was wondering why looked Different I was like where's the spot Crypto there we go still well I think It's our I think the move this morning Kind of front ran it cuz it's there's no Guarantee that just because this guy Just tweeted it nobody else noticed it First we still have the bull flag oh Wait I'm on log that's why well let's do The the Super Bowl Super Bowl bull flag Pin it here folks we still got crazy Targets for xrp now I don't like using Bull uh loog logarithmic charts for this Because that gives you a $15 xrp let's Uh let's bring this back down That's just the beginning it's going I Think it's going to$ 589 right uh you Know I don't know about that one here Let's delete that one yeah so this is
The more realistic one and that's still Giving you a Target I mean really it Fell down below so we'll do it from There still a $440 oh God it's real Close to 420 that's probably where You're going to end up nice 4269 pennies that's my guess there all Right let's talk about C coin who used Cin back in 21 22 C coin pled guilty Agrees toay nearly $300 million in the US crypto case uh they had a unlicensed Money transmitting business and agreed To pay the 300 mil 100 Mil criminal fine Almost 200 mil and forfeiture the two c Coin Founders Chun Gan known as Michael K Tong known as Eric each agreed to Enter two-year deferred prosecution Agreements forfeit 2.7 mil and Seed any Role in the management operations why They didn't have effective any money Laundering and know your customer Programs and they failed to report Suspicious transactions or register with Finson which is a financial crimes Enforcement Network there so found in 2017 and had more than 30 million users Uh in 207 countries so very very popular Exchange way back in the day I was a big Fan of it that's for sure uh speaking of Exchanges binance continues sending Millions in Bitcoin eth and salana to Winter mute Market maker to market sell On its exchange they're the only Entities selling digital assets and
Drawing charts the reason I'm showing You this nobody is selling except for The market makers they buy Spot crypto And hold in custody the market makers Paid to draw charts intended to scare You and liquidate The Leverage Traders Do not get shaken out huddle or hold uh Great advice there what are your Thoughts on are the market makers uh Pushing down the Bull Run well what can We do about it self custody nothing you Can't do anything uh you this is large Institutions and market makers this is Winter mute binance can't sell against Them because that would be against That'd be against rules and regulations So they send money to Winter mute which End does the selling pressure to wipe Out over leverage Longs or over leverage Shorts and so you're going to see that Usually there's always a shift and once You start seeing an inflow and doing the Opposite and they're buying my goodness That's usually when you're getting that Next leg up and this is why we trade Liquidation ranges that's what we're Following with those key liquidation Levels We Just Bounce and pingpong Between price ranges and we take Advantage of the liquidity swings or What we call the windshield wiper method Of these exchanges uh the way to take Down the exchanges though everybody self Custody all at once they would have to
Market bu all those assets back that They're letting and lending out to some Of these market makers if you are going To self custody we recommend a wallet And we're going to play uh a little word From our sponsor here we just wanted to Take a quick second to shout out our Sponsor arculus they are cold storage Hardware wallet helps you secure all of Your digital assets for the future just Tap this thing to the back of your phone And boom you're in we wouldn't be able To do this without them but also Wouldn't be able to do this without you Guys the Disco fam you've supported us a Lot over the years if you want to Support the channel now just use the Code dc20 it gets you 20% off this card It's the number one way you can support This channel going forward thank you for Your support we'll see you at the top uh Folks breaking news breaking news Donald Trump just bought more tokens looks like He just bought more move token uh almost Spent a million in his first acquisition Of this token there so uh trade pal Saying they know something's coming so Breaking news there if you are in the Move we saw move pumping was it front Ran y'all maybe I don't I'm looking Right now if it was announced here as Well well I heard uh yeah so they just They acquired a million dollars worth of The token yeah and I feel like I saw
Either yesterday or recently talks about Potentially having conversations with Elon Musk to potentially be one of the Blockchains government uses for do um so I don't know much that's I think I saw That but I have I got to go back and Find it I kind of just glanced oh uh Yeah I'll I'll see right we looking at The last uh one I mean really hasn't Been out that long only about a month And a half the reason is so popular we Literally saw it more days than not it Felt like on the biggest movers and Gainers you know Biggest Gainer Biggest Loser Biggest Gainer Biggest Gainer Biggest Loser Biggest Loser Biggest Gainer so you would always see move at The top of the charts maybe uh this is Why a lot of manipulation and I think They should just use Arkham already the Intelligence platform and just slap it On you know but we'll see we'll see uh Now we do uh there's a big S upgrade Everybody this is actually pretty cool Justin s users soon able to perform Internet less transactions Via SMS uh This is going to be very big in I would Say in developing countries I think swe Adoption might start taking off a little Bit more but yeah not having Internet You're in some remote area but you still Have SMS means you can still buy and Sell crypto eventually probably going to Start hooking Bots to your SMS and I
Mean you're still like using trading Bots via text messages this is a Definitely a step in the right direction Uh foru I don't see say doing this but Maybe SE will copy it maybe they'll just Keep trying to do that uh I do want to Talk about cardano upgrade as well Wasn't just theu upgrade a lot of people Are asking you know why is cardano up Today I'm going to kind of scroll past All that just talking about the larger Moves but a big upgrade called the plom Upgrade uh plom upgrade is uh now has Been uh I would say CED by most all the Large entities here and this is supposed To take place tomorrow so major move for Cardano if this goes off well maybe get A little bit of a pump if it doesn't go Well might see a little bit of a dump This is going to turn the cardano Blockchain into a fully decentralized Governance model where adah holders can Either vote directly or allow another Person known as a DP to vote on their Half uh right now 86% of all required Votes have been recorded uh there's only One entity that has yet to vote the Approval threshold was 2/3 so they're Well above uh the approval threshold Which I will say is a good sign you Often see big big thing needs to be Voted on by validators or mine or spos And then you'll look and it's like yeah Only 40% have done it hey guys you got
To do the thing guys do the upgrade Everyone's ignoring it but cardano They're laser focus they're in they're I Mean folks they look like David Schwarz Okay they're they're eating sleeping Breathing blockchain uh we have J2 tars AI about to launch on uphold thoughts uh We love uphold uphold it's been great is How I hold my dag one of the harder Tokens to to acquire there uh I mean AI Is heated there's a lot of movement up And down there's too many competitors so It's a little early to tell who's going To be the major win already launched I Don't know what they're talking about no It's getting listed listed it's a Listing I mean he's probably going to Dump on the listings that's what happens A lot of time there uh I did want to uh Zoom in on the cardano price structure We've been following closely DJ still in The structure man we're literally Running out of time we're running out of Space cardano choose a freaking Direction how many days left is that not Enough here let's let's actually get This yellow line all the way down there All right so we got one two three four I Mean you can make an argument for five Candles cardano must choose a Direction I mean so next week basically look how Clean that yesterday's Daily candle is Yeah just fits in there perfectly Perfect perfect both of them really the
Last two look at the Wicks on the other One it was like this is this has been Nuts yeah we Wicked Below in the 4 hour But I mean that daily close said nope Nope we are definitely going to close uh Above this uh support there so this also Has a a fundamental Target everybody I'm Not saying it's going to play out Exactly so what you do is you go ahead And clone the pole let's just say it Happens on the sixth day uh let there be Light and let there be profits $380 cardano so pretty uh pretty bullish That's wait isn't that pretty dang close To previous alltime High uh 309 Uh so we're on a log let's go ahead and Go to regular it was like 320 I guess Maybe yeah I mean you got 309 on a lot Uh this is saying 310 a little over Previous all time that that's that's Perfectly in line uh that makes a lot of Sense so I really believe it's and it's Interesting that it plays out to be next Week because I really think once we get Into next week we're going to see the Bullish Catalyst continue for a lot of These altcoins you know get past fomc a Lot of the data that came out this week Get past a lot of this big selling Pressure that we've seen and I think Next week lot of ta I don't do a ton of Ta but there's a lot of Ta on alt coins Saying that next week is the week for
You know make or break decisions up or Down and you know in this cycle I say up Why does a blue eyes white dragon also Known as Dan gambello have his Twitter Comments limited to Blue checks probably All the Bots probably all the Bots all The robots they are annoying they are so Bots are so bad now you can't it's Impossible to stop them Tik tok's the Worst holy smokes you delete one 900 pop Up they like they like shame you for Delet leading a bot oh you you banned One we're going to send 10 now and You're like oh I can't get away from it Uh I do have some cardano Alpha I've Been telling you about this project for I don't know how long uh you know at Least six months at least a year here It's iagon iagon Discord remember I Shared this Alpha with you do you still Believe a Fortune 500 announcement to be This month iagon is a dpin play Within Cardano uh Aid driven storage and Compute uh you guys have a trading Edge Disco fam you you also have this trading Edge cuz Dez sharing it with you it's Complete up to you to exercise or not Not Financial advice this is from the CE Or the founder of iagon so the founder Said we were assured that the Fortune 500 team's legal department will get Approval this month aside from this They've already taken steps to get Confirmation from other departments to
Take this further after the pilot so Legal department has talked to the other Departments of this Fortune 500 company And they're going to go further after The pilot that means if they get early Approval this might be more than just a Pilot we don't know who the Fortune 500 Company it could be rank 497 or it could Be ranked seven going to be a big Difference but uh we tried to put this One on your radar let's go ahead and Look at the chart here iagon I know it's Been moving a lot lately 8% Today uh let's go Max dang I tried to Tell y'all during the dip tried to tell Y'all during the dip I hope you Accumulated we I've done what a cardono Video every 3 weeks and probably half of Those have the altcoins in them so I Know there are some period I was saying Accumulate accumulate accumulate Hopefully you listen everybody is uh Doing pretty good off iagon that listen Now Josh are you uh still think cardano What's your cardano price Target now That Charles is confirmed that he's Talking to Trump you know I mean is has That changed the math for you that maybe It's integrated also cardano is being Used by NASA for smart contracts as we Speak what's your cardono Target still Three bucks three bucks yeah still three Look I look and I I'm known be wrong About I'm known to be too conservative
And so you know but for me it's like $3 Cardono a 3X it's that's insane that's Insane to me so for me it's just more Like where are we at when cardano's at a That's a 90 that's a hundred billion Dollar cardono well what did it do last Cycle it could easily do it that's what I'm saying so like what I'm like my Point to this is I don't know D I'm just Conservative once it get to $3 I'll I'll Change that the market cap last C market Cap market Cap yeah I mean it's not too far off It's about market cap went to almost $100 billion it's not been T bad for Inflation but for me it's just like yeah I'm not going to change it's the same Thing with Ando people get mad at me When I'm like it's only going to go like Five bucks they're like well you know You're so bullish on it it's like look I Just have I have goals once my projects Hit a certain price point I'm taking Profits if I'm wrong and it keeps Continuing higher and higher and higher Great we just make more money chat give Me your cardano price prediction TJ What's your cardono price prediction I'm Still you know I have updated my 5 to Six or 4 to six Up to about $6 to8 uh maybe six to9 uh What do you got yeah this is tough I my Theory is we do see uh Capital Concentration into some of the major
Winners uh which would bode well for Cardano and a lot of the other things in The top 20 so I could see it yeah I Could see a hdden 200 million pretty Easy I a lot of it depends were you Aware of the NASA cardano partnership uh Yeah I was I saw it so many people don't Know about that yeah and I don't I can't Decide if I think I mean that is at Least closer association with the Government um NASA hasn't been all that Active compared to SpaceX in the last Decade almost like it's like a dying Agency instead of like one getting more Federal funding probably getting less But it's still Association you're Working directly with the government um So it's interesting I the most Interesting thing to me about cardano Right now is the utxo model and Integrating with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Defi if they can get that figured out The fact that we're seeing cardano Tokens getting listed on exchanges I Think is strong it shows that people are Taking it seriously finally um so yeah I Think it's I'm probably somewhere Between you guys I'd probably put it in The $67 range I think that's pretty Reasonable yeah we got a lot of a lot Around the $5 range um seeing a lot of Fives 283 Endeavor I hope hope you're Bearish there we got some 15s 420 is Going to have a lot of cell pressure as
Well 930 I like uh you know shooting Shooting for 10 but not quite hitting it I could see that happening as well as Well uh so yeah SpaceX gets so much fun From the US government well I mean They're the ones putting all the payload In space so I hope they get a lot of Money for that so got to pay for the gas Be abolished at this point I Mean what has NASA done in the Last 40 years well we had the astronaut Drive across the country in a diaper to Like stab somebody that story we had That we also had them help Boeing ship Astronauts into space and get them stuck And then SpaceX had to bail them out for One tenen the cost it's just yeah I Don't know that's a that's a whole Another program we got to talk about There all right all right someone goes Ando just Halted Ando halted uh that seems halted I think that's I don't know talk about Venice I don't know VV V everybody's Talking about the Venice token here Venice AI token gives private access to Deep seek and that's part of the reason Why we're seeing so much attention also The team behind it uh so they allow People to use this AI model and they hit A billion dollars fully diluted within Hours of their token to privacy Centric AI platform funded or founded by Bitcoin Advocate Eric Vorhees and they launched
This L2 uh on the L2 base within just Two hours it had achieved a fully Diluted valuation of a billion bucks Those who purchase and stake it receive Free ongoing inference access to its API Uh basically just jargon for it can hook Up to their secret uh AI Tech here for Private and uncensored generative text Images and code uses many AI models Including deep seek yeah that's I to say They're using deep seek there for the SEO it it uses all of them more or less Basically what it is it's designed for AI agents so that way they can hold the Token stake the token and then they have They use venice's API to access multiple Different llm models uh so that they Don't the agent itself doesn't have to Pay per query so for if you guys a lot Of you don't realize with ap with uh uh AI stuff it's kind of the cost is based On the amount of transactions or Questions or interactions you're doing With the model so this is designed for Basically agents to be able to be Autonomous it's somewhat of a competitor To virtuals I'm I'm sure they would say They're not necessarily competitor but They're in the same space it is a token For AI agents you you see uh this Launched yesterday A lot of people were Upset that it got listed on coinbase Before virtuals did um and virtuals took A pretty major hit yesterday um so it's
It's interesting to keep an eye on I Actually been keeping an eye on the Venice I wasn't expecting any token but The app Venice uh L I've been using it For a while just playing with it it's Privacy focused the idea is you know Right now when you use any of these AP Any of these uh AI models all of your Data is obviously being stored by Google Or whoever owns the model grock Sam alt Man yeah Gemini doesn't even hide it Like there's no way for you to even Clear we are reading your email yeah you Can't even clear your conversations you Go look it's like hey can I clear this And they're like no that's not an option You can't do that so uh interesting to Keep an eye on it does keep the cipher Punk um ethos intact where you know this Allows you to have access to technology Without giving away all your private Information it'll be interesting to see How it plays out it's a uh interesting Player within the ecosystem and yeah Right now that 400% uh AP why that's Just going to be a lot of selling Pressure right now uh it is getting a Little bit of uh flowers if you will so Deep seek is under scrutiny because the Model gives all the data to China but VOR says if you use R if you use Venice None of it is going anywhere so a lot of People are quite happy about that does Look like there's an airdrop uh it's
Going to be for the eligible Venice Users did you qualify TJ uh I didn't Because I've never connected a wallet or Anything uh they had the snapshot I Think was December 31st of 2024 so even A lot of the stuff I've been doing with Arrow didn't qualify but yeah also People if you have a base wallet and you Hold arrow and it said virtuals uh I Have to check so I do hold virtuals or Virtual tokens so I need I need to look Into that and they said there's no Pre-sale to outside investors it's all Just to the inside investor so I love That it's like hey I'm an investor I got 10 million for it well you're an Insider Now because no tokens go to outside Investors like I don't want to be part Of the team too bad you're part of the Team you're an Insider I don't say there I mean I I imagine there's some insiders who Are doing less than some Outsiders for Other companies I'm sure there's some Outsiders like yeah call me anytime I Give you all the advice you need I'm Sure there's some insiders here who like Ignoring the emails so insiders uh are The only ones with the tokens but just Think there's going to be sale pressure And 500% apy that's it's not good for The token price they need something Needs to happen there for sure yeah It'll regulate it's brand new launch all
Right uh Josh you got anything else no Just got to get to work on these videos Here for tonight's broadcast guys we got Some crazy crazy streams coming out or Videos coming out for you guys with just Some insane heavily researched altcoins Which we're just going to start breaking Down yeah and I'm going to do uh some You kind of touched on at the live Stream I'm going to work on something You know is alt season still around how To still make money in quote unquote alt Season there's still ways folks we Definit we got to cover the Ripple uh Ono partnership we got to cover these X Payments with what are the ties to uh X And Visa here what is the chain is he Going to integrate crypto how will that Benefit um there's a we touch on so real Quick let me do a couple quick thought We had that already no we didn't uh oops I hit the Wrong there it is all the wrong buttons So I wanted to touch on this real quick Uh looks like Arizona is going to be the First state in the nation to pass the Actual strategic Bitcoin Reserve bill Out to be voted on and then we saw this Here uh kind of I thought this was a Cool little map of the different states That are floating uh looking at a Bitcoin Reserve I do think the states Are going to be the one who really Pushes that through uh and then to to
Josh's point this is pretty big news Another milestone for the everything app X partners with visa on X money account Which will allow for secure instant Funding for your xwallet Visa direct And God bless you sorry about that uh This is this will be pretty interesting If you we know a lot of crypto lives on X we know X wants to be the everything App it's trying to enable peer-to-peer Payments uh option to instantly transfer To your bank account but it will allow You to interact with your digital wallet On X that's a pretty big deal and then Just you mentioned him earlier just Wanted to leave people with this don't Get shaken out they had the AI fud Yesterday you've got binance fud today About the selling with winter me you got Fomc fud tomorrow shake them all out Then we proceed to the next layup I got Good news for you TJ I got good news for You so the the Arizona situation so this Is technically it's a bill uh no I'm Sorry technically it has to get out a Committee so it's not quite a bill just Yet needs to pass out a committee after It gets out of the the state senate Committee then it goes to the state Senate for a vote but TJ I did the alpha I did the live research while you guys Were talking I counted there's 30 state Senators guess the breakdown between Republicans and Democrats out of 30 out
Of uh 17713 in the favor of Republicans there You go that increases the odds that this Might be passed now of course we don't Know I don't know the individuals I just Want to do that quick breakdown for you Folks and if I need just a quick Breakdown on the like buttons from you Guys let's pump those numbers where do We end up uh over 800 so we crushed it Th000 likes today no problem I love it If you're watching uh you know you're Watching not live we're not at a Thousand yet please help us out it Really helps us out and thank you uh We're just trying to make you live Content and content seven days a week We're going to go do that right now we Got more research to do folks that we Got yeah there's so much content